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Sweeping immigration changes to give new power to minister

Sweeping changes proposed in a new immigration bill would give new powers to the minister of immigration, including the ability to deny entry to visitors for public policy reasons and to override the rules to let otherwise inadmissible people come to Canada. 9:37 PM ET video

Public sector sick days cost $1 billion a year

Federal workers have been booking off sick in record numbers, costing Canadian taxpayers more than $1 billion a year in lost wages alone, a confidential government report obtained by CBC News reveals. 11:10 PM ET video

Ottawa talking with provinces over election date conflicts

The federal government is talking with several provinces about correcting an overlap in election dates for 2015, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Wednesday. 6:52 PM ET

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The House

  • Flaherty ready to act if euro crisis triggers 'disorderly markets' Jun. 16, 2012 11:00 AM This week on The House, host Evan Solomon talks with Finance Minister Jim Flaherty about Sunday's Greek election and the upcoming G-20 leaders meeting in Los Cabos, Mexico. Then, we speak to Environment Minister Peter Kent ahead of the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Brazil, as well as CEO and president of the National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy David McLaughlin, and Green Party leader Elizabeth May. Finally, former prime minister Jean Chretien weighs in on the future of the Liberal Party just as a museum exhibit opens in his honour.