Mom and baby carjacked outside Starbucks

A Dallas woman says she "beat the living daylights" out of a carjacker until he let her escape with her baby. KXAS's Omar Villafranca reports.

Dallas police are searching for a man who carjacked a woman and her baby Sunday afternoon after stealing from a nearby Walmart.

Police said the man stole a t-shirt from the store and then jumped into the woman's car in a Starbucks parking lot while police were chasing him.

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The man didn't realize the woman and her 15-month-old daughter were sitting inside the vehicle, police said.

"I thought we were dead," Kari Kimbler said. "I thought he was going to take us somewhere and dump us off or kill us. I had no idea what was going to happen."

Kimbler said her husband had gone inside the Starbucks when the man jumped in the driver's seat and took off. She said he started driving erratically, going the wrong way down Cockrell Hill Road.

"I started hitting him and beating him and screaming, ‘My baby, my baby -- I have my baby. Please let us out. Please dump us out. I don't care where it is. Please let us out,'" Kimbler said.

She said the man initially refused.

"Then momma bear kicked, and all I could think was, 'I've got to protect my baby with all that I have,' and it came out, and I just beat the living daylights out of him as hard as I could -- in his head, just punching in his head, and she was screaming too," Kimbler said.

Kimbler said the man stopped underneath a bridge after five minutes.

"He did pull over," she said. "But as I was getting her out, he pushed us out to get us out and just kept going."

Kimbler said she can breathe easier now that she and her baby are home and safe. But she said the fear of what could have happened is still with her.

"I've told all of my loved ones how much I love them," she said. "And I hug my daughter tighter, and I told her tighter, and I tell her how much mommy and daddy love her."

"I'm just so thankful she and I got out alive," Kimbler said.

Dallas police described the man as Latino, approximately 5-foot-9-inches tall, in his early 30s, who weighs about 185 pounds with a bald head and sleeves of tattoos on both arms. He was last seen wearing a gray Texas Longhorns hat, khaki shorts and a dark-colored shirt.

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i'd like give him a ...welcome to america you illegal piece of ....beat down...

  • 6 votes
#1 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:38 AM EDT

Just FYI... population in the American Southwest is majority Hispanic. Most of their ancestors have been living here since before the United States existed. Proportionally few are illegals.

This guy is a thug and a criminal, and weirdly willing to risk everything to shoplift a single tshirt. He needs to go to jail. And while it's possible he's an illegal, there's nothing in the article to indicate it.

  • 38 votes
#1.1 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:00 AM EDT

(racist comment)

  • 13 votes
#1.2 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:05 AM EDT

somehow i just knew Walmarts name woud come up! Hope he has a nice little vacation in the pokey!!!

  • 2 votes
#1.3 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:20 AM EDT

mspiel - oh come on, anything that aint white and out of europe is an illegal, DUH!

even the most ignorant little white racist knows that, der!

  • 2 votes
#1.4 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:22 AM EDT

I'll bet he would have pulled over much quicker if you pulled a .38 special out of her purse. She would still have her car and he would have had to change his drawers . . . .

  • 18 votes
#1.5 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:28 AM EDT

"i'd like give him a ...welcome to america you illegal piece of ....beat down..."

Too bad the natives couldn't have done the same to you or your ancestors.

  • 7 votes
#1.6 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:13 AM EDT

Bob - you're just plain ignorant!

  • 3 votes
#1.7 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:34 AM EDT

what legal bout stealing a t shirt and jack'n a car...most people that have been here long enough to steal our jobs... so they don't need to steal shirt's......sorry it came out sounding bigot...troll harder...

  • 2 votes
#1.8 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:38 AM EDT

Is there anything wrong with focusing on the issue at hand? This woman, her husband, and child were all traumatized beyond what anyone should be. Honestly, who give a flying fart what nationality this thug is?

And just for the record, MSpeilman...regarding the first part of your comment...research can be your friend. The rest of your comment is spot-on.

  • 2 votes
#1.9 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:44 AM EDT

MSpielman, not sure where you get your statistics from. The Southwest, while high in Hispanic population, is not majority Hispanic. And your claim that few are illegals in Southwest is ludicrous considering Arizona has the highest per capita rate of illegal immigrants out of any state.

