NMED Homepage

Air Quality Permit Application Forms 

and Related Information


Introduction to Air Quality Permitting in New Mexico (Do I need a permit?): 

Read this introduction if you are unfamiliar with the New Mexico Air Quality permitting process to help familiarize you with our terminology, guide you to our regulations, and provide the basic information to get you started.

New to permitting in New Mexico?  We suggest a pre-application meeting: 

If you are not familiar with air quality permitting in New Mexico, we suggest a pre-application meeting with our staff prior to your putting much effort into the application process.  We also suggest pre-application meetings for unique or complex permittting actions.   This link provides contact information for various types of permitting actions.


Types of Permits and Registrations

Notice Of Intent (20.2.73 NMAC):  Any owner or operator intending to construct a new stationary source which has a potential emission rate greater than 10 tons per year of any regulated air contaminant or 1 ton per year of lead shall file a notice of intent (NOI) with the Department, which must be approved prior to constructing the source.  Applicants should use the Universal Application Form when submitting a NOI application.


Construction Permits (20.2.72 NMAC):  Any person constructing a stationary source which has a potential emission rate greater than 10 pounds per hour or 25 tons per year of any regulated air contaminant for which there is a National or New Mexico Ambient Air Quality Standard shall obtain a construction permit from the Department prior to commencing construction of the source.  Applicants should use the Universal Application Form when submitting an application for a construction permit.


Construction Permitting options for the Oil & Gas Industry (20.2.72 NMAC):  Certain simple oil and gas industry sources may elect to use one of several simplified approaches to obtaining a Construction Permit (see above).  These are listed in the following table.  Find detailed information and guidance on oil and gas permitting here:  Oil & Gas Permitting Guidance.


Application Form Type of Permit Description
Universal Application Form Construction Permit Any Oil and Gas facility has the option of applying for and obtaining a construction permit customized to fit the needs of the facility as long as the facility demonstrates compliance with the ambient air quality standards and meets all regulatory requirements.
Universal Application Form Streamline Permit Compressor Stations that meet the requirements of NMAC.
GCP-1 Permit and Application Form GCP-1, General Construction Permit Compressor Stations that meet the requirements of the General Construction Permit, GCP-1, which was designed for Low Emissions Techology engines that do not rely on additional controls to reduce emissions.
GCP-4 Permit and Application Form GCP-1, General Construction Permit Compressor Stations that meet the requirements of the General Construction Permit, GCP-1, which was designed to allow use of engines with emission control equipment to achieve the required emission limits of the permit.


Construction Permitting options for the Aggregate and Construction Industries (20.2.72 NMAC):  Because these types of sources are so consistently similar, the Environment Department has developed and issued several General Construction Permits as allowed under NMAC.  Certain aggregate and construction industry sources that meet all the requirements of these permits may elect to use one of these General Construction Permits to meet the requirements to  obtain a Construction Permit (see above) under 20.2.72 NMAC.  These are listed in the following table:  

Application Form Type of Permit Description
Universal Application Form Construction Permit Any construction facility (i.e. aggregate handling facilities, asphalt plants, and concrete batch plants) has the option of applying for and obtaining a construction permit customized to fit the needs of the facility as long as the facility demonstrates compliance with the ambient air quality standards and meets all regulatory requirements.
GCP-2 Permit and Application Form GCP-2, General Construction Permit for Aggregate Facilities Aggregate handling facilities such as crushing and screening plants that meet the requirements of the GCP-2 General Construction Permit, may register to operate under the GCP-2 permit.
GCP-3 Permit and Application Form GCP-3, General Construction Permit for Asphalt Plants Asphalt plants that meet the requirements of the GCP-3 General Construction Permit, may register to operate under the GCP-3 permit.
GCP-5 Permit and Application Form GCP-5, General Construction Permit for Concret Batch Plants Concrete batch plants that meet the requirements of the GCP-5 General Construction Permit, may register to operate under the GCP-5 permit.



