Voters let wallets guide them come November

This year’s presidential election may hinge on voters’ wallets.

More than half of Americans say their own financial well-being is the most important factor, or among the most important factors, when it comes to deciding who’ll they’ll pull the lever for come November, according to a study released Monday by

“How Americans feel about the U.S. economy and their own finances will be central to the election on Nov. 6,” said Claes Bell, senior banking expert with “While unemployment will probably be above that 7.2 percent historical benchmark when the election takes place, the key question will be whether Americans are comfortable with the progress that has been made since the economy took a turn for the worse.”

The telephone survey, that polled 1,000 adults earlier this month, also found voters were “deeply divided about which candidate will help households get back on track financially.” 

  • 21 percent said their personal financial situations would be better under former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney
  • 21 percent said they would be better under President Barack Obama 
  • And 8 percent were undecided.

But a majority, 50 percent, said whoever wins come November probably wouldn’t make much of a difference when it came to their wallets.

Will you decide who to vote for based on your wallet?



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Many people have given up on wallets anyways. Who needs one, if a person's assets can be measured in single dollar bills?

  • 13 votes
#1 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:47 PM EDT

"But a majority, 50 percent, said whoever wins come November probably wouldn’t make much of a difference when it came to their wallets."

With more than $4 trillion in cash setting on the sidelines, it should come as a surprise to no one why the economy added only 69,000 jobs in May and unemployment grew to 8.2%. The fact is, Americans no longer trust Wall Street, which reflects negatively on federal banking and market regulators tasked with protecting investors.

The private sector can create jobs faster than the government with efficient access to capital, but the government has to ensure capital markets are worthy of the public's trust.

Please sign the petition to the U.S. Senate Banking and House Financial Services Committee asking for improved oversight of federal banking and market regulators.

To read more about what we’re trying to do and to sign the petition, click here:

It'll just take a minute!

  • 1 vote
#1.1 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:19 PM EDT
Comment author avatarWillis CurryFansvia Facebook

With 4 trillion in cash on the sidelines & going into the shareholders pockets whats taking the private sector soo long to add jobs? Please dont let it be someone deliberately holding the jobs till after the election just so Obama looks bad. That would be childish & a very corrupt thing for corporate america to do. So whats their reason for not hiring a full 3 years after the recession has ended?

  • 10 votes
#1.2 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:53 PM EDT

Sad but that's whats going on. They know if they can hold out after the election they can get everything they want. We will have dirty rivers and air. Then we will be left with all the low paying benefit-less jobs with no future.

  • 7 votes
#1.3 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:21 PM EDT

Corporate America may want more but they know they'll be just fine under Obama. He hasn't done a single thing to rein in their excess or put a stop to their destructive behavior.

They aren't hiring in the US. They are hiring like mad in 3rd world countries. Which is exactly what they are trying to turn the US into with the big money being poured into the campaign by people like the Koch brothers.

Look what they managed in Wisconsin. They got regular working people to vote in an Autocrat that even goes so far as to tell them they can't use birth control. Who would vote for that unless they were brainwashed by big money?

  • 5 votes
#1.4 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:57 PM EDT

You can thank OBAMA for that.

  • 7 votes
#1.5 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:44 PM EDT

Why should they risk their capital? Read your post-more regulation, more taxes, more of what they got so I can be Okay.Why would any reasonable person risk their capital with those kind of winds. The private sector is under no obligation to underwrite the goverment or the public programs- if they pay their taxes, comply with the laws they have no obligation legally beyond that. Obama forgot that we are a Republic and decided to have a kind of imperial presidency where if we likes it gets enforced if he does not we use "discretion" to ignore it. You want this economy to produce ? Have a change in the White House in November or you are looking at Greece or Spain situation in our future.

  • 7 votes
#1.6 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:51 PM EDT

I hope more voters let their brains guide them this time around. To Obama, let them say, "Food me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me."

  • 9 votes
#1.7 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:00 PM EDT

mj...You think the recall vote in Wisconsin was about "birth control"??????? Oh bruther....

  • 6 votes
#1.8 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:01 PM EDT

Any thing to gain a headline.

The question should be - do I want my wallet to go backwards, and the answer is HELL NO.

With Romney you are talking about giving the rich more money on top of the bush tax cuts. Which by the way is driving the real debt of this country. Not the LIE of President Obama's spending. Which is the lowest since the 1950's.

How can Federal works of 800,000 get layed off and some how President Obama is spending more money.

If you call paying for the bush tax cuts more spending then yes and that's bush fault not President .

  • 2 votes
#1.9 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:05 PM EDT

Any rich people that Obama "hangs around with," are liberals. Rich liberals are those who think they have enough and willing to pay more. Rich people that support and hang out with Romney want to pay less and for the middle class to pay more.

  • 3 votes
#1.10 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:08 PM EDT

Willis, I have read several articles that say it has nothing to do with making Obama look bad. From what I have read, companies are not hiring because of the uncertainty over taxes under Obama. It's really not even the fact that taxes may rise. The problem is that businesses have no idea what their tax burden will be. Therefore, they are delaying hiring and saving money in the face of an uncertain future.

  • 8 votes
#1.11 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:09 PM EDT

One of the things I remember hearing when they were trying to pass the Bush tax cuts was that all those corporations getting the tax breaks would save so much money they were just going to go hiring-crazy, trickling down the tax breaks to the little people. They were even as bold as to call them job-creators.

Yeah right! is what I said then before ROTFLMAO. Now they say they can't hire because they don't know what the future holds with Obama. So where did all that money from the tax breaks go because not only did they not hire they actually cut jobs.

Those of you that think that things will be better with Romney are so wrong. A republican will NEVER do anything for others than those like them rich and entitled.

The rest of us working people will be the ones having to stock up on vaseline because we are going to get raped in the a$$. If Romney wins, we should all buy stock on Vaseline because it's going to get good for them.

  • 3 votes
#1.12 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:40 PM EDT

I vote on the Economic health of the Nation ... Good National Economic Health is the way to help the most people. It gets more people covered by health Ins. I gets more people into homes. It allows people to crawl out of the Ghetto. It generate an increase in tax revenues so we don't have to lay off Teachers, Policemen and Firemen.

I don't care about whether women have the right to kill their babies

I don't care about Homosexuals.

