• 5 cartoons about Romney's VP options

    Who will Mitt Romney select to be his running mate? Will it be Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels? What about Florida Senator Marco Rubio? Let's not forget former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice or boisterous New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. 

    Who do you think Romney should pick? Here's a sampling of what our cartoonists think...

    R.J. Matson / St. Louis Post-Dispatch (click to view more cartoons by Matson)

    Jeff Parker / Florida Today (click to view more cartoons by Parker)

    Nate Beeler / Columbus Dispatch (click to view more cartoons by Beeler)

    Larry Wright / PoliticalCartoons.com (click to view more cartoons by Wright)

    Jimmy Margulies / The Record (click to view more cartoons by Margulies)


  • Morning cartoon round-up

    Microsoft launches a new tablet, home values continue to plummet and college graduates just want jobs. Here is our morning round-up of cartoons to get you caught up on what's happening in the news...

    Cam Cardow / Ottawa Citizen (click to view more cartoons by Cardow)

    R.J. Matson / Roll Call (click to view more cartoons by Matson)

    Nate Beeler / Columbus Dispatch (click to view more cartoons by Beeler)

    David Fitzsimmons / Arizona Daily Star (click to view more cartoons by Fitzsimmons)

    Taylor Jones / PoliticalCartoons.com (click to view more cartoons by Jones)


  • Cartoon slideshow: Lance Armstrong doping allegations

    John Cole / Scranton Times-Tribune (click to launch slideshow)

    The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency has filed formal charges against Lance Armstrong, alleging the seven-time Tour de France winner used performance-enhancing drugs. If found guilty, Armstrong could be striped of all his victories and face a ban from competing in triathlons, which he turned to after he retired from cycling last year.

    What do our cartoonists think? Find out in our new Armstrong Doping Allegations cartoon slideshow.  


  • Five cartoons about Obama's immigration policy

    Last week, President Obama created a media firestorm when he issued an order that allows more than 800,000 young illegal immigrants to remain in the United States without fear of deportation.

    Here is a round-up of some of our best cartoons on the subject. What do you think? Comment below, or drop a note on our Facebook page. 

    Brian Fairrington / PoliticalCartoons.com (click to view more cartoons by Fairrington)

    Nate Beeler / Columbus Dispatch (click to view more cartoons by Beeler)

    Randy Bish / Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (click to view more cartoons by Bish)

    John Darkow / Columbia Daily Tribune (click to view more cartoons by Darkow)

    Jimmy Margulies / The Record (click to view more cartoons by Margulies)


  • Cartoon slideshow: Vacation time

    Martin Sutovec / Slovakia, PoliticalCartoons.com (click to launch slideshow)

    As the summer approaches, it's time for all you hard workers out there to take some time off and enjoy some much needed R&R. What, you're afraid of losing your job? No vacation time at your work? No money to go anywhere? 

    Nevermind. At least take a minute and enjoy our new Vacation Time cartoon slideshow. 

  • Afternoon cartoon round-up

    The GOP is palling around with imaginary friends, Karl Rove is worried that President Obama will buy the election and Romney's horse is off to the Olympics. Here is our afternoon round-up of cartoons to get you caught up on what's happening in the news...

    Mike Keefe / PoliticalCartoons.com (click to view more cartoons by Keefe)

    Rob Tornoe / Media Matters (click to view more cartoons by Tornoe)

    Dave Granlund / PoliticalCartoons.com (click to view more cartoons by Granlund)

    Tom Janssen / The Netherlands, PoliticalCartoons.com (click to view more cartoons by Janssen)

    Chris Weyant / The Hill (click to view more cartoons by Weyant)


  • Will Durst: Campaign Treasure Hunters

    Satirist Will Durst weighs in on the crazy amounts of money that will be raised to fund this year's presidential election..

    From out of the green mist enveloping the campaign doldrums they come. Relentlessly. Doggedly. Cattedly. Trudging, blank-faced and soulless. Armies of cash-hungry zombies brandishing partisan pickaxes, shovels and crowbars, with only one goal rattling around their feverish brains. Campaign booty. Pieces of eight. Entire 8s. Eight-figured 8s. 

    Nate Beeler / Columbus Dispatch

    We're in that lazy seam that marks the home stretch to the National Conventions, with little else to occupy opposing squads than raising moolah to prepare for the epic upcoming battle. Negative ads don't grow on trees, you know. 

    The peripatetic participants are as frenzied as reef sharks in shallow, tuna-rich waters trying to raise a little bit of money here, some more money there, how about all that money -- everywhere. At this point, the staffs are so laser-focused you'd think they were being pursued by the hounds of fund-raising hell. Maybe they are. Or the ghost of John McCain's '08 late October. 

    In May, President Obama picked up a measly $60 million versus $76 million for the presumptive Republican nominee ,and those figures were considered by most experts to be a drop in the Suck-It bucket. Slack City. Chump change. Must have been distracted. Weren't really trying. Had their minds on other things. It was Sweeps Week. 

    Monte Wolverton / PoliticalCartoons.com

    But with the election less than five months away, the time for random tips and digging under couch cushions is over. Right now, the collection plate is being passed with both congregations weighing and judging from behind praying hands. And the candidates have tuned their industrial-strength choir operations to sing en masse in the key of Thee. Except for Cory Booker. 

    The two campaigns expect to raise a billion dollars each by September, and that doesn't count the capital being sucked up by the Super PAC vacuums either. They laughingly call this speed-dating money-grab a "listening tour," but the only folks being heard are the ones speaking with big, fat wide-open wallets. 

    The country is being strip-mined for campaign gold. Keel hauled for buried treasure. Huge looting machines are dangling potential donors by the heels to shake large bills, blank checks and loose change out of pockets. Then they get a sucker and are encouraged to go away. But stick next to the phone. There might be another call. Might, as in, will. Repeatedly. 

    Adam Zyglis / Buffalo News

    Can't blame the politicians; it was the Supreme Court that fired the pistol starting this Amazing Race for Wampum when it decreed money to be free speech. The campaigns are simply searching for the most strident voices. Human shrieking megaphones. We're in the audition stage of American Idol where loudest equals bestest. Only problem is, one air raid siren sounds an awful lot like another.

    Don't bother asking what these big-time donors get for their greenbacks; you don't want to know. That's the dark side of democracy: those that give, get. Currency gets you access. Access gets you influence. And influence is just a small step away from being appointed to head a panel to write your own arsenic loophole into tap water regulation. 

    Face it people: In America today, the major difference between a campaign contribution and a bribe is five syllables. The cynical among us might say we no longer bother engaging in elections, we conduct auctions. But like everything else in this country, at least they're big. And loud. And expensive. 

    Will Durst is a political comedian and columnist for Cagle Cartoons Inc. Read more of Durst's columns here.  

  • Five cartoons about the crisis in Greece

    After Sunday's election in Greece, where political parties in favor of an international bailout won a slim majority, the country appears to have avoided crashing out of the euro zone. However, the region's debt crisis shows no signs of abating. 

    Here are five terrific cartoons about the crisis in Greece...

    Tom Janssen / The Netherlands, PoliticalCartoons.com (click to view more cartoons by Janssen)

    Rick McKee / Augusta Chronicle (click to view more cartoons by McKee)

    Adam Zyglis / Buffalo News (click to view more cartoons by Zyglis)

    Cam Cardow / Ottawa Citizen (click to view more cartoons by Cam)

    Petar Pismestrovic / Austria, PoliticalCartoons.com (click to view more cartoons by Pismestrovic)