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Posted June 20, 2012Today in Energy

The United Kingdom's natural gas supply mix is changing ›

Natural gas production in the United Kingdom is trending down due to declines in production from that country's North Sea fields. Imports via pipeline connections with Europe and seaborne deliveries of liquefied natural gas (LNG) now account for more than half of the U.K.'s natural gas supply. More

graph of U.K. natural gas supply mix, January 2007 - May 2012, as described in the article text

Source: EIA, based on Bentek Energy, LLC.


image of oil tanker

Who are the major players supplying the world oil market? ›

The world oil market is complicated. Oil companies and governments each play a role.

shale image

What is shale gas and why is it important? ›

Shale gas refers to natural gas that is trapped within shale formations.

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Try out the new interactive Electricity Data Browser ›

Test-drive the Beta data browser to drill down into electricity data including generation, fuel consumption, sales, and prices.

Data Highlights

Crude oil futures price

6/19/2012: $84.03/bbl

up$0.71 from week earlier
down$9.23 from year earlier

Natural gas futures price

6/19/2012: $2.545/mmBtu

up$0.313 from week earlier
down$1.772 from year earlier

Retail gasoline price

6/18/2012: $3.533/gal

down$0.039 from week earlier
down$0.119 from year earlier

Crude oil inventories

6/15/2012: 387.3 mmbbl

up2.9 mmbbl from week earlier
up23.5 mmbbl from year earlier

Weekly coal production

6/9/2012: 18.934 million tons

up0.450 million tons from week earlier
down1.290 million tons from year earlier


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