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Savannah River National Laboratory Technologies Available for Licensing

The Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) "Puts Science to Work" to create and deploy practical, high-value, cost effective technology solutions. In 2004, SRNL was designated as the 17th National Laboratory, the DOE Office of Environmental Management Corporate Laboratory to provide critical technical solutions to enable and accelerate meeting the nation's environmental cleanup requirements. As the applied research and development laboratory at the Savannah River Site, SRNL serves DOE and the nation by helping to complete missions at SRS, throughout DOE, in other federal agencies, across the country and around the world. DOE's vision for SRNL is to be the nation's premier applied science laboratory in Environmental Management, National and Homeland Security, and Energy Security by delivering world-class innovative performance in national defense and homeland security technologies, alternative energy technology and cleanup.

SRNL's key roles are to address the challenges of cleaning up the environmental legacy of the nation's weapons program and provide key support for national security, homeland security and energy security objectives; to utilize technical expertise to provide vital national and regional support in promoting U.S. energy independence and the broader goals of DOE; to assist U.S. industry with global competitiveness; to support the safe and efficient cleanup of SRS; and to provide technical leadership for future SRS missions.

For detailed information about SRNL technology transfer, license agreements, and partnerships, visit the Technology Transfer website.

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