
Thursday 21 June 2012

A grand young Duke

The Duke of Cambridge, who is 30 today, has shown great maturity as he carries out his duties responsibly and with charm

Bonny Prince William: the Duke of Cambridge is 30 today
Bonny Prince William: the Duke of Cambridge, pictured here when he was a baby, turns 30 today Photo: PA

Turning 30 is often seen as a symbolic moment, an assumption of adult responsibility after the carefree teens and twenties. But for the Duke of Cambridge, who reaches that landmark today, responsibility has been a constant companion, in the form of duties to the military, charity and country that a few nights on the town will have done little to leaven. Even his marriage was soon interrupted by a six-week mission to the Falklands – and while the £10 million inheritance that he receives today might be welcome, it is also a reminder of a mother’s life cruelly cut short.

Given the pressure and scrutiny they are under, the Duke and his brother have emerged as remarkably well-balanced individuals, blending informality and charm with a constant awareness of their role. In doing so, they have made a very difficult job look effortlessly easy. We wish him many happy returns.

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