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Business School Rankings & Profiles

The Best Part-Time B-Schools

Check out Bloomberg Businessweek's latest ranking of the best part-time MBA, executive MBA, and executive education programs


Interactive Table The complete ranking

Slide Show The top 50 programs

Methodology How we identified the top schools

Ranking History Undergraduate rankings since 2006

FAQ Learn more about our ranking

The Best Undergraduate B-Schools

To give graduates a leg up in the job market, top schools are increasingly creating international programs that expose them to new countries and cultures


Interactive Table: Evaluate top EMBA programs

Slide Show: A look inside 40 top programs

EMBA Rankings: Since 1991

FAQ: How we rank EMBA providers

Economics 101

Reluctant to take a two-year hiatus from work for b-school, many applicants are opting for executive MBA and other part-time programs instead

Full-Time MBA

Slide Show: Best U.S. programs

Slide Show: Top international b-schools

Interactive Table: The complete U.S. list

Interactive Table: The complete international list

FAQ: How we rank the schools

The Best U.S. Business Schools 2010

Working through the post-crash hangover, B-schools put new emphasis on job placement—and some hard lessons learned

Part-Time MBA

Slide Show: Top regional part-time programs

Interactive Table: The complete ranking

Blog: Business School, Explained

Methodology: How we rank part-time MBA programs

FAQ: Frequently asked questions

Part-Time MBAs: Footing the Bill

With companies cutting back, students in part-time and executive programs increasingly are paying their own way

Executive Education

Table: Top open enrollment programs

Table: Top custom programs

Exec Ed News: On the Business Exchange

FAQ: How we rank Exec Ed programs

Maximizing Returns on Executive Education

When the recession hit, businesses decided executive education was a luxury they could no longer afford. To change that, programs must prove they can affect the bottom line


More on Distance Learning

Advances in educational technology have made distance learning programs a viable alternative to attending bricks-and-mortar campuses. Check out the latest on Distance Learning on Bloomberg Businessweek's Business Exchange.

  • NR = Not Ranked. Includes all schools lacking adequate response rates in one or more ranking surveys.
  • NC = Not Considered for Ranking. Includes all schools that did not participate in the rankings.

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