@CNNMoneyTech Who will be the Kickstarter for businesses? Here are 8 candidates, including @crowdfunder, @Wefunder & @Crowdtilt http://t.co/O5oj9Dzv

2 hours ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@GriggsBrandon You kids get off my manicured lawn! iPhone snobbery greets Instagram's Android app - http://t.co/QSkQ3Q4S

4 hours ago via Tweet Button | RETWEET

@CNNMoneyTech Little bitty Minecraft fuels a company with $80 million in annual sales: http://t.co/7RVfivxg - from @jpmanga

4 hours ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech Snarky iPhone lovers "welcome" Android users to Instagram -- http://t.co/Y4ItopOI #cnn

4 hours agovia web | RETWEET

@doug_gross The aforementioned iPhone-Android geek fight over Instagram -- http://t.co/LtOLQF3X

5 hours agovia web | RETWEET

@CNNMoneyTech LightSquared: The wireless industry's biggest gamble is failing http://t.co/XAwy1qtV

5 hours ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech Do we really need Google glasses? http://t.co/uDiKumcl by @jdsutter

6 hours ago via Twitter for Mac | RETWEET

@doug_gross Story coming on iPhone-owner outrage at the -- *gasp!* -- arrival of Instagram on Android. Let your geek rage flow.

7 hours agovia web | RETWEET

@CNNMoneyTech Sexy Lumia has Microsoft and Nokia gunning for iPhone http://t.co/zgryrcRc

8 hours ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@CNNMoneyTech CustomMade's makers will build anything you can imagine. http://t.co/9R7zRrWc

21 hours ago via HootSuite | RETWEET


Botnet infects more than 500,000 Macs

According to a report posted Wednesday by Dr. Web, a Russian anti-virus vendor that may have a stick in this fire, the security of more than 550,000 Macs around the world have been compromised. FULL STORY

By Philip Elmer DeWitt, Fortune

Sexy Lumia has Microsoft and Nokia gunning for iPhone CNNMoney.com

A sexy, award-winning smartphone is going on sale Sunday at half the price of the iPhone, and it's launching on a blazing fast 4G network. FULL STORY

David Goldman

Filed under: Tech Biz

LightSquared: The wireless industry's biggest gamble is failing CNNMoney.com

The end appears near for LightSquared, one of the wireless industry's grandest and riskiest gambles. FULL STORY

David Goldman

Filed under: Tech Biz

Report: Apple investigating Wi-Fi issues with new iPad

Apple is investigating several issues with its new iPad's Wi-Fi connectivity, according to an internal AppleCare document unearthed by MacRumors. FULL STORY

By Stan Schroeder, Mashable

Filed under: Gaming & Gadgets

Huffington gets more responsibilities at AOL CNNMoney.com

Arianna Huffington, who sold her news blog service The Huffington Post to AOL a year ago, will be assuming some additional responsibilities at the company. FULL STORY

Chris Isidore

Filed under: Tech Biz

iPhone snobbery greets Instagram's Android app

Seriously, iPhone fans? FULL STORY

Doug Gross
By Doug Gross, CNN

Filed under: Mobile

Review: Nokia Lumia 900 is best Windows phone ever

There's a lot riding on the Nokia Lumia 900. While Windows Phones until now have generally been capable if not outstanding devices, the Lumia 900 brings Microsoft's mobile platform to a new level. FULL STORY

By Peter Pachal, Mashable

Filed under: Mobile

Bravo teams with LOLcats, Randi Zuckerberg for reality series CNNMoney.com

The network is teaming with Randi Zuckerberg, who left Facebook in August to start her own media company, for a series with the working title of "Silicon Valley." Bravo also unveiled plans for a tech series with the working title called "Huh?," giving viewers an inside look at the crew behind ICanHa… FULL STORY

Tech tools for your passive-aggressive side

In the old days, being passive-aggressive took effort. An annoyance -- like, say, a neighbor who has elected to make the stairwell his own personal broom closet -- would fester and fester until one was finally forced into action. FULL STORY

