
The refugee map of the world

There were 800,000 new refugees in the world in 2011, according to the latest data out this week from the UNHCR. 2011 is a record year for forced displacement, with more people becoming refugees than at any time since 2000.
• Afghanistan still produces more refugees than any other country - 3,054,709 - followed by Iraq and Somalia
• The US and the UK produced as well as accepted refugees in 2011. US: 3,778 (+24.9%) and UK: 150 (-2.2%)
• Côte d'Ivoire has seen a 270% increase in just one year, and Libya +89.9%
• 4.3m people were newly displaced
• In many countries, the majority of people "of concern" to the UNHCR are children aged under 18 - 72% in Eritrea, for example
Click the map to explore and use the dropdown menu to see other maps. What can you do with the data?
Data: download the full spreadsheet
Data does not include Palestinian refugees looked after by UNRWA


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  • seali

    20 June 2012 2:25PM

    Thank you, this is great. But the data you're using is missing Palestinian refugees registered with UNRWA - they are included in UNHCR's aggregate figures for refugees globally but they sometimes don't appear in detailed statistical data. Their numbers are in the hundreds of thousands in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria.

  • duradak

    20 June 2012 4:28PM

    Western politicians 'like' the 'refugees' because of their promised votes that will get them elected. But, terrorists in 'innocent refugees' clothing' are taking advantage of this to gain access to the greener pastures of the west. They will soon feel "discriminated" and start clamoring for their "own governance". Acts of extortion, threatening and terror (as an example from Tamil terrorist "refugees" in Canada) will spread.

    An al-quaeda jihadist 'expatriate' in France is holding four hostages..... today.

    Until the western politicians start seeing the future over their own gains, 'refugee terror' will keep on spreading.

  • Kevin Airgid

    21 June 2012 9:21PM

    A while back I created a neat interactive map of a typical Refugee Camp for CBC News, this might be of interest to your readers:

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