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Wednesday 19 December 2012


Earth is your source for environmental and green news, with information on global warming, pollution, green living and recycling, as well as tips on how to cut your contribution to climate change.

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More deformities expected this year from schmallenberg

Farmers face a nerve-racking lambing season this year after the UK’s top vet confirmed most livestock in England and Wales is now infected with Schmallenberg and the rate of deformities in calves and lambs is likely to be worse than last year.

18 Dec 2012

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Plan for solar park on edge of Norfolk Broads

Villagers fight plans for giant solar farm the size of 43 football pitches on the edge of Norfolk Broads national park.

18 Dec 2012

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Countryfile presenter 'demonised pine trees'

John Craven provokes fury from forestry experts for “demonising” conifer trees on BBC's Countryfile .

17 Dec 2012

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The seeds of another GM row are sown

Owen Paterson's outburst at opponents seems set to revive a decade-old war, says Geoffrey Lean

14 Dec 2012

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Great white shark vs seal

A Great White Shark hunts a   seal in False Bay, off the coast of Cape Town, South Africa

A great white shark hunts a seal off the coast of Cape Town, South Africa.

14 Dec 2012

Stunning northern lights

The northern lights and beautiful landscapes in Sweden and Norway.

14 Dec 2012

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Sketch: For Frackin' George Flash, it's a gas, gas, gas

Michael Deacon watches MPs debate the risks of extracting shale gas as Ed Davey gives fracking the go-ahead.

14 Dec 2012

'Extinct' oil beetle discovered in Devon

Beetle thought to have been extinct for more than 100 years rediscovered in the south west.

14 Dec 2012

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British scientists appeal to world for Ash dieback help

British scientists have made a global appeal for help finding weaknesses in the fungus causing ash dieback after publishing the first molecular sequencing data on the disease.

14 Dec 2012

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How to get the most out of shale

Telegraph View: The Government needs to confront the scare stories being peddled by opponents of shale gas

13 Dec 2012

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Ministers 'lack ambition' over marine conservation

Ministers have been accused of preferring wild flower meadows to marine wildlife after ditching plans for almost 100 offshore conservation zones.

13 Dec 2012

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Fracking: how shale gas is extracted

UK energy company Cuadrilla, has been given the green light to continue its exploration for the new energy source.

13 Dec 2012

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Shale gas energy bonanza 'unlikely'

The Telegraph's Science Correspondent Nick Collins says hopes of a cheap gas revolution may be wishful thinking, and the extent of UK shale gas reserves is still unclear.

13 Dec 2012

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Wildlife in danger from plans to scrap Natural England

Some of Britain’s most precious landscapes are in danger of being built on under the Government’s latest plans to weaken protection of the countryside by scrapping environment quangos.

13 Dec 2012

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lou draft

Household fuel bills are set to go up by £40 in the next three years because of the cost of building wind farms, government advisers have admitted, but the cost will go up even more if the country relies on a "dash for gas".

13 Dec 2012

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Fracking ban lifted: Q&A

As the Government lifts a ban on shale gas fracking, here is an explanation of how the process works and why it is so controversial.

13 Dec 2012

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Fracking: Green light for shale gas could infuriate rural communities

Ministers are expected to approve gas “fracking” after the Prime Minister said the controversial technique could help bring down household energy bills.

12 Dec 2012

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Art of Nature

Wildlife across Africa, photographed by Heinrich van den Berg.

12 Dec 2012

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Ash dieback response delayed due to other outbreaks

Environment officials reacted slowly to the detection of ash dieback in Britain because they were too busy trying to stamp out dozens of other outbreaks and did not have enough experts available, MPs have been told.

11 Dec 2012

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Has Doha finally laid the ghosts of Copenhagen to rest?

In terms of fighting global warming right now, it is a failure. But by finally sorting out the Kyoto Protocol and moving towards a global deal where both rich and poor countries cut carbon, could the Doha Deal finally move the world towards the treaty first hoped for in Copenhagen?

10 Dec 2012

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Shale gas is not a game changer

Shale gas is not a game changer in the UK, a Government adviser has said, as a new report warns production will disrupt communities and risk water supplies.

10 Dec 2012

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GM trials to go ahead next year

Scientists will go ahead with plans to plant genetically modified (GM) crops in the UK next year, despite vandalism during the summer.

10 Dec 2012

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Rare bird returns to remote British island after RSPB kill off feral cats

A rare bird has been found breeding again on a remote British island, almost 180 years since it was last recorded there, after a conservation programme led by the RSPB killed off all the feral cats.

10 Dec 2012

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Coming face to face with the 'Wolfman'

'Dangerous? You are more likely to die from meeting a werewolf than a real one.’ Allan Hall meets the 'Wolfman’.

10 Dec 2012

Chasing ice

Powerful series of photographs tell the story of Iceland's retreating glaciers.

10 Dec 2012

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