Looking for a Supreme decision

Senators and news organizations again ask for cameras in the Supreme Court.

More Telnaes Animations

Sheldon Adelson’s gift

Sheldon Adelson’s gift

More fallout from Citizens United ruling: $10 million to the Romney campaign.
Tapping into anti-Obamacare sentiment

Tapping into anti-Obamacare sentiment

Insurers’ group gave U.S. Chamber of Commerce $86 million for lobbying.
In Big Health Care’s pocket

In Big Health Care’s pocket

The industry has some lawmakers ready for big legislation.
R.I.P. public option

R.I.P. public option

The first victim of the “death panels.”

More Telnaes Animations

Ann Telnaes has been creating animated editorial cartoons for The Washington Post since 2008.

More about Telnaes

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