I don't care about whether or not a 35 year old law school student gets her birth control for a $15 copay or for free

I care about 200 million people out there that are worried our Nation is going to colapse before we have a chance to oust Obama.

Obama is the worst President ever, he is a lying sack of dog doo. Obama has put more people in poverty than any President. He is the Ghetto President, free cell phone, food stamps, college tuition for illegals.

Obama has single handedly gutted NASA ... NASA Jesus Christ help us. Obama is a godless sodomite

  • 6 votes
#1.13 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:48 PM EDT

Sure there is money sitting around in every corp to spend. However the middle class lost their jobs and savings and there is no more middle class that has buying power. Can't buy, scared to buy because repubs block all attempts for regulations like Glass/Stiegal. Who dares to buy things they can do without? When repubs plan is to privatize Soc sec, Medicare, and do away with the post office and give more tax breaks to rich while raising taxes on middle class to pay the taxes rich should be paying! All privatizing and cutting programs the middle class and poor depend on just to let the greedy rich get richer! They didn't get all the money first time around, and just like JP Morgan proved last month, the greedy rich are at it again! President Obama and the Dems stopped the bleeding economy caused by the repubs. Even repubs still put the blame on Bush for the economy latest polls showed last week. The whiners come onto blogs trying to forget the damage repubs did.

President Obama/Biden 2012

  • 1 vote
#1.14 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:52 PM EDT

I agree with Aggie that voters need to vote with their brains and not with their wallets.

However, if voters really use their brains and look at the situation we are in, they will see that Romney stands for the rich getting richer while the rest of us just have to look out for ourselves as best we can. If Obama gets re-elected, at least we have a chance.

Ivonne said, "The private sector is under no obligation to underwrite the goverment or the public programs- if they pay their taxes, comply with the laws they have no obligation legally beyond that."

That's exactly the problem. Corporations don't have to give a hang about the public good. We do really have a choice here -- we can vote for the corporate and the wealthy and give them even more control over our lives, or we can vote for those who believe that the power of the corporations and the wealthy should be limited.

  • 2 votes
#1.15 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:57 PM EDT

Yes. My wallet tells me vote democrat. Duh.

  • 2 votes
#1.16 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:04 PM EDT

The whole nation now knows that the day after the presidents inauguration, 14-15 repub politicians met to pledge to vote against every bill proposed that would help the economy. They pledged to vote against bills that would improve the economy just to make President Obama a one term president. They pledged to take the economy down just like Bin Laden wrote in his master plan. Actually telling each other they had to act like the Taliban and insurgents. Repubs then went ahead and blocked a record number of bills and did just what they said they would do. Act like Taliban. Ryan, Cantor, DeMint and Gingrich were among the pledgers. Then Repubs who took an oath to our country when serving in office take the Norquist Pledge putting Norquist above our country and the constitution they are to serve under. Ref:Richard draper new book

  • 4 votes
#1.17 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:15 PM EDT

Leave it to an Aggie to say, "Food me once shame on you..." Good to know. Hey some of my best friends are Aggies.

Anyway, wallet wise, I wonder if Romney could tell us how many folks in the last three years received some "trickle-down" from his $250 million, especially the money he parked in the Cayman Islands. That special less and no taxed investment money must have enabled something. What was it? If it was great wouldn't he talk about it during his stump speeches? I know he hates anything President Obama... so what. That's part of the Conservative mantra. Why can't Romney say something like, "During the last three years my investments in the American economy have led to (X) high paying jobs in (X) states and cities. These are my most recent personal acheivements."

The Conservatives have touted how millionaire and billionaires receiving subsidies, tax breaks and write-offs makes for a better economy. Besides it being better for them, exactly where else? Specifically how many jobs did they create? Where? When? By now they've had almost 12 years of breaks and so far we've had a recession that they created and made more money on. Where's the beef? Oh yeah... that's gone up too. Nice. Fewer jobs, less employees and higher prices. Throughout all this the Conservatives act as if America went to heck while they took a long nap and someone else wrecked the car. I've heard better stories from teenagers. This is the third time I've heard the "deficit going to hurt the grand-kids" story with tears. Dry your eyes and pick another one.

  • 3 votes
#1.18 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:00 PM EDT

My wallet started shrinking shortly after George W Bush took office. It's not getting better now, but it's not getting as bad as it will if the Mormon is elected. Each and every idea that Obama laid out there to change things was targeted by the Republicans to fail. You tie a man's hands, then you blame him for not fixing things. Trust me Romney was for the rich man, he is for the rich man, he will always be or the rich man, because he is the rich man. It's going to be sad day if he ever takes office.

  • 1 vote
#1.19 - Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:18 AM EDT

So why did Obama waste two years when he had both a Democratic Congress and Senate railroading his UNconstitutional HCR pork packed Bill that will only cost us money, raise everyone's taxes, just to pay for that monstrosity, and lose people jobs? He's made a climate where no one who runs a business knows what the hell he's going to do so how can they hire anyone when they don't know if they will be able to PAY them. Much less keep the company running, AFTER they pay all their taxes and regulation fees, and whatever else Obama dumps on them. Romney has no problem with raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans. That's another lie that the liberals tell. Obama thinks "the rich" should pay more than half of what they earn. That's punative, plain and simple. What's he going to do when there are no more rich to bleed? No more corporations or private businesses? The government should take over? Comrades will be assigned a job, pay will be put into the pot and divided equally no matter if one is a brain surgeon or a cafeteria server? You better believe that would not incude he and the Mrs. Their's will be the largest cut of the pie. And of course his celebrity friends would have to pony up (wink-wink) too. He's a perfect example of one who speaks with a forked tongue. How is it that anyone believes Romney would lay off and fire cops, teachers, firefighters. Those people are hired and fired and paid by the cities, state, counties...NOT the Federal Government, not any President.

  • 1 vote
#1.20 - Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:17 PM EDT

SJJones..Romney pays the same tax rate on his investment profits in the Caymen Islands as Nancy Pelosi pays on hers. And Buffett pays on his, and Kerry's also. And probably plenty of other wealthy Democrats too. Funny no one had a problem with the wealth of the Kennedy's. Much of it "ill gotten" gains from poppa Joe. Why should you think that Romney's personal money should trickle down to anyone? He didn't take it from the taxpayers. He is a very charitable man and donates large amounts to various charities. He puts a lot of it where it's needed, helps people and does good. When he starts to spend YOUR money, then you can complain, but until then MYOB.

