Tech & Innovation

YouTube considers paid subscriptions, according to Reuters

YouTube is looking into paid subscriptions, potentially making specific cable channels available.

New data on elusive particle shrouded in secrecy

What they are looking for is the beginning to the end of the longest and most expensive manhunt in the history of physics, one that has involved several generations of larger and larger particle... Read more »

Published 6 hours ago


Stocks move higher on hopes of Fed action

Stocks rose sharply on Wall Street Tuesday as traders hoped that the Federal Reserve will come up with a plan to jumpstart the economy. Read more »

Published yesterday


Microsoft's long and tortured history in tablets

For decades, the tablet computer was like a mirage in the technology industry: a great idea, seemingly reachable on the horizon, that disappointed as hopeful companies got closer. Microsoft has... Read more »

Published yesterday


Governments asking Google to remove more content

U.S. authorities are leading the charge as governments around the world pepper Google with more demands to remove online content and turn over information about people using its Internet search... Read more »

Published June 18, 2012


U.S. shadow wars rely on drones, computers

After a decade of costly conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan, the American way of war is evolving toward less brawn, more guile. Read more »

Published June 18, 2012


China’s landmark space capsule launch puts it in company of U.S., Russia

It might not have been a giant step for mankind, but the launch Saturday of a piloted space capsule to dock with China’s space station prototype marked the country’s breakthrough into... Read more »

Published June 16, 2012


Tech growth fueling building plans on 'Silicon Slopes'

SALT LAKE CITY — Utah’s growing technology industry is prompting major development in the area known as ”Silicon Slopes.” More than 500,000 square feet of commercial real estate property is currently under... Read more »

Published June 16, 2012


Unmanned Air Force space plane lands in Calif.

An unmanned Air Force space plane steered itself to a landing early Saturday at a California military base, capping a 15-month clandestine mission. Read more »

Published June 16, 2012


Microsoft's 'major' announcement could be tablet

Speculation is building that Microsoft will unveil a tablet computer on Monday. Read more »

Published June 16, 2012


Report: Don't worry much about quakes and fracking

The controversial practice of hydraulic fracturing to extract natural gas does not pose a high risk for triggering earthquakes large enough to feel, but other types of energy-related drilling can make the ground noticeably shake, a... Read more »

Published June 15, 2012

1 comment

University of Utah students win Peoples Choice Award in clean tech finals

Navillum, a team of three MBA students and three researchers from the University of Utah, won the People’s Choice Award at the National Clean Energy Business Plan Competition, which concluded June 13 with an... Read more »

Published June 15, 2012


China sending first woman in space to test module

China will send its first woman into space Saturday along with two other astronauts to work on a temporary space station for about a week, in a key step toward becoming the only third nation to set up a permanent base in orbit. Read more »

Published June 15, 2012


Amazon founder to speak at Utah Technology Council gala

SALT LAKE CITY — Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon, will keynote the Utah Technology Council’s 2012 Hall of Fame Celebration, which honors the accomplishments of the Utah technology industry. Bezos... Read more »

Published June 13, 2012


Why your $999 MacBook is worth $250 or less

With the announcement of the new MacBook Air and Pro models at Apple's annual event for technology developers, many consumers are trying to sell their old models, according to SmartMoney. Read more »

Published June 12, 2012


Who will protect the freedom to blog?

Free speech is under fire. Online thugs are targeting bloggers (mostly conservative, but not all) who have dared to expose a convicted bomber and perjuring vexatious litigant who is now enjoying a... Read more »

Published June 12, 2012


Apple's WWDC 2012: The analysts weigh in

The Street's reactions to Monday's keynote are flooding in. The verdicts were mostly positive, but Apple (AAPL) analysts whose predictions outpaced reality had a little backtracking to do. Read more »

Published June 12, 2012


Verizon to ditch most phone plans for shared ones

Verizon Wireless, the nation's largest cellphone company, is dropping nearly all of its phone plans in favor of pricing schemes that allow consumers to share data usage among up to ten phones and... Read more »

Published June 12, 2012


Apple integrates Facebook into iPhone software

Fresh off a disappointing initial public offering, Facebook is getting a big boost from Apple, which is building the social network deep into its iPhone and iPad software. Read more »

Published June 11, 2012


Former UK PM Brown: Murdoch tabloid undermined war

LONDON — Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown on Monday accused a Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid of personally attacking him, failing the British people and undermining the war in... Read more »

Published June 11, 2012


Cars avoid crashes by talking to each other

As a safety demonstration, it was a heart-stopper: A Ford Taurus was seconds away from cruising through an intersection when suddenly a row of red lights pulsed on the lower windshield and a warning blared that another car was... Read more »

Published June 8, 2012


The one thing CEOs need to learn from Apple

A few weeks before Steve Jobs passed away, I was at Apple having lunch with a leader there. We revisited the well-known story of Jobs returning to an almost-bankrupt Apple. Read more »

Published June 8, 2012


Cars that avoid crashes by talking to each other

Cars of the future equipped with vehicle-to-vehicle communication, or V2V, may someday be able to take control of a car to prevent an accident by applying brakes when the driver reacts too slowly... Read more »

Published June 8, 2012


House approves GOP bill repealing medical tax

Scoffing at a White House veto threat, the House voted Thursday to repeal a tax on medical device makers that Republicans cast as a job-killing levy that would stifle an innovative industry. Read more »

Published June 7, 2012

1 comment

Want unlimited data? Maybe you should get a prepaid phone

As cell phone carriers such as Verizon and AT&T are getting rid of their unlimited plans, wireless providers with month-to-month plans might be the beneficiaries, experts say. Read more »

Published June 7, 2012


Sprint to offer prepaid iPhone with cheaper data plans, no contract

Sprint is testing us. Virgin Mobile, Sprint's prepaid division, just launched a test of the way Americans buy phones—and it could have tremendous implications for the wireless market. Read more »

Published June 7, 2012


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