Contact-Handled Bay
Waste Related
Volatile Organics Monitoring History

On January 1, 2007, the WIPP initiated monitoring for volatile organic compounds in the air around contact-handled transuranic waste shipping containers as they are unloaded for disposal. These results will be updated quarterly.

Analytes of Interest


Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and 1,1,1-trichloroethane (1,1,1-TCA)

Current instruments in use


Photovac Voyager field Gas Chromatographs with electron capture detectors

Limits of detection (Minimum Per MFG)


better than 0.05 ppm (vol) for both compounds

Sample count for the quarter ending


8491 samples from
 6-30-2012 through

Count of samples with VOC's detected

(excluding calibration runs)

CCl4: 5
1,1,1-TCA: 2

Average concentration of peaks detected (peaks quantifiable)


CCl4:  0.45 ppm (vol)
1,1,1-TCA:  1.4 ppm (vol)












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