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Love, Hate & Propaganda: The Cold War

After World War 2, two powerful blocs, a democratic and capitalist west led by the United States and a communist world dominated by the Soviet Union faced each other. Each side claimed the other was an implacable ideological foe bent on the destruction of their way of life. This battle would never produce direct armed confrontation between the two countries, but it mobilized minds as never before. The Cold War was the ultimate psychological battle. Its weapons were love, hate and propaganda.

One Ocean


Cast off and join us on a great adventure into a mysterious world - the ocean. Join David Suzuki now and sign up for the One Ocean Pledge, an open call to make a difference in the future life of the ocean.

Visit our 3D Biosphere to create your own personal marine reserve; play games that help you balance the health of your reserve's ecosystem; swim with pre-historic creatures and set a record in the fast-paced Pollution Collector game.

Ocean Explorer will take you on guided tours of the deep sea. Timelines, profiles of sea life, marine experts, webisodes, podcasts and much more will allow you to immerse yourself in our planet's vast ocean.

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We Will Remember Them

Pay Tribute to Canada's Fallen Soldiers

See Canada's fallen soldiers as civilians and in the uniforms they were proud to wear. Read personal stories from family members and pay your tribute online.

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