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Suspect in fatal armoured car heist arrives in Edmonton

Travis Baumgartner, the man accused of shooting three fellow security guards to death and critically wounding a fourth in an apparent armoured car robbery, has been returned to Edmonton. 10:33 PM ET video

Mortgage rules to be tightened further by Ottawa

The federal Finance Department is moving to further tighten mortgage rules to address concerns over household debt, including a reduction in the maximum amortization period from 30 to 25 years for government-insured mortgages. 10:21 PM ET video

Public sector sick days cost $1 billion a year

Federal workers have been booking off sick in record numbers, costing Canadian taxpayers more than $1 billion a year in lost wages alone, a confidential government report obtained by CBC News reveals. 11:10 PM ET video

new Syria crisis prompts military to mull intervention plans

The Canadian military is drawing up contingency plans in case the Harper government chooses to join any international intervention in the Syrian crisis. 2:51 AM ET

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  • Google Transparency Report Jun. 20, 2012 4:50 PM Google reports that governments, including Canada, are limiting internet openness and that the public is left to rely on companies such as Google to safeguard freedom of expression online.

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