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Syria uprising russia putin
Jun 20, 2012
6:00 am
As the blood flows in Syria’s streets, the West has grown frustrated with Putin’s stubborn backing of President Bashar al-Assad. Here’s why even reliable Putin critics in Moscow see things differently: “We do not have the slightest romantic illusion that something that comes after Assad will be better. We see a religious war shaping up in Syria, and across the region — Sunni against Shia — and we want no part of it.”
Jun 20, 2012
3:01 pm
Afghanistan nato koran burning protests 21 02 2012
The troops will not face criminal charges.
Jun 20, 2012
1:36 pm
Merkel eurozone 200612
European leaders reportedly reached a tentative deal late Tuesday night at the G20.
Jun 20, 2012
12:47 pm
England football fans euro 2012
Only the geriatric recall England's last major soccer victory. As Euro 2012 advances, fans crowd pubs in funereal silence.
Jun 19, 2012
7:43 pm
Mubarak stroke critical condition
At one cafe in central Cairo, almost no one believed the reports of Hosni Mubarak's death — nor did they care.
Jun 20, 2012
7:53 am
Ai weiwei
Dissident artist says police have stopped him attending his tax evasion appeal
Asia-Pacific, China
Jun 20, 2012
7:14 am
Is Mubarak dead and do Egyptians care, should Julian Assange get political asylum, and can you blame an octopus for grabbing a dolphin's privates?
Jun 20, 2012
6:00 am
Blackberry south africa nigeria africa 2012 6 19
Brand is sought-after by South Africa's young, upwardly mobile crowd while Apple’s iPhone is viewed as a toy.
Jun 20, 2012
6:19 am
Yangon coke
Citizens of Myanmar may now enjoy Coca Cola legally, but foreign manufacturers have skirted sanctions for years.
Jun 19, 2012
8:22 pm
Egypt hosni mubarak cancer 06 20 11
Hosni Mubarak isn't the only prominent figure whose death is under constant speculation. Here, we round up other death rumors that were heard around the world.
Jun 19, 2012
5:58 pm
Afghan girl poisonings
Some claim the Taliban may be responsible, others blame "mass hysteria."
Jun 19, 2012
6:52 am
Egypt voting scaf 2012 6 19
The Supreme Council of Armed Forces' 11th-hour power grab shows the tumult of Egypt's attempt with democracy.
Jun 19, 2012
11:05 am
Aum supreme truth 2012 6 19
How the capture of three fugitives associated with Japan's deadliest terrorist attack brings only partial closure.
Jun 19, 2012
2:13 pm
Pakistan pm gilani political chaos
Supreme Court dismisses prime minister, plunging Pakistan into disarray.
Jun 19, 2012
5:22 pm
Liu yang china astronaut 2012 06 19
In the span of one week, China was lauded for sending a woman into space, then condemned for forcing one to abort a 7-month-old fetus.
Jun 19, 2012
6:00 am
Israel opera carmen masada
Not this opera. Outdoor performance of 'Carmen' draws the esoteric, moneyed classes.
Jun 19, 2012
3:36 pm
Ecuador's Foreign ministry said is considering his case.