connecting the dots on a growing divide

News and Reporting

On Corporate Taxes, Britain Follows U.S. Lead

Why should British companies in Britain pay taxes, UK CEOs are wondering, when American companies in Britain don't?

American companies have no monopoly on avoiding taxes. British companies are also paying less in tax while reporting record profits. And American companies operating in Britain — like Amazon, Google, and Starbucks — happen to be some of the UK’s biggest tax-avoiders of all.

Presenting America’s Top Ten Greediest of 2012


The Institute for Policy Studies weekly on excess and inequality has released its fifth annual list of America’s most avaricious. Their stories remind us just how much needs to change, economically and politically, for the United States to become a more equal society in the year that beckons ahead.

The Case Against Taxing the Rich: Still Shaky


Friends of America’s financially favored have argued loud and long that higher taxes on the nation’s rich punish small business and generate no new revenue. What does the research tell us? Academic analysts have just brought a cart of “facts on the ground” to Capitol Hill.

U.S. State-Level Inequality: On a Steady Rise


Almost every single U.S. state has seen a significant growth in income inequality since the late 1970s, documents a new study from two leading Washington, D.C. think tanks. But states, the study stresses, can take equalizing action even if the federal government doesn’t.

A $2.8 Trillion Prescription for Global Renewal


Some 40,000 people a day are dying from poverty, the London advocacy group Share the World’s Resources details in a comprehensive new report, and austerity regimes are only compounding the world’s suffering. What’s needed? A “wholesale reform of the world economy.”

Keeping the Rich Comfy: Your Job Future?


We’ve lost our manufacturing economy in the United States. Now we’re losing our service economy. We’re rapidly becoming, some observers fear, a “servant economy.” Today’s youth are facing an economy where serving rich people seems to offer the best future with real opportunity.

Poverty More than a Matter of Black and White

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Far too many Americans still see poverty and poor people through a racial prism that distorts demographic realities — and undermines efforts to narrow income inequality. But recently released annual data from the Census Bureau can help point the way to a better understanding of deprivation in America today.

A Massive Income Shift from Work to Wealth

Researchers at the Cleveland Federal Reserve are tracing a disturbing income trend that now stretches over three decades.

A new study out of the Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank details the declining share of U.S. national income that comes from the labor we do and the rising share of U.S. national income that comes from the wealth we own. The big problem with that: Only a few of us own that wealth.

“An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all republics.”

ancient Greek biographer (c. 46 – 120 CE)

Our top reads

All Hail Wall Street, by Harold Meyerson

Reductions in wages and benefits explain about 75 percent of the increase in corporate profits between 2000 and 2007. Taxing wage income at a higher rate than investment income, consequently, only increases America’s growing economic inequality. (source)

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