
Decline in Rx antibiotics for kids accompanies rise in ADHD Rx

Adult prescriptions rose 22% between 2002 to 2010, prescriptions written for infants, children and teens fell 7%.

Intermountain introduces new state-of-the-art Life Flight helicopters

SALT LAKE CITY — William Duehlmeir, with Intermountain Medical Center's trauma program, knows the importance of getting an injured patient to the hospital as fast as possible. "Speed... Read more »

Published 11 minutes ago


Medicaid's inspector general recouped millions in first year

SALT LAKE CITY — Utah's Medicaid inspector general has recouped millions in his first year at the helm of an office charged with uncovering wasted funds and suspected fraud. Lee Wyckoff told lawmakers in the Health and Human... Read more »

Published 31 minutes ago


Jailed Orem plastic surgeon now facing malpractice lawsuit

An Orem plastic surgeon sentenced to jail for gagging his girlfriend in a closet is now facing a malpractice lawsuit over allegations he left one patient with deformities. Read more »

Published 47 minutes ago


Decline in antibiotics prescriptions for kids accompanies rise in ADHD prescriptions

While adult prescriptions rose 22% between 2002 to 2010, prescriptions written for infants, children and teens fell 7%, according to the Food and Drug Administration. The use of ADHD drugs, among... Read more »

Published 3 hours ago

1 comment

1.5 million children in imminent danger of starvation in West Africa

Our Take: More than one million children are in imminent danger of starvation in West Africa, and it is projected that there are only four weeks left to help them before much of the area becomes inaccessible due to environmental... Read more »

Published 5 hours ago


Mormonism good for the body as well as the soul?

Mormon religious beliefs have gotten plenty of scrutiny in this election, but what about the Mormon lifestyle? Turns out there is evidence that Latter-Day Saints are more likely than the rest of us... Read more »

Published 5 hours ago


Teen recovering in Miami after spear removed from his brain (+ video)

Doctors in Miami have successfully removed a spear accidentally shot through a teenager's skull during a spearfishing trip. Read more »

Published 6 hours ago


Dust in homes with dogs may lower risk of asthma-linked infection

Homes with dogs have a lower chance of asthma-related respiratory infections due to bacterial communities dogs carry that is actually helpful bacteria. Read more »

Published 6 hours ago


Utah moves ahead with federal health reform mandates

Utah is taking action on federal health care reform regardless of an upcoming decision expected from the U.S. Supreme Court. Read more »

Published 19 hours ago


Audit: Medicaid errors result in $1 million loss

SALT LAKE CITY — An audit of Medicaid cases presented to the Utah Legislature Tuesday found that while Medicaid eligibility is well-managed, errors cost the program $1 million last year, with room for another million in savings... Read more »

Published 23 hours ago


Donations barely grew at all last year, 'Giving USA' report finds

Our Take: A recent report by "Giving USA" highlights the minuscule growth of charitable giving over the past year, and indicates just how widespread the effects of the recession and struggling economy are. Religious organizations... Read more »

Published yesterday


Loneliness can shorten your life

Living alone or being lonely can increase the risk of disability and early death, according to two studies in the Archives of Internal Medicine. Loneliness increases risk of heart attack, stroke,... Read more »

Published yesterday


What will the U.S. Supreme Court do with Obamacare?

The Supreme Court of the United States of America is scheduled soon to return its verdict on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, derisively called Obamacare modeled after the Republican Massachusetts’ model of... Read more »

Published yesterday

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Snyder signs bills banning synthetic marijuana

Gov. Rick Snyder has signed bills banning so-called synthetic marijuana. Read more »

Published yesterday


Congress poised to pass safety-focused FDA bill

A bill designed to beef up the safety of the nation's prescription drug supply is poised to pass Congress, but without a tracking system that public health advocates say is critical to weeding out counterfeit pharmaceuticals. Read more »

Published yesterday


The financial and emotional cost of addiction on families

Jessica Bosari writes on Forbes about the cost of addiction on the family unit. Read more »

Published yesterday


Fewer antibiotics, more ADHD meds prescribed for kids

Our take: Over an eight year period, attempts to reduce the amount of antibiotics being prescribed to children has reduced, however, the number of antibiotics prescribed to adults has risen by 11 percent, and the amount of ADHD... Read more »

Published yesterday


Shrinking stomach may boost risk for booze abuse

The most common type of obesity surgery may increase patients' chances for alcohol abuse, according to the largest study to demonstrate a potential link. Read more »

Published yesterday


Advocates focus on African children's disabilities

The recent commemorative Day of the African Child established a theme this year intended to promote awareness and aide for African children suffering from disabilities. Read more »

Published yesterday


Cambridge mayor wants large soda ban considered

The mayor of Cambridge has proposed limiting the size of soda and sugar-sweetened beverages sold in city restaurants. Read more »

Published yesterday

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Millions still go without insurance if law passes

the biggest misconceptions about President Obama's health care overhaul isn't who the law will cover, but rather who it won't. Read more »

Published yesterday


Pa. clinics to survive new standards for abortions

Nearly all of the state's abortion clinics are expected to remain open under a tougher law that raises surgical standards as a response to grotesque conditions discovered at a Philadelphia clinic two years ago, state officials said... Read more »

Published June 18, 2012


Shrinking stomach may boost risk for booze abuse

The most common type of obesity surgery may increase patients' chances for alcohol abuse, according to the largest study to demonstrate a potential link. Read more »

Published June 18, 2012


World close to ending polio, yet it's a tough foe

Kathy Gannon writes for the Huffington Post about the ongoing battle with Polio. Read more »

Published June 18, 2012


10 Best Cities for a Happy Marriage

RealAge presents the best rated cities to live a happy, healthy marriage. Read more »

Published June 18, 2012

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