Title V (TV) Operating Permits (20.2.70 NMAC):  A Title V permit is required for sources that have a potential to emit more than 100 tons per year for criteria pollutants and for landfills greater than 2.5 million cubic meters (2.5 million-mg).  In addition, any source that have the potential to emit greater than ten tons per year of a single Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) or 25 tons per year of any combination of Hazardous Air Pollutants are required to obtain a Title V permit.  Except for certain "grandfathered" sources, Title V sources must also have a Construction Permit prior to constructing or modifying the source.  For first time Title V applications, the source is required to submit a Title V application within twelve (12) months after the source commences operation as a Title V source.   Applicants should use the Universal Application Form when submitting an application for a Title V permit.  Find detailed Title V permitting information and guidance here:  Title V Guidance Page


Public Notice Requirements (for facilities seeking a permit under 20.2.72 NMAC):  Find detailed Public Notice examples and guidance here:  Public Notice Page


Relocation of Permitted Facilities ( NMAC):    Facilities wishing to relocate may use the exemption provided under NMAC providing the proposed relocation is applied for and is approved prior to relocation by the Environment Department.  Find detailed Relocation permitting information and guidance here:  Relocation Guidance Page



Concrete Batch Plants

Permitting Checklist for Concrete Facilities with regular NSR permits (not GCP-5) using the Universal Application Form


Night Operations

Guidance for Night Operations  (August 14, 2006) (Adobe Acrobat Format):  This document provides guidance for night operations for Crushing, Screening, Asphalt, and Concrete facilities with regular NSR permits (do not use for GCP-2, GCP-3, and GCP-5 permits).  Your facility's permit must specifically allow for night operations before night operations commence.  This guidance outlines typical controls, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements that will be incorporated into a permit allowing night operations.


Cotton Gins

Information and Permit Applications for Cotton Gins

Link to Part 20.2.66 NMAC - Cotton Gins (PDF Version)

Cotton Gin Application in MS Word Format

Cotton Gin Application in Adobe Acrobat format 

Notice of Exemption Form

A form that applicants may choose to use for informing the Department of the presence of exempted activities and sources as per NMAC.

Exemption Notification Form (MS-Word format) 


No Permit Required (NPR) - Guidance and FAQ:  A NPR Determination is a courtesy the Air Quality Bureau provides as a letter stating that based on the information provided, the Bureau agrees that a facility is not required to have a permit or NOI.  There is no regulatory requirement or deadline for NMED to issue a NPR determination. 

No Permit Required (NPR) - Guidance and FAQ (MS Word format)        NPR - Guidance & FAQ (Adobe pdf format) 



Emission Factors

Link to AP-42 Emission Factors (EPA web site)

Aggregate and Asphalt Batch Plant Production Forms

Record Keeping Requirements Examples  (Adobe Acrobat Format)

Production Log for Aggregate Plants  (Adobe Acrobat Format)

Production Log for Asphalt Batch Plants  (Adobe Acrobat Format)

MACT Applicability

Initial Notification of MACT Applicability, Page 1 (Adobe Acrobat Format)

Initial Notification of MACT Applicability, Page 2 (Adobe Acrobat Format)

Initial Notification of MACT Applicability, Page 1 (MS Excel Format)

Initial Notification of MACT Applicability, Page 2 (MS Excel Format)

Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine (RICE) MACT

Information on RICE MACT (EPA website)

RICE MACT Notification Form (MS Word format)


Asbestos demolition/renovation notification form (MS Word Format)

Asbestos demolition/renovation notification form (Adobe Acrobat Format)


EPA Transmittal Application form (MS Word Format)

Oil & Gas

Vasquez-Beggs Flash emissions calculation Spreadsheet (MS Excel format)


Application for Qualified Generating Facility Certification

(for facilities applying for certification under 20.2.98 NMAC)

20.2.89 NMAC Qualifying Generating Facility Application (MS Word format, form vsn 3/13/2012)


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