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    • Poster poems: June

      Billy Mills: Packed with wild flowers and love trysts, the poetry of June sees many a writer overcome by the exuberance of nature. For others, it's the perfect opportunity to seek the shade
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    A tragic loss to the world of reasonable and unemotional (century 2000 style) historical and psychological insight. Not frightened to tackle the things and dark places that other people shunned
    commenting on Gitta Sereny dies at 91

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    Guardian columnist Oliver Burkeman discusses his latest book The Antidote in this video animation about happiness

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  1. 1.  Old Ways

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  2. 2.  Antidote

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  3. 3.  Sarah Raven's Wild Flowers

    by Sarah Raven £29.00

  4. 4.  Going South

    by Larry Elliott £9.99

  5. 5.  What Matters in Jane Austen?

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