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Book review – The Ethics of Climate Change

January 3, 2013 by Mark Whitman


‘No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible’ Voltaire (1694-1778)We often have trouble accepting hard truths. While most of us agree that global temperatures have increased at a very rapid rate in the last century or so, many of us don’t...[read more]

Will 2013 Be the Year to Take Your Ethical Culture to the Next Level?

January 2, 2013 by Frank Bucaro

So we started the New Year with anything but a collaborative,  ethical approach to solving our fiscal problems . What kind of leadership is this and is this any different than the way certain any number of other organizations operate? How...[read more]

Doha Conference: Moving Towards Stagnation?

December 31, 2012 by Mark Whitman

Some see the conference as a way forward for the future intergovernmental action. In the words of COP 18 President Abdullah bin Hamad Al-Attiyah “Doha has opened up a new gateway to bigger ambition and to greater action—the Doha Climate Gateway.”[read more]

The impact of global electronics consumption and e-Waste trade

December 28, 2012 by Mark Whitman

The global consumption of electronics and the trade of e-waste inextricably links First and Third World countries together through economic development and environmental degradation. In our modern society, we have come to rely heavily on information technology and computers for everything from work and production, to information and entertainment.[read more]

Santa's Annual Financial and CSR Integrated Report

December 25, 2012 by Elaine Cohen

Santa's done it again. At the cutting-edge of knowledge, global advancement, pioneering communications and sustainability commitment, Santa has published an Integrated Report, in the spirit of the 2012 zeitgeist and general reporting hype.[read more]


Season's Greetings from the Sustainable Business Forum

December 25, 2012 by Sierra Bellows

Best wishes to you and yours from us and ours.[read more]

75 Ways to Get your CSR Report Noticed

December 29, 2012 by Elaine Cohen

It is not necessary to print a full report. Often, there is room to add a short reference to your sustainability approach and link to your report on or in materials which are already printed, or where there is empty space (the inside cover of your Hotel Services booklet, for example). Alternatively, a postcard or small flyer highlighting some sustainability achievements and a link to the report could be enough to catch the attention of some of the captive audiences that are just sitting ducks, ready to absorb your sustainability message. This is about taking your report to where your stakeholders are and not expecting them to come and seek it out.[read more]