By Andrea Bartz and Brenna Ehrlich, Special to CNN

Filed under: Social Media

Google unveils 'Project Glass' virtual-reality glasses CNNMoney.com

Siri is about to get one-upped by Google. FULL STORY

David Goldman

Filed under: Tech Biz

Sponsor: Arizona bill isn't aimed at Internet trolls

Bloggers this week pounced on an Arizona cyberbullying bill, comparing the legislation to online censorship efforts in Syria and China and saying that lawmakers in the state fundamentally don't understand the Internet. FULL STORY

John D. Sutter
By John D. Sutter, CNN

Filed under: Web

Tiny regional carrier nTelos to sell iPhone 4S for $150 CNNMoney.com

The most competitive iPhone deal doesn't come from Verizon, AT&T or even Sprint. It's from nTelos, a tiny regional carrier based in Virginia, which on Wednesday announced its bold bid to sell Apple's iconic smartphone at a discount. FULL STORY

David Goldman

Filed under: Tech Biz

Phone customers ditch their carriers faster than ever CNNMoney.com

The average cell phone customer now switches carriers as soon as his or her second two-year contract is up. That startling decline in loyalty is causing wireless companies to rethink the way they do business, according to a new study released Monday. FULL STORY

David Goldman

Filed under: Tech Biz

Yahoo cuts 2,000 jobs as radical reshaping begins CNNMoney.com

Yahoo said Wednesday that it will eliminate 2,000 employees, around 14% of its workforce, as new CEO Scott Thompson begins radically streamlining the company. FULL STORY

Julianne Pepitone and Stacy Cowley

Filed under: Tech Biz

Size matters: Why tablets are shrinking, growing

When it comes to tablet computers, size matters -- a lot. But these devices are definitely not one-size-fits-all. And like Alice in Wonderland, the "right size" for tablets keeps shifting. FULL STORY

By Amy Gahran, Special to CNN

Filed under: Mobile

More cars are including integrated mobile technology. But some fear these vehicles could be hijacked by hackers. FULL STORY

Mobile World Congress, in Barcelona, is the world's largest mobile phone trade show. CNN will be at the event, bringing you all the latest news. FULL STORY

A new era in computing that will see machines perform at least 1,000 times faster than today's most powerful supercomputers is almost upon us. FULL STORY


The Wild Web

Have online comment sections become 'a joke'?
Gawker's Nick Denton: "I don't like going into the comments. ... For every two comments that are interesting -- even if they're critical, you want to engage with them -- there will be eight that are off-topic or just toxic." FULL STORY

The Wild Web comes out every Monday

Gadgets & Gaming

Hands on with the new PS Vita
I spent a week testing out the Vita on a handful of games. My verdict: It's a powerful and promising device, whose ultimate success will depend on whether developers make enough worthy games for it. FULL STORY

Gadgets & Gaming comes out every Tuesday

Mobile Watch

Most finders of lost phones try to access data
"A study of cell phones deliberately "lost" in major cities and recovered by other people found that more than 40% of finders tried to access corporate e-mail and online banking." FULL STORY

Mobile Watch comes out every Wednesday

Social Circles

The scariest tech trend of 2012?
South By Southwest Interactive in Austin, Texas, is the place where new web services and applications get their big break. So which new technologies might we expect to see breaking out at SXSW 2012? FULL STORY

Social Circles comes out every Thursday

CNN Tech Lab

Here's what Siri might look like
Thanks to Shapeways' "What does Siri look like?" contest, we get a little window into the minds of people who use Apple's voice-controlled "assistant." Some imagine Siri as a Superwoman. Some see her as more of a gender-neutral "it." FULL STORY

CNN Tech Lab comes out every Friday

The year's hottest, and creepiest, social apps

The year\'s hottest, and creepiest, social apps There's a new wave of social apps designed to keep you abreast of all the interesting and creepy people around you -- without requiring that you look up from your phone. FULL STORY

Smithsonian | Mar 28, 2012

Richard Clarke on who was behind the Stuxnet attack

The story Richard Clarke spins has all the suspense of a postmodern geopolitical thriller. The tale involves a ghostly cyberworm created to attack the nuclear centrifuges of a rogue nation -- which then escapes, replicating itself in thousands of computers throughout the world. It may be lurking in yours right now. FULL STORY

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