Men, children affected most by lack of work flexibility

Published: Wednesday, June 20 2012 4:58 p.m. MDT

Want the freedom of tending to your children even during work hours? If you’re a man, forget about it. Women have an increased chance of experiencing career flexibility then men do, according to Forbes.

Many workplaces continue to assume men "work long, hard hours and miss meals with family (and) skip social events, so they can rise to the top of the corporate ladder, if need be at the expense of all else," said the article.

In the United States, men lead single-parent households at 20 percent, the article said. Not only are men affected by the lack of flexibility in their careers; their children are too. Children are facing physical and emotional absenteeism, which in turn will affect their social and academic skills, according to Forbes.

Since dual-career couples are increasing as more women are entering the career world, many countries are seeing a decrease in fertility rates too, said the article.


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