  • 1 vote
#1.21 - Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:32 PM EDT

My 'wallet' has shrunk considerably w/Obama in office. Home value has dropped by 50%. 401K dropped by 50% in 2008. Prices are rising in groceries, energy, health insurance, etc. etc.

Obama apparently is promoting'more of the same' if re-elected. Why in hell would I want 'more of the same'? Obama consults with a very small group of advisors with no business accumen. I have read that he has met with his full caminent less than 3 times since he has been in office.

Obamacare is a horrible piece of legislation that will cost the country trillions of dollars. We are supposed to believe that we can add 30 million more insured to the prsent population, pay doctors and hospital less money and somehow 'keep our present insurance and keep our present doctors' and still save money! SAY WHAT?!!!

My wallet is begging for mercy. Obama must go!

  • 26 votes
#2 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:06 PM EDT

"401k dropped 50% in 2008"

Obama took office in January of 2009. How much has your 401k recovered since then? The major indexes are up almost double since March 2009....

  • 19 votes
#2.1 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:40 PM EDT

try as you might pbdr... conservatives don't understand things like statistics, mathematical trends, or economic measurement.... and don't understand when a president takes it office doesn't reset a downward spiral recession caused beforehand.... the downward spiral continues.

they don't understand that running a country is nothing like running a business... because a business doesn't declare war, police people, build public infrastructure, create laws, imprison people, educate people, and pretty much anything that doesn't involve profit.... because they are actually accountable for our physical and economic well being.

They don't understand that the president does not control the entire government or economy ... he only gets to say yes or no to the solutions and legislation congress presents... The solutions must come from congress all the president gets to do is suggest.

The extent of conservative logic is Government = Obama... government is doing bad so Obama = Bad.... thats all they need to disguard all other reasons to rationalize all facts and variables from thier own politicians and how they vote in congress.

The way you can separate a conservative lemming from a republican thinker...

Ask them "why would you vote for Romney?" without mentioning the president or use the word Obama.

Ask them "what ideas they have or heard that will do good for all Americans?"

You will always be met with a "uhhh" or "it just will" or some kinda generic no information response.

  • 20 votes
#2.2 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:08 PM EDT

I think her point is that Obama continued the same failed policy that bush put in place.. Bailouts and spending, and Obama has promised more of the same. If it were up to Obama, he would spend another 3 trillion to boost "public sector hiring" because the private sector is "fine". All that means is another large expansion of government by sucking tax dollars from our ecomony to pay some public sector union employee. Why do we need more government workers?

You see when you print money you further devalue the currency, and who does that effect the most? The middle class.

No one talks about the hidden tax of currency devaluation for the middle class when they talk of stimulus. Nothing but spin, spin, spin.

  • 20 votes
#2.3 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:15 PM EDT

MY foolish freind, who put you in the position youdescribe, who brought about the G W Bush GREAT RECESSION of 2008?

Who stepped in before even taking the oath of office and borrowed 5 Trillion Dollars to save the U S A & World financialy from destruction, wake up, use a little common sense and you will find that GOP, REPUBLICANS, ROMNEY types are the ones who put our nation into the worst financial decline since the REPUBLICAN DEPRESSION of 1930-1950.

The severe economic disaster of 1981 was the result of GOP, Republican REAGONOMICS (RECESION).

The difference today is that we no longer have republican statesmen, today we have republican shills who are in servitude to the IDEAOLOGY OF ZEALOTS and will not govern, negotiate as required in a DEMOCRACY!

  • 12 votes
#2.4 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:33 PM EDT

NOBAMA 2012!

  • 18 votes
#2.5 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:17 PM EDT

Do you realize how much worse off you will be if Romney is elected and the Ryan - Romney budget gets implemented???? A DISASTER !!!!!!

  • 9 votes
#2.6 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:34 PM EDT

Obama needs to go and congress has to get its act together,term limits for congress.

  • 17 votes
#2.7 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:38 PM EDT

1981 problems were the result of Carter.

  • 7 votes
#2.8 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:58 PM EDT

You need to look into the obstruction the right has caused during the last 3.5 years. They have voted against EVERY jobs bill. All to insure Obama accomplish nothing at the expense of the US economy. Most voters don't know their ass from a hole in the ground about what really goes on. If all you hear is from faux propaganda you will vote yourself into a deeper hole in November. You would not be on this blog if you weren't middle class and you are the ones that wall street is betting on to put them back in power. Look at where the money is going. Wallstreet is betting on rmoney and that is a bet against YOU.

  • 6 votes
#2.9 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:03 PM EDT

One change is all it would have taken to make recovery happen a lot faster ...

Change the filibuster rules.

Many bills that failed would have passed and the economy would be better off. I guarantee if republicans take over the Senate this is the FIRST thing they will do, to block the democrats from doing what they've done for the past 3 years.

  • 3 votes
#2.10 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:21 PM EDT

Your 401k dropped by 50% in 2008? If you can blame anybody my friend I suggest you look at the administration at that time. Now you and I both know that a 401k is a stock market investment that puts you at risk. If you lost 50% then you obviously have know idea how to manage (sell/buy) your investments and of course somebody other than you is to blame. Also I haven't heard you mention the European markets which directly affect your 401k. Ignorance is your fault. Not somebody Else's.

  • 1 vote
#2.11 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:35 PM EDT

"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government." -- Thomas Jefferson

  • 8 votes
#2.12 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:29 PM EDT

Do you realize if Obama is relected there wont be anything left of the country in 4 years.

  • 10 votes
#2.13 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:46 PM EDT

Obama has no plan, neither, it appears, does Romney. Obama keep spouting the same tired talking points that he has said from the get-go. He spends more time campaigning and fund raising than he does working. Please don't repeat the crap that even when he's not working he's working. Golfing is not working, regardless of how much your game has improved.

Obama is very much a tax and spend and grow the government at the expense of the private sector kind of guy. The current crop of republicans are a joke, they could have picked up the ball and run with it rather than working to make Obama a one term president. Boehner, well, let's just say he's there and leave it at that.

Paul Ryan's plan is better than no plan which is what the democrats have. What we have are simpletons and glory grabbers in office. Pelose and Reid, well, let us hope that they return from whence they came and never, ever return.

