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Red Cross to pluck wounded from Syria's Homs

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1 of 16. Demonstrators protest against Syria's President Bashar al-Assad at Al Sukri in Aleppo June 19, 2012. Picture taken June 19, 2012.

Credit: Reuters/Shaam News Network/Handout

GENEVA/BEIRUT | Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:12pm EDT

GENEVA/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Aid teams stood ready on Wednesday to enter the contested Syrian city of Homs to evacuate people trapped and wounded by 10 days of fighting between rebels and forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad.

Both sides agreed to a temporary truce, the International Committee of the Red Cross said from Geneva.

Teams from the ICRC and its partner the Syrian Red Crescent were ready to go into Homs as soon as possible, but an ICRC spokesman said no evacuations would take place before Thursday at the earliest.

"Fighting has been raging for more than 10 days between the Syrian Army and armed opposition groups in several neighborhoods of Homs city," said Béatrice Mégevand-Roggo, the ICRC's regional head of operations.

"Hundreds of civilians are stuck in the old city of Homs, unable to leave and find refuge in safer areas, because of the ongoing armed confrontations."

Pro-opposition Homs residents said rebels and troops were still locked in fierce battles on Wednesday evening in the neighborhoods the ICRC wanted to enter.

"They are still firing mortars and missiles into the city and there is heavy fighting in al-Qusour, al-Qarabis and al-Khalidiya," said activist Abu Yazen.

Homs has been at the centre of the 15-month revolt against Assad and became the focus of world concern in February and March, when opposition-held neighborhoods endured weeks of government bombardments and sniper fire in which hundreds of people were killed.

A Homs resident said a similar evacuation agreement was reached a few days ago but collapsed when shots were fired by Assad's forces. The government said on Tuesday it was trying to evacuate civilians and blamed rebel fighters for obstructing efforts to get people out safely.

In other action, rebels stormed an army barracks in the northwestern province of Latakia overnight and killed at least 20 soldiers, the pro-opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

The rebels had captured some soldiers, including a colonel, and seized machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades, it said.

Latakia, a Mediterranean coastal province and home to Syria's main port, was relatively free of warfare until the past month.


As the action unfolded in Syria, world leaders aired their differences over the conflict at the G20 Summit at the Mexican resort of Los Cabos.

U.S. President Barack Obama said Assad, whose family have ruled Syria for four decades, had lost all legitimacy and that it was impossible to conceive of any solution to the violence that left him in power.

But Russian President Vladimir Putin told reporters at the end of the summit: "We believe that nobody has the right to decide for other nations who should be brought to power, who should be removed from power."

Alarmed but apparently impotent to resolve the crisis, the outside world is deeply divided in its response to the increasingly sectarian conflict that threatens to become a proxy war for regional powers.

Western nations and their Sunni Muslim allies in the Gulf and Turkey seek Assad's overthrow but are wary of intervention, while Russia, China and Shi'ite Iran - Assad's strategic ally - have protected Assad from a tough international response.

The situation has now become so dire that a United Nations observer force, originally deployed to monitor a ceasefire, halted patrols on Saturday after convoys were shot at and attacked by crowds.

Observatory head Rami Abdelrahman said that in the Latakia barracks raid, fighting went on from Tuesday late until just before dawn on Wednesday. Two buildings were destroyed, he said.

In assaults against opposition strongholds across the country, soldiers and militias loyal to Assad killed 19 people on Wednesday, he said.

Six fatalities were on the outskirts of the capital Damascus which the government has shelled in an attempt to claw back ground lost to the rebels who had set up their own checkpoints.

Activists in central Hama city said the army shelled Arbaeen neighborhood and troops were preparing to the storm the area.

Also on Wednesday, a convoy carrying an Italian journalist was hit by two roadside bombs, killing a Syrian policeman and wounding three others, while it was travelling to the southern town of Deraa, the Italian news agency ANSA said.

Claudio Accogli, an ANSA correspondent, was unhurt.


The United Nations says more than 10,000 people have been killed by government forces during the conflict, while Syria says at least 2,600 members of the military and security forces have been killed by what it calls foreign-backed "Islamist terrorists".

International efforts to halt the violence are deadlocked because Russia and China, which hold veto power in the U.N. Security Council, have blocked tougher action against Assad. They say the solution must come through political dialogue, an approach most of the Syrian opposition rejects.

But a peace plan proposed by international envoy and Nobel Peace laureate Kofi Annan has all but collapsed and the West is unwilling to intervene militarily, as it did in Libya last year to seal the fate of Muammar Gaddafi.

What began as a peaceful protest movement has developed into a civil war between the armed factions, marked by a campaign of repression by Assad's forces that has been internationally condemned for its ferocity.

Despite Western diplomatic and moral support for the rebels, the large, well-equipped government forces have them outgunned, making a swift resolution to the conflict an unlikely prospect.

(Additional reporting by Catherine Hornby in Rome; Editing by Angus MacSwan and Kevin Liffey)

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Comments (22)
NukerDoggie wrote:

Talk about mindless and deceptive spin – Obama and Cameron would have us believe the Russians and Chinese are just about to sign onto their latest regime change plan! Nothing could be further from the truth. The two have utterly FAILED to get Russia or China to even consider jumping on board with ANY Western-sponsored plan for Syria.

These two are the epitome of ‘politician’ – whatever they say, take the opposite and you’ll be close to the truth.

Jun 19, 2012 12:11am EDT  --  Report as abuse

Thanks, Obama, brilliant commentary once again. We actually expected you to do something about this. Go on The View again and see what the ladies think about this issue.

Jun 19, 2012 12:52am EDT  --  Report as abuse
Austell wrote:

David Cameron is a Liar…

It is a lie that Russia wants Assad out…

It was a lie that Russian ships were sailing to re-supply assad…

It was a lie that Russia and China were planning a military exercise in Syria…

It was a lie that Assad massacred civillians in Houla…

All these things have been proven to be lies, made up by western media and their Islamist thugs in Syria.

But Reuters keeps harping on like the tabloid media propaganda agency they are…

They are lying to you about Syria, and they are lying to you about Iran.

That is their job, they are profesional liars, and that is what they get paid to do…

Jun 20, 2012 1:03am EDT  --  Report as abuse
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