
Thursday 21 June 2012

Pump action

The 3p fuel duty rise due in August should be abandoned to stimulate consumer spending

Fuelling the debate: August's planned 3p rise in fuel duty could be scrapped
Fuelling the debate: the Government must decide whether to scrap its planned fuel duty increase Photo: PA

When the Policy Exchange think tank asked voters to list “the most helpful things politicians could do to improve life for you and your family”, by far the most popular answer – apart from cutting energy bills – was to lower the price of petrol. It is no wonder, then, that Downing Street is agonising over whether to abandon the 3p rise in fuel duty that is due to be introduced this August.

The position of the Treasury number-crunchers is understandable: with the oil price dropping, the fuel duty increase will make a valuable contribution to the public purse without overly increasing the pressure on the public’s pockets. But voters are taxed enough, and strained enough, already. Drivers, in particular, have been treated as the state’s milch cows for many a long year, paying swingeing motoring taxes (higher, according to some estimates, than in any country in the world save Turkey), of which less than half are reinvested in the road network.

The other great merit of scrapping the planned increase is that it will act, in effect, as a giveaway to consumers. Such a stimulus to spending would be particularly welcome in the current economic situation – which is precisely the argument made by Andy Clarke, the chief executive of Asda, who is one of many business leaders urging the Chancellor to waive the rise. At a time, as he points out, when a full quarter of the supermarket’s customers are worried that they will not be able to pay for the goods in their shopping baskets, anything the Government can do to provide people with more money will be vital in spurring consumer spending, and staving off a prolonged and damaging recession. Despite the lost revenue, the Government should grit its teeth, and let us keep our money.

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