I will vote for Romney simply because an unfettered Obama is scary. His willingness to go around congress at every turn, his 'kill' lists and leaks and the ideologues who worship at the fount of Marx in his cabinet are deadly dangerous to a free society. I despair when I vote for Romney because the clean air, water and the environment will take a back seat as they always do with republicans, however, hopefully with Obama gone, a real leader can shine forth in the next four years and who cares what party they belong to so long as they put America first (one can always dream, right?)

  • 9 votes
#2.14 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:48 PM EDT

Wow Chuck you have 17 positive checks even though you blame Obama for the stock market collapse before he even became president. It's good you can post nonsense and still hear the cheers from the right wing crowd.

  • 2 votes
#2.15 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:11 PM EDT

But, but, what has Obama done to prevent such an occurance from happening again? Where are we with those pesky derivates? What regulations have been placed? Real regulations that don't involve nationalizing banks and letting Timmy kill small banks to feed to the big banks?

  • 5 votes
#2.16 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:52 PM EDT

There has been some regulation, but it is very hard for Obama to get anything REAL done with the Republicans stonewalling Congress.

I agree -- there need to be some serious regulations put down and enforced. It's not my field, but maybe the Glass-Steagall act should be reinstated.

Seems to me that we could do well with local Savings and Loans that pay real interest on savings accounts. That high-risk banking should be relegated to those who want to invest in it. And that Wall Street should be on the side, not at the center, of our economy.

But in order to pass those kinds of regulations, Congress has to be on board. Perhaps if we can get rid of those tax crazies we will be able to get something done.

  • 2 votes
#2.17 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:09 PM EDT

Remember in 2008 BOTH houses of congress were controlled with a great majority by the Democrats.

  • 6 votes
#2.18 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:47 PM EDT

Repubs complain that President Obama is on tv most everynight talking about his plans...whine whine whine...Now mygirl says President Obama has no plans. ???? No tv in your house mygirl? Mygirl whines about a simple golf game, while Bush took a record 900 days of vacation besides destroying the economy.

Mygirl knows President Obama has a better plan but is a paid troll to say the Ryan plan is better. Better for Romney who would get over $700,000 tax break while middle class pays 20% for the rich. You get to pay his taxes, how is the Ryan plan better for you?

Ryan plan destroys social security, medicare, post office, and gives even more tax breaks for the rich. Privatize for the rich because they did not get all your money the first time. Those are facts, while mygirl just calls people names with no facts. How would destroying those programs be better for you? They wouldn't!

    #2.19 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:38 PM EDT

    mygirl and Coco........More than two-thirds of Americans—including half of Republicans—still blame former President George W. Bush for the country's economic ills, according to a new Gallup poll released on Thursday, hours before President Barack Obama was to deliver a high-stakes speech defending his handling of the weak economy. Your spin doesn't spin with the MAJORITY OF AMERICANS!...

    June 14 2012


      #2.20 - Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:17 AM EDT

      Coco and (Texas!) MyGirl, both of you are Right On with your comments and many Americans AGREE WITH YOU!!!

      Ignore Starsail, he is a Heckler, self-described Black Sheep in an otherwise respectable Republican family who has never gotten over it.

      He now prowls the vine as therapy being a "Heckler" of anyone who does not support his Democratic agenda and Obama. He also has an unhealthy obsession with Grover Norquist.

      • 3 votes
      #2.21 - Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:52 AM EDT

      Quit is a stalker...........obviously has issues with people who use facts and resorts only to immature name calling to raise his status in his mind.. Quit needs serious anti stalking therapy with his personal obsession.

      Again...More than two-thirds of Americans—including half of Republicans—still blame former President George W. Bush for the country's economic ills, according to a new Gallup poll released on Thursday, hours before President Barack Obama was to deliver a high-stakes speech defending his handling of the weak economy.


      • 1 vote
      #2.22 - Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:57 AM EDT

      Well, everyone needs a scapegoat and Bush fits the bill. The anti-Bush rhetoric reached fever pitch awhile back and still stirs strong emotions. The problem with that is that 'scapegoats' are used to direct anger at a person or object, and while much of what is said is true, lots more isn't. Blame Bush always ignores Clinton and that's the problem. How do you solve problems when you don't get to the root causes, and, sorry to bust your bubble, but Bush isn't the root cause. Go ahead and whine away, Bush isn't in office and Obama, well, sadly, is and, Bush is not running for office so not to worry, most people aren't going to vote for him even though Obama keeps campaigning against him.

      Oh, and Starsailing, please, give us Obama's plan, post the links to indicate his plans (note that talking points and rhetoric are not plans, they are only words)

      • 1 vote
      #2.23 - Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:55 PM EDT

      Reading and commenting on your (often) inappropriate posts hardly qualifies as stalking. Dream on Starsailing. . no one is that interested in you or your huge flush of your time on this site.

        #2.24 - Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:02 PM EDT

        But a majority, 50 percent, said whoever wins come November probably wouldn’t make much of a difference when it came to their wallets.

        Unless you are poor and don't pay taxes you should re-think this.

        One of these candidates wants your money to 'spread the wealth'.

        I'd rather do that for myself.

        • 13 votes
        Reply#3 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:16 PM EDT

        I am pretty sure Romney supports the Ryan plan which would raise taxes on the poor and cut taxes for the rich. How is that for spreading the wealth?

        • 12 votes
        #3.1 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:13 PM EDT

        The poor do not pay taxes other than local state taxes or FICA/social security. Everyone needs skin in the game.

        Apples and oranges my friend.

        • 12 votes
        #3.2 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:16 PM EDT

        Don't believe the Ryan plan raises taxes on the poor. However the President promises unconditionally to take care of the poor, so I wouldn't expect them to vote for someone who thinks everyone has some responsibility in society.

        • 7 votes
        #3.3 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:18 PM EDT

        The poor need to pay taxes? How about GE? How about the 30 companies that paid zero while making $160.3 billion in profits.

        • 12 votes
        #3.4 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:10 PM EDT

        GE employs 133k people in the US, how many people does a "poor" person employ?

        • 7 votes
        #3.5 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:35 PM EDT

        The is really low amount of people employed by GE verses income. I think they could pay some taxes.

        • 4 votes
        #3.6 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:28 PM EDT

        Yes, absolutely. Romney doesn't want to "spread the wealth" He wants to keep it all for the rich.

