House panel votes 23-17 to place Holder in contempt of Congress

Jordy Yager - 06/20/12 04:21 PM ET

The dramatic action against the attorney general came after President Obama asserted executive privilege over documents that Republicans had sought.…

Video: Holder contempt motion passes panel in party line vote

Obama asserts executive privilege ahead of Holder contempt vote

Jordy Yager and Jonathan Easley - 06/20/12 12:45 PM ET

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee was set to vote on Wednesday to hold Holder in contempt of Congress.…

Related: NRA to score Holder contempt vote

Video: Cummings: Issa holding Holder to 'impossible standard'

GOP Rep. Smith presses Obama on legality of new deportation rules

Mike Lillis - 06/20/12 05:22 PM ET

Rep. Smith says the new policy provides "amnesty" to people who broke the law the minute they entered the country.…
White House move sets off lawmaker questions over 'Fast and Furious'

Mike Lillis - 06/20/12 12:16 PM ET

"How can the president exert executive privilege over documents he's supposedly never seen?" asked Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley.…
Obama criticized Bush administration for trying to 'hide' behind executive privilege

Amie Parnes - 06/20/12 11:12 AM ET

The criticism came when the Bush administration refused to turn over subpoenaed documents over the firings of four U.S. attorneys.…
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No criminal charges for US service members involved in Quran burnings

Carlo Munoz - 06/20/12 01:42 PM ET

Wednesday's decision could further strain relations between Washington and Kabul as 32,000 American troops begin rotating out of Afghanistan.…
Supreme Court experts predict justices will strike down healthcare mandate

Sam Baker - 06/20/12 11:02 AM ET

Legal insiders believe the court will strike down all or part of Obama's healthcare law.…

Related: Poll: Healthcare reform must stay on Washington agenda

Related: HHS touts health law for creating jobs

Top trade panel Dem splits with Obama, calls for linking Russia trade bill to Syria

Julian Pecquet - 06/20/12 11:14 AM ET

“Trade is about commerce; it also can be about conscience,” Ways and Means ranking member Sandy Levin said Wednesday.…

Related: Top Republican presses for clean Russia trade bill

Romney faces pressure from both GOP, Dems on immigration policy

Alexander Bolton and Pete Kasperowicz - 06/20/12 05:00 AM ET

Democratic and GOP leaders on Capitol Hill are calling on Romney to take a leading role.…

Related: McConnell: Romney should take GOP lead

Video: Rubio hasn't spoken to Romney about Obama shift

Obama campaign holds $110 million in cash

Jonathan Easley

06/20/12 05:55 PM ET

The campaign spent more than it raised in May, but is sitting on $110 million.…
Bernanke, Fed to extend $267B 'twist' to boost economy

Peter Schroeder

06/20/12 04:34 PM ET

“We are prepared to do what's necessary,” Bernanke told reporters. “We are prepared to provide support for the economy.”…
Boxer pledges to meet ‘for hours’ with Mica to jump-start highway bill

Keith Laing

06/20/12 12:28 PM ET

Boxer's comments come after committee leaders were urged by Boehner and Reid to "redouble" efforts to reach a compromise.…

Related: House votes to instruct highway conferees to finish work

GOP seeks to punish vulnerable Senate Dems on EPA vote

Ben Geman

06/20/12 05:11 PM ET

The Democrats voted Wednesday to uphold rules that force pollution cuts from coal-fired power plants, which Republicans call economically harmful.…

Related: Bid to kill EPA coal plant regulations thwarted in Senate

Bill limiting SEC funds to enact Dodd-Frank headed to House floor

Erik Wasson

06/20/12 03:38 PM ET

The spending bill denies the financial regulator nearly $200 million it wants to implement Obama's financial reform law.…
Major lobbying ban inserted into House spending legislation

Erik Wasson

06/20/12 02:15 PM ET

Former lawmakers and administration officials would be banned from representing some foreign governments for 10 years after leaving office.…
Romney campaign cuts press call short after immigration questions

Justin Sink

06/20/12 11:29 AM ET

Mitt Romney's campaign cut a press call short Wednesday after reporters started asking questions about immigration.…

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