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IAEA School of Nuclear Energy Management Opens in Japan

IAEA School of Nuclear Energy Management Participants

Participants from all over the world are attending the training course. (Photo: T. Karseka/IAEA)

For the very first time, the IAEA School of Nuclear Energy Management will be conducted in Asia, a region of continuous development and growth of national nuclear power programmes.

From 11-29 June 2012 in Tokai Mura, Japan, international experts including senior experts from the IAEA will be presenting on a wide range of topics in the nuclear energy sector. Lectures during the three-week meeting training will span the following areas: energy planning and nuclear power economics; nuclear safety, security and safeguards; nuclear human resource and knowledge management; radiation protection and communicating radiation risks; nuclear technologies and radioactive waste management, and many more.

Over 20 national and 20 international participants from 14 countries are participating in this training course. Selected based on their competences, these young specialists are meant to become a core of the new generation of nuclear energy managers who have a complex and holistic perspective on nuclear power development. The participants will gain awareness of the most recent developments in nuclear energy and will be able to share in the IAEA's specific knowledge and broad international perspective on issues related to the peaceful use of nuclear technology.

Technical tours and practical exercises will also constitute a substantial part of the school. Scheduled individual and group activities are designed to be well balanced and adjusted to each subject area covered. Japan with its rich infrastructure for nuclear research and education is hosting this activity, through mechanisms provided by the the IAEA Technical Cooperation programme.

After the School is completed and participants return to their countries and organizations, they will be better prepared to contribute to building and managing nuclear power programmes responsibly, safely and sustainably.

The next regional IAEA School of Nuclear Energy Management is planned to be conducted in Texas, USA in March 2013.


The School of Nuclear Energy Management in Tokai Mura, Japan, is the second of two regional schools scheduled for 2012; another one was successfully conducted in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, in January 2012.

Good quality of the presentations, linking theoretical to real situations and linking it to the UAE NPP program, sharing different experiences from different presenters and different fields, excellent expert giving the lectures, very active class and always different thoughts and comments enriching the overall output of the lectures - these are only few among numerous characteristics of the school given by the participants in UAE.

The regular IAEA Nuclear Energy Management School is conducted annually in Trieste, Italy, in cooperation with the International Centre for Theoretical Physics.

-- By Rodolfo Quevenco, IAEA Division of Public Information

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