        You need to change your moniker. Cause and effect are not really your strong suit.

        • 4 votes
        #3.7 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:00 PM EDT

        Romneys support of the Ryan plan would cut the top tax rate from 35% to 25% costing 5 trillion in 10 years in revenue. It would be revenue neutral by removing the home mortgage interest deduction and the exemption for employer health plans. This would result in the biggest transfer of wealth from the middle class to the rich in history.

        • 4 votes
        #3.8 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:15 PM EDT

        Brendon: Not real sharp are you? As a famous bank robber Willie Sutton once said when asked why he robbed banks he said because that's where the money is. Let me clue you in. No matter how indignant you are that poor people don't pay income taxes whichever party wins that won't change. The difference is Obama want's to tax the rich and Romney want's to tax the middle class.

        • 5 votes
        #3.9 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:20 PM EDT

        The taxes that GE and the rich don't pay are paid by the middle class and poor. Give the same ratio in tax breaks to middle class and poor....then no one pays any taxes....DUH! Romney would receive $755,000 tax break from Ryan plan just on the money we know about, while the middle class pays 20% more. If you do not have an INCOME of 1 million, you vote against your own self interest if you vote for repubs.

        • 1 vote
        #3.10 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:07 PM EDT

        GE does not employ 133k any more. They closed their x-ray plant in WI and moved it to China. Just after that Obama made the GE CEO US jobs czar.

        • 3 votes
        #3.11 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:50 PM EDT

        Coco's right about that!! I know people who used to work at that plant .. jobs now gone, under Obama.

          #3.12 - Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:38 AM EDT

          This is a really good sign - Americans voting with their wallets.

          This assures victory for the president in November because, by his own admission, the private sector is doing just fime.

          • 5 votes
          Reply#4 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:24 PM EDT

          The large CORPORATIONS have very comfortable profits, they have plenty of cash on hand, the wealthy owners of those large corporations the 2% are also doing fine! So by reason, the large corps. are the majority of the business economy and they are doing fine!

          By contrast the small corporatione, the self employed, the contract employees and those working in same are not doing fine and they make up 80% of the economy.

          Eighteen percent fall in the middle gap and they are able to keep their heads above water.

          Thank you Obama Administration for saving the U S A & WORLD economy from the Republican, GOP economic disaster of 2008, yes it will be a slow slog to reach full recovery, we are on the correct trajectory!

          • 8 votes
          #4.1 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:46 PM EDT

          I havent seen the ryan plan but would like to see the military cut,shut down overseas bases.Our military is larger than the rest of the world put together.Two nuclear subs,one in Maine and one in Alaska can destroy the whole planet! from the dock.

          I know it sucks,but the usa is broke! almost 16 trillion in debt,CUT THE DAM SPENDING! and stop giving money to other countrys.

          • 2 votes
          #4.2 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:44 PM EDT

          Ron, real economist know from the big depression you have to get money to the middle class and poor to get the economy moving in the right direction. The rich are sitting on trillions because Romney will give them better tax breaks, while President Obama is restoring tax breaks back to successful times for middle class and poor which also resulted it great growth and wealth for corps at the same time. Romney just gives more wealth to the rich. Ireland tried it and is in the worst depression because of Romney type plan of austerity.

            #4.3 - Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:23 AM EDT

            The way I see it, Congress wants us all to burn in hell!!!!! Congress is so out of touch with the American people and so in touch with their own personal gain. Plutocracy: we now have a government for the wealthy, by the wealthy and controlled by the wealthy; huge corporations, wall street thugs, a disavowed congress and hot handed gambling banks. Clearly until some serious laws get changed, we are truly all doomed. Republicans and Democrats are all disavowed; neither represents me or you, just the wealthy.

            • 11 votes
            Reply#5 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:25 PM EDT

            Congress blows! they are so corrupt.We need term limits.If it were up to me they would all be fired.

            • 3 votes
            #5.1 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:49 PM EDT

            Term limits for all. One 6 year term. No big money. 2 months to campaign with a cap on spending.

            um, now let's think for just a moment who has been the most instrumental in pumping big money into elections with no oversite...

            ah, I know the CONSERVATIVE supreme court appointed by the Bush/Cheney regime.

            • 3 votes
            #5.2 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:00 PM EDT

            Look. Term limits exist. They are called elections.

            If you do not like what your Congressman is doing, you can vote for someone else.

            There are 435 Representatives and 100 Senators. A number of them are good people, hard workers, and conscientious public servants. My Congressman is one of those people. He has represented me in Congress since 1998 and I intend to vote for him so long as he continues to run.

            • 2 votes
            #5.3 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:21 PM EDT

            When you hang around with the Hollywoods of course you think the private sector is doing just fine. The Hollywoods are.

              #5.4 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:53 PM EDT

              Coco whines again....The difference with President Obama supporters versus Romney supporters is simple. Romney supporters want tax breaks and all the money for the rich 1% . President Obama supporters want the breaks brought back to the level it was for the last 70 years, before the rich repubs took over the supreme court, before the rich redistributed the money to the 1%.

              • 4 votes
              #5.5 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:47 PM EDT

              The American way of voting: I'll vote for the guy who will give me the most benefits and who will make some other guy/gal pay for it.

              • 9 votes
              Reply#6 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:27 PM EDT

              I'll gladly take my happy meal today if i can pay you next week.

              Pun intended

              • 3 votes
              #6.1 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:19 PM EDT

              Nothing is going to change until we get a congress that has a priority objective to solve problems (and a people that talk about solutions) instead doing everything to ensure this president has nothing to show for his first term in the hopes of electing someone that will allow exploitation to continue in the name of "trickle-down" capitalism.

              • 9 votes
              Reply#7 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:40 PM EDT

              The president does not need congress.

              Executive order will do the trick for anyting that he wants to get done.

              Congress will be sitting with their thumbs up their azzezz doing nothing about anything.

              • 4 votes
              #7.1 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:53 PM EDT

              You seem to have a very selective memory when it comes to congress. What did the Democrats do during the 2 years they had total control of the House and Senate. That filibuster proof Senate that Harry Reid presided over. The House and Senate that could pass any bill they wanted to without a single Republican vote. The same Harry Reid who is letting legislation pile up on his desk not letting it come to the floor for a vote. The same Senate Democrats who, while refusing to put any real budget to a vote, both demonize the House's budget and vote down the President's budget 99 - 0. Are those the people you are talking about?

