tva logoTennessee Valley Authority

Green Power Switch®

gps logoTVA and participating local public power companies, working with input from the environmental community, have created a program called Green Power Switch to produce electricity from renewable sources and add it to TVA's power mix. Read more.

Ready to learn more?

Solar Power

Wind Power

Methane Gas

Ready to make the switch?

Residential Sign-Up

Commercial Sign-Up



TVA Honors Green Power Switch Leaders for Renewable Energy Commitments    View a slideshow of the awards

The Green Power Switch team is testing two new ideas in select markets. Read more about Pure Solar, which encourages Tennessee Valley homes and businesses to install solar panels, and Southeastern RECs, which provides a Green Power Switch option for high-volume users.


green-e logoGreen Power Switch is proud to be an official Green-e certified program. Green-e is a renewable electricity certification program administrated by the Center for Resource Solutions. Learn more here.


Additional Information






Participation Update

Residential Customers  11,197

Business Customers  527

Green Power Leaders

Green Power Partners

Green Power Friends


GPS Newsletter

See the latest issue of the GPS Newsletter.

Please click here to receive e-mail notification that the Green Power Switch newsletter is available online.


Renewable Standard Offer

Developers of small- to mid-size renewable projects in the TVA service area can now participate in TVA's Renewable Standard Offer.

Find out more.



Call the Renewable Energy Information (REI) Call Center at 866-673-4340

E-mail TVA Green Power Switch

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