
It's important to teach your kids to be smart and aware consumers

From the minute a toddler can utter the words "Lightning McQueen" another consumer is ushered into the world.

Red Cross, LDS Church strengthen humanitarian partnership

The American Red Cross and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints marked the silver anniversary of association Wednesday by reaffirming their commitment to work together for folks in need. Read more »

Published 2 hours ago


Mormonism good for the body as well as the soul?

Mormon religious beliefs have gotten plenty of scrutiny in this election, but what about the Mormon lifestyle? Turns out there is evidence that Latter-Day Saints are more likely than the rest of us... Read more »

Published 5 hours ago


Q & A: Marco Rubio on his faith of many colors

Christianity Today online editor Sarah Pulliam Bailey spoke with Rubio about his diverse faith background, how his faith influences his policy positions, and why Christians should be involved in... Read more »

Published 7 hours ago


Campaign spokeswoman: What if Mitt Romney were Jewish?

The Washington Post (WPO)’s Jason Horowitz reported this month that officials on Mitt Romney’s campaign don’t care much for journalistic explorations of their candidate’s religious beliefs. Read more »

Published 7 hours ago


Picturing history: Fort Osage

Fort Osage in Jackson County, Mo., was built overlooking the Missouri River in 1808 as an outpost in the land of the Louisiana Purchase to protect the interests of the United States. Read more »

Published 12 hours ago


Michelle King: Great family field trip ideas on 'Mormon Times TV'

On "Mormon Times TV" this Sunday: ideas for great family field trips exploring the LDS Church's historic past. Plus, meet a young artist who creates beautiful art using her head, not her hands. And... Read more »

Published 12 hours ago


Today in the Bloggernacle: Today in the Bloggernacle: Ryan Gosling's and Herta Klara Kullick's 'Mormon Moments'

Want to see Ryan Gosling dance in a Mormon talent show? And how one girl's missionary zeal in South America changed it's Mormon history. Plus how a decision to park the expectant mother's parking... Read more »

Published 12 hours ago


DVD review: 'Day of Defense' portrays Latter-day Saint legal thriller

Based on the book of the same title, "Day of Defense," a legal thriller about two missionaries arrested for proselyting is now available on DVD. This film provides an entertaining examination of... Read more »

Published 12 hours ago


Sen. Harry Reid steals Bryce Harper's 'clown question, bro' remark (+ video)

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid referenced fellow Nevadan Bryce Harper's "clown question, bro" remark in a Tuesday press conference. Read more »

Published yesterday


Talkin' with Trav: Jabari Parker, Danny Ainge and LDS missions

Jabari Parker is one of the best prep high school basketball players in the world right now. He is also a Mormon. He has a big decision to make soon - what university he will play for and whether... Read more »

Published yesterday


Wright Words: Why I'm glad I lost my campaign for Congress

As I pulled yard signs from the hard ground and untied my shoestring campaign, I fixated on two simple questions. Doesn’t Heavenly Father answer prayers? What was the point? Read more »

Published yesterday

1 comment

Amy Williams: Seeking and receiving personal revelation

This knowledge and the relationship I have developed with my Maker have carried me through many difficulties and I am grateful beyond measure to know these things for myself. Without a doubt,... Read more »

Published yesterday


Bloggernacle Back Bench: 'Good News!' BYU blogs of note and humanitarian work in Africa

BYU blogs are utilizing technology to showcase student art as well as family history tools. Plus highlighting messages of "Good News." And how the church continues to bring water to the people in... Read more »

Published yesterday


Researching Family History: Did immigrating ancestors see the Statue of Liberty?

An experience I had during chaplain assistant training school in New York in 1969 with my friend Bill was going to see the Statue of Liberty. I wondered if any of my immigrating ancestors saw the... Read more »

Published yesterday


'Demystifying' Mormon faith for media, evangelicals

Efforts being made to take some of the mystery out of Mormonism by the LDS Church and others are being reported by Newsweek and the Washington Post. Read more »

Published June 18, 2012

1 comment

Mormon Media Observer: Journalism reports on culture of doubt

Journalism's culture of doubt makes it difficult for journalists to cover questions about God. Read more »

Published June 18, 2012

1 comment

Jonathan Adjimani: 'I bless the day I met the missionaries'

Editor's note: This week, Mormon Times shares the testimonies of five scholars who are faithful members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Read more »

Published June 18, 2012


Latter-day Saint academics share their testimonies

This week, Mormon Times shares the testimonies of five scholars who are faithful members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Read more »

Published June 18, 2012


Mission Daze: Opening the call

In this Mission Daze comic panel, Alex Van Dyke opens his mission call only to realize he has no idea where he'll be serving. Read more »

Published June 18, 2012


Odds and Ends: Family history, youth treks and family cooking

This week's odds and ends contains links to articles about family history, young men on a handcart trek, a father and his sons working together in the kitchen and a new chapel. Read more »

Published June 18, 2012


Today in the Bloggernacle: Bible Videos and Father's Day

Watch two new Bible Videos and find a whole playlist of Fatherhood Mormon Messages. And twenty things this blogging dad likes to do with his young children. Read more »

Published June 18, 2012


Linda & Richard Eyre: Why a possible Mitt Romney presidency thrills many Mormons

There are a few different schools of thought as to why members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are excited about a Mormon running for the U.S. presidency. Read more »

Published June 17, 2012


'Daughters of Jared' a shining, new Book of Mormon novel

Heather Moore's latest Book of Mormon novel takes readers on a gripping historical adventure. Read more »

Published June 17, 2012


Reader voices: A humorous look at the Mormon movers

Bill Hill shares a humorous look a the service Mormon ward members do when a family needs help moving. Read more »

Published June 17, 2012


South Alabama seminary class tests the story of the talents

A south Alabama seminary class takes on a challenge to use their talents for good. Read more »

Published June 17, 2012


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