              Remember that Republicans have only held a majority for 18 of the last 42 months in the House. And while the Senate Democrats lost their filibuster proof majority 20 months ago they still have a strong majority.

              • 10 votes
              #7.2 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:13 PM EDT

              Nothing new here, you mean like the 291 Executive Orders signed my GWB during HIS administration?

              • 5 votes
              #7.3 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:46 PM EDT

              There is that selective rationalization of facts I was talking about... the "super majority" only lasted maybe a few weeks before a seat went from (D) to (R) after the whole Rod Blagojevich senate seat scandal.

              That was all was needed to end the filibuster proof congress.... Dem.s could pass bills without a repub. vote... but they could not stop the endless obstruction via filibusters.

              • 6 votes
              #7.4 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:48 PM EDT

              Remember that Republicans have only held a majority for 18 of the last 42 months in the House. And while the Senate Democrats lost their filibuster proof majority 20 months ago they still have a strong majority.

              You are spot on. I'm not a conservative but there is plenty of culpability to go around in congress.

              Vote the a$$holes out.

              • 4 votes
              #7.5 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:05 PM EDT

              Democrats held a sort of super majority (You need to count Lieberman in there) from July 9, 2009 to Feb 4, 2010. About 7 months, nowhere near 2 years.

              • 1 vote
              #7.6 - Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:22 AM EDT

              Liebermann a Dem....ya sure, a wolf in sheeps clothing is a sheep too!

              • 1 vote
              #7.7 - Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:59 AM EDT

              Let us consider two major things. Obama became President and was given the ENORMOUS debts made by shrub. Shrub had two undeclared wars going without Congress being involved. He borrowed money from China to pay for the wars.

              Every item that Obama has brought forth for the help of our country has been shot down by the Republican House. Their feelings are not what is best for the country but only what is best for the Republican party. These are the same people who brought us almost to our knees with debt. DO WE WANT MORE OF THIS?

              Voters need to think about why conditions are what they are today and then see how they got that way. If they do, we are going to see a lot of Democrats elected to the Presidentcy and congress. If they do not, I am glad I am 75 years old!!!!!

              • 9 votes
              Reply#8 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:59 PM EDT

              Neither Obama nor Romney will be able to make a difference in our financial situations. Obama may still win the election because he's the better of the two.

              • 3 votes
              Reply#9 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:05 PM EDT


              • 1 vote
              #9.1 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:33 PM EDT

              My 401K lost 50% in 2008. I don't care that the indexes have doubled since 2008. I withdrew my investments from the stock market in 2008 because I lost faith in that institution and still don't have faith in the stock market. In fact, most small investors have withdrawn from the market. Now, the big players dominate and manipulate the market.

              Regardless, Obamacare and other social programs are fiscally underfunded. 4 trillion in state and municipal underfunded pension programs. This is the next 'bubble' that will take both stock and bonds to a crash.

              I am a small business owner. I am not confident in the healthcare issues, the stock market, the numerous new regulations, etc. I have some funds set aside that I will not invest in my company because of uncertainty.

              We need new leadership that will engage congress and work WITH them..not demagogue them. It's time to stop the class warfare and embrace an attitude that we are all Americans and we need to look for pragmatic solutions to our fiscal challenges. Hey Mr Reid....where's you budget for 2010, 11 & '12? Hey Mr Obama, your last (2) budgets hit the ground with a thud. Whre's you plan for deficit reduction?

              • 6 votes
              Reply#10 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:37 PM EDT

              Mr. Romney will not 'engage congress' if he were to win because he won't have a filibuster proof margin either. The Senate won't let him run rough shod over the middle class and give even more tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations. Over 35,000 people with an income of $200 K or more paid no federal tax last year with 1470 of them earning over a million dollars!

              Also I've seen NOTHING that Mr. Romney has said about HOW he will reduce the deficit other than saying that he would. Meanwhile the budget Paul Ryan proposed would take every bit of it's cuts from social programs and medicare while ADDING $228 BILLION dollars to an already bloated defense budget and actually would have INCREASED the deficit over 10 years. That's why his budget hit the dirt as hard or harder than any the POTUS proposed.

              • 5 votes
              #10.1 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:56 PM EDT

              My 401K lost 50% in 2008. I don't care that the indexes have doubled since 2008. I withdrew my investments from the stock market in 2008 because I lost faith in that institution and still don't have faith in the stock market. In fact, most small investors have withdrawn from the market. Now, the big players dominate and manipulate the market.

              Very wise of you. You should not tinker with something that is clearly beyond your understanding.

              Meanwhile the rest of us are doing well in the stock market. It was only a paper loss, after all.

              • 1 vote
              #10.2 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:06 PM EDT

              mj: be nice and please remember the COH.

                #10.3 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:04 PM EDT

                Hey Chuckie........Never saw President Obamas budgets?......TOO FUNNY! Well we see you have a computer, so do search on President Obama budgets......then do search on Republican record filibusters, ...then do search on Richard Drapers book that tells of the secret meetings repubs had to take the economy down......Just like Bin Laden put in writing! Then vote for Romney and lose your butt some more...Or vote for President Obama who has gotten bills passed to help small business. Then do search on ..repubs block tax breaks for american businesses......Get the idea Chuckie?

                • 1 vote
                #10.4 - Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:07 AM EDT

                4 more years of obama, I love Chinese food!!!!

                • 4 votes
                Reply#11 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:39 PM EDT

                So, I guess President Clinton was right.... It's the economy stupid! Good bye obama.

                • 5 votes
                Reply#12 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:43 PM EDT

                ANYONE who fails to understand the EXTREME FAILURE of the REPUBLICAN PARTY, the GOP and the G W Bush Administration 2000-2008 and the long term consequences is a damn fool!

                Did you ever hear of FIDUCIARY DUTY, did you ever hear of STATESMEN, who govern in a DEMOCRACY for the benefit of the MAJORITY, if you have not, the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION is all of this and more!

                • 6 votes
                Reply#13 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:54 PM EDT

                The economy will improve if Obama is defeated in November. For how long depends on Romney.

                • 6 votes
                Reply#14 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:55 PM EDT

                No it won't.

