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National Security & Safety

National Energy Security: Hear from President Obama on how we're taking action to control our energy future and reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

NNSA Highly Enriched Uranium Removal Featured on The Rachel Maddow Show
NNSA Administrator Thomas D’Agostino appeared live last night to break the news with Rachel Maddow that all remaining weapons-usable material has been successfully removed from Mexico. | Photo courtesy of the NNSA.

Last night, the Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC broke the news of NNSA’s latest achievement – removing all remaining weapons-usable material from Mexico.

Fueling the Navy's Great Green Fleet with Advanced Biofuels

From transporting the oil necessary to fuel jets and vehicles to supplying battery packs to infantry, energy plays a central role in almost everything the U.S. military does. Because of this reliance, it’s imperative that the military cultivate energy sources that are not subject to the whims of outside nations. While renewables like solar are playing a large role in this effort, advanced biofuels produced domestically are rapidly becoming another choice for transportation fuel.

Advancing our Nuclear Collaboration with the Czech Republic

This week, I joined with the Řež Nuclear Research Institute, the U.S. Embassy in Prague, Texas A&M and the Czech Nuclear Education Network in Prague, Czech Republic, to announce a series of bilateral nuclear research and development programs that will help to advance safe and secure nuclear energy technologies in both countries.

Secretary Chu Embraces Cooperation, Scientific Progress in Moscow
Secretary Chu and Rosatom General Director Sergey Kiriyenko sigh the U.S.-Russia joint nuclear cooperation agreement. | Courtesy of Dan Leistikow

Read about Secretary Chu's travels to Russia and our ongoing partnership to work toward a clean energy future.

Why the Nuclear Stockpile Needs Supercomputers

NNSA supercomputers are a key part of our ability to keep our nuclear stockpile safe, secure and effective.