                • 2 votes
                #14.1 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:58 PM EDT

                Nora-616050 - Actually, it will. Obamacare will be defeated once and for all which has been a major drag on the economy since it was passed against the will of the people. There is also the issue of massive debt which the majority of citizens will force Romney to fix. Obama hasn't been listening, but maybe Romney will. (Even the Democrats don't want to pass an Obama budget.)

                Like I said, it depends on Romney.

                • 5 votes
                #14.2 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:16 PM EDT

                If the engineering business is any indication, improvement will be seen almost immediately after Romney wins. It may take a couple of years to get back to full employment, i.e. less than 5%. Companies are already betting that Obama will lose and have expansion plans waiting.

                • 6 votes
                #14.3 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:18 PM EDT

                Road Warrior: They have had that plan since the day after Obama got elected. That is why corporations have large sums of cash.

                The GOP will have nothing left but impeachment activities (elected officials) and terrorist activities (Ted Nugent types) after Obama wins in November

                • 3 votes
                #14.4 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:06 PM EDT

                If the engineering business is any indication, improvement will be seen almost immediately after Romney wins.

                Hum, so how to you explain the millions of job lost under Geo W? He was a conservative and we're sitting here today sucking air because of his policies--which incidentally, I might add were exactly what he did in Texas and it took Texas more than a decade to dig out from.

                Why do you people not ever get that the Repubs are big business and big business ONLY cares about the next quarter and their profits.

                It's like you're too innocent to live.

                That said, these days the Democrats are not much better.

                • 3 votes
                #14.5 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:10 PM EDT

                Right away too!

                  #14.6 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:34 PM EDT

                  mj: go do your research and then come back and talk about job losses under Bush. 6.3% was the highest # under Bush until Sept of 08.

                  • 2 votes
                  #14.7 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:16 PM EDT

                  Actually democratic opposition to the last few budgets have been unwillingness to accept compromises which would raise taxes on the middle class that republicans demanded. Acting like democrats opposed budget proposals that Obama supported is simply a lie.

                  Mygirl1: Very creative to post statistics of Bush's unemployment numbers only until sept. 2008. He was the president when the train went over the cliff. Even Romney pointed out he destroyed 11 trillion of our tax base and 400 billion a year in tax revenue.

                    #14.8 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:29 PM EDT

                    Ummm, well, let's see here, have you forgotten Clinton in the equasion here? Greenspan? Franks? Raines? Paulson, Volker, and when and how was Glass Steagall repealed? Now, you may continue to blame Bush ad nauseum but, unlike Minerva who sprang fully formed from the brow of Zeus, Bush had a predecessor or two. Most of the blueprint for the financial collapse happened long before Bush. Fronline did a great program about the genesis of the financial collapse and it doesn't all land on Bush. Go to PBS and look it up, it may help you out.

                    In 2010 there was no budget, ditto 2011, and guess who had the majority in congress. Bush refused to sign the 09 budget because of the tax hikes and spending and he left it up to Obama to sign it and Obama happily signed it. The democrats presented nada, bupkiss, zero budget since then. They are very good at demogoging and not much else. Reid and Pelosi both knew the budget was a hot potato and they refused to touch it.

                    • 3 votes
                    #14.9 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:43 PM EDT

                    What was Bush's unemployment numbers on the last day of his presidency? Allowing policies that inflated his numbers early on in his presidency but caused the greatest economic collapse since 1929 is hardly a selling point. Yep let Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac buy up them $500,000 mortgages for McDoinalds workers.....LOL.

                      #14.10 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:43 PM EDT

                      Grow a brain it may help out. Ever heard the saying the buck stops here? That's the saying that a president is responsible for things that happen on his watch. A good president stops the train before it goes off the cliff a bad one throttles up. You people just can't accept Bush had anything to do with our economic collapse when clearly he did. When others post facts that prove what you blame on Obama happened under Bush's watch you blame it on Clinton or Lincoln............

                      P.S. Naming past senators or treasury secretaries or others to spare Bush doesn't cut it. The president is always responsible and there's only 1 president at a time.

                        #14.11 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:48 PM EDT

                        My, so guess you also go after Obama since the buck NEVER stops with him. He must thank God every night that he has a Bush to blame. When the Bush blame falls short, why there's ATM's, tsunami's, Europe, weather, republicans etc. As to growing a brain, perhaps you should understand that intelligent people are capable of focusing on many things rather than obsessing on one. Speaking of brains or the lack thereof, bet you voted for Obama.

                        • 3 votes
                        #14.12 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:08 PM EDT

                        And you're unwillingness to allow Bush any responsibility going so far as to use numbers that ended 5 months before his presidency shows you wont allow facts to intrude on your private little fantasy land. Keep drinking the kool-aid. And what would you know of intelligent people?

                        • 1 vote
                        #14.13 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:51 PM EDT

                        Well, keep on with the insults, they are a real good indication of lack of intelligence. Proof positive, in fact. Weak attempt at deflection BTW. When Obama screws up, why he can blame anything and anyone on the planet and you will go along with said excuses, which is amusing since, in your prior comment, you emphatically stated the THE BUCK STOPS WITH THE SITTING PRESIDENT except, of course, when the sitting president is Obama.

                        • 1 vote
                        #14.14 - Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:48 PM EDT

                        "Voters let wallets guide them come November"

                        Oh my, looks like BO is in trouble.

                        • 6 votes
                        Reply#15 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:03 PM EDT

                        And you do not have enough common sense to understand the IDEAOLOGY OF ROMNEY & the GOP!

                        • 1 vote
                        #15.1 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:07 PM EDT

                        The 1% have been very effective in convincing the very people hurt the most by the financial crisis that yes, indeed, it is our own fault. I shouldn't have bought that house, the teachers, police, and firefighters make way too much money and I knew I wasn't qualified when I accepted the job offer should have been fired. It's all my teachers' fault.

                        • 3 votes
                        #15.2 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:18 PM EDT

                        The democrats are very good at posting a script and getting their little followers to repeat it verbatim. The republicans are very good at posting a script, however, their little followers aren't so easily gulled since they do indeed care about making and keeping and growing their money. Democrats generally rely on government giveaways to keep the proletariat in line, sadly, the presents are getting smaller as the producers are having a hard time keeping up with paying for the give aways.

                        Hey, I can hyperbole with the best of them.

                        • 5 votes
                        #15.3 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:58 PM EDT

                        No but you can continue to spew nonsense without basis in fact. Blaming democrats for massive spending for those lazy leeches who want them unemployment checks and help when millions were threatened with the loss of their homes. Unfortunately Romney supported these same plans. From an interview in late summer 2008 while Bush was president.

                        BLITZER: He's talking about a $750 billion economic stimulus
                        package. He wants it to be passed as soon as possible. It's unclear if whether
                        it can be passed before he's inaugurated on January 20th. What do you think
                        about this proposal?

                        ROMNEY: Well, I frankly wish that the last Congress would have dealt with the
                        stimulus issue and that the president could assign that before leaving office. I
                        think there is need for economic stimulus. Americans have lost about $11
                        trillion in net worth. That translates into about $400 billion a year less
                        spending that they'll be doing, and that's net of additional government programs
                        like Medicaid and unemployment insurance. And government can help make that up
                        in a very difficult time. And that's one of the reasons why I think a stimulus
                        program is needed.

                        I'd move quickly. These are unusual times. But it has to be something which
                        relieves pressure on middle-income families. I think a tax cut is necessary for
                        them as well as for businesses that are growing. We'll be investing in
                        infrastructure and in energy technologies.

                          #15.4 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:36 PM EDT

                          So ALL that money disappeared in a few months? Really? I take it you did watch The Warning on frontline?

                            #15.5 - Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:13 PM EDT

                            NATIONAL DEBT JAN 2013, 17 TRILLION DOLLARS

                            REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATIONS portion of that NATIONAL DEBT 14 Trillion Dollars (Reagan, HW Bush, GW Bush)[Mostly GW Bush]

                            DEMOCRAT ADMINISTRATIONS portion of that National Debt 3 Trillion Dollars (Clinton, Obama)

                            The NATIONAL DEBT must be payed down, but it can not be paid down when our economy is in the struggle of returning to a sustainable level, which will take ten to fifteen years providing we stay on our present course!

                            • 2 votes
                            Reply#16 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:04 PM EDT

                            concernedusa5031 - You are misinformed. Congress controls spending, namely the House. The President just presents a budget. You'll notice that nobody in Congress has wanted the sign an Obama budget for more than 3-years. Not even the Democrats want to touch it.

                            • 6 votes
                            #16.1 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:19 PM EDT

                            I get the feeling you are pushing Obama. Then you better get out the lifeboats because it is about to rain on your parade. I agree that the Repugnatins did everything they could to dampen down the economy and everything to help their corporate friends, but Obama has been the best friend that the banks have ever had. He has stood off and told them, "Now don't you do that any more," and then done nothing when they did. I guess that is where he is going to land, after November, because he is toast.

                            • 3 votes
                            #16.2 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:30 PM EDT

                            Obama has raised the debt more in the last three years than all other presidents in history. Now, of course it is all Bush's fault, however, during Bush's two terms until September of 08, the unemployment numbers never rose above 6.3%. Obama stimulated mightily and the unemployment numbers are currently at 8.2% (new math used by Obama to calculate numbers) under the old method of calculating unemployment the numbers are 11%.

                            • 2 votes
                            #16.3 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:04 PM EDT

                            You stopped counting Bush's unemployment numbers in sept. 2008 and accuse others of using new math. You're really smart no one will see what you're doing.

                            P.S. When Paulson went to congress to get approval for tarp one he informed congressional leaders without a massive stimulus plan an economic collapse worse than 1929 was inevitable. Saw that on a PBS special. Amazing that according to you the huge stimulus plan implemented under Bush was ok but the second one by Obama was so wasteful.

                              #16.4 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:54 PM EDT

                              Let's see here now, where was congress in all of this? What senator(s) were running for the office of president when said bailout was approved? Seems Senator Obama voted for it, ditto McCain. As to the unemployment numbers, how many people who have given up looking are currently counted?

                              Now, as to 'cagey' how come it is that Obama isn't counted for 09? Obama signed that particular budget, the one Bush refused to sign, or did that escape your notice?

                                #16.5 - Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:11 PM EDT

                                The real and more important question is whose wallets will be guiding the voters? Their own or those of the 1% buying votes through PACs?

                                • 4 votes
                                Reply#17 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:13 PM EDT

                                The 1% have been very effective in convincing the very people hurt the most by the financial crisis that yes, indeed, it is our own fault. I shouldn't have bought that house, the teachers, police, and firefighters make way too much money and I knew I wasn't qualified when I accepted the job offer should have been fired. It's all my teachers' fault.

                                • 3 votes
                                Reply#18 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:19 PM EDT

                                Rich people scare me because they want more.Poor people scare me because they need more.Politicians play one against the other.Why vote, either way you are going to lose.

                                • 1 vote
                                Reply#19 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:23 PM EDT

                                Strangly enough, I agree with your statement. Very well put. I am just afraid if things keep going the way they are I will be the one that will need something and not be self sufficent.

                                  #19.1 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:23 PM EDT


                                  Several other countries have higher healthcare standards, have more people covered by insurance, and pay less per capita for healthcare than we do. Our system is outrageously broken. Granted the HealthCare law is only a small step toward fixing it but at least it is a step toward eliminating the fraud in our system and making sure the money actually goes to the primary care providers rather than ling the pockets of lawyers and "specialists".

                                  • 2 votes
                                  Reply#20 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:41 PM EDT

                                  To save money the government needs to get out of the health care buisness.

                                  I would be in favor of open across state lines insurance and pools where greater numbers get a break.

                                  • 3 votes
                                  #20.1 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:51 PM EDT

                                  yeah? we'll see how you do stepping over grandma as she lies int the gutter begging for food while cancer eats away her nose.

                                  You have no idea what you are talking about. Take a trip to a 3rd world country because that's what you're advocating.

                                  • 1 vote
                                  #20.2 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:12 PM EDT

                                  Granny's nose won't rot off if there's no money to pay for Obamacare?

                                  • 1 vote
                                  #20.3 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:18 PM EDT

                                  Chuck I think our health care system keeps us sick. My insurance will pay for all kinds of diseases due to obesity - diabetic, heart surgery, etc; however, they will not pay to help a person loose weight. Go figure

                                  • 1 vote
                                  #20.4 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:26 PM EDT
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