And no most Hispanics have not been living in the SW since before the US existed. Not even close. Even as recently as 1980, Hispanics made up just 15% of Arizona's population. Today it is 30%.

And not sure what the relevance of Southwest America is here as this is in Texas which is considered South not Southwest.

Source: US Census Bureau

  • 5 votes
#1.10 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:48 AM EDT

Maybe Starbucks should come with a warning label -- "shamelessly overpriced coffee is dangerous to your health."

  • 2 votes
#1.11 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:51 AM EDT

While beating on this guy she is lucky he didn't lose control and wreck. Moral of the story, don't leave the keys in the ignition.

  • 1 vote
#1.12 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:15 PM EDT

If that is the husband in the picture, then you know he was severely traumatized by the incident. Looks like it turned him into the Walking Dead

  • 2 votes
#1.13 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:36 PM EDT

You're such a proudly ignorant American that you put your own country to shame. If you're not aware, most illegals WORK and proportionately fewer of them have alcohol or drug dependency issues. Those problems usually kick in with the first American born generation, after they've been exposed to all the "goodies" of the American way of life.

  • 2 votes
#1.14 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:45 PM EDT

"Plain Bob", I would imagine you come "across as bigot" when you get out of bed in the morning (doesn't sound to me like English is your strong suit either....maybe someone should check your Green Card). You made an irrelevant, unsubstantiated comment that had nothing to do with the stroy at hand and everything to do with your own self-hatred and racism. Go get some help.

  • 3 votes
#1.15 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:51 PM EDT

Oh my God! I can't believe it. They got a Starbucks near a Walmart? Are they like everywhere? No one should ever fool around with a mama bear on espresso, but what's really impressive is that mama bear was able to beat the deleted expletive out of the carjacker without her coffee. I don't think I could have done that.

  • 1 vote
#1.16 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:52 PM EDT

Just shoot the bastard and save the expense of trial. Our court system is a failure, he will likely not even be convicted or get instant parole. Shoot the bastard on sight.

  • 1 vote
#1.17 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:57 PM EDT

He stole a tee shirt and then escalated it to carjacking over the tee shirt. This shows us why immigration must be kept under strict control. Tragically, the people who are willing their homeland and family-eveything they know, to come here and live in poverty are an indication of just how hopeless the situation in the south is.

We are receiving for the most part, uneducated, unskilled people who have nothing to lose. It is not incumbent upon this nation to feed, educate, incarcerate and provide medical care to them, it is not our responsibility to serve as a pressure relief valve for failed states.

The people from that region who actually have something to offer a society have no need to come here.

So, in the pious interest of refusing to look at race in identifying or finding a solution to this problem, we are allowing millions of people to come here, reproduce and add to the overwhelming burden we have no solution for.

Each immigrant is staunchly proud of their own nationality and many fly their country's flags in our streets. Their refusal to assimilate is another aspect of how this social tragedy is unhealthy for our society, we are already divided enough as it is.

Why is anyone not asking them why don't they "dream" about returning to the places they are so proud of and contributing to the rehabilitation of those places?

The hyper-sensitivity of the left over identifying any racial aspect whatsoever of anything negative, (except when it comes to caucasians) amounts to our burying their head in the sand as the United States is overrun by those who feel they are "re-conquesting" land which they believe we are squatting on.

  • 1 vote
#1.18 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:03 PM EDT

Ponder, You are trying to turn a story about a thug into an argument on immigration, while conveniently bashing the "left" (although your spelling and grammar are excellent). Try to stay on topic.

  • 1 vote
#1.19 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:24 PM EDT

"Dallas police described the man as Latino, approximately 5-foot-9-inches tall, in his early 30s, who weighs about 185 pounds with a bald head and sleeves of tattoos on both arms."

Another illegal alien let in by the bleeding libtard administration.

He probably back in Meh-kee-ko by now.

  • 2 votes
#1.20 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:49 PM EDT

Ponder and Don

What dumb comments first off being Latino does not automatically make you illegal secondly about 2 weeks ago i was at Walmart with my daughter and i saw a man run out with a shirt stuffed in his pants and he was as white as can be with the Walmart security chasing after he was causing a commotion and manage to flee in some ones car. stealing has nothing to do with race.


with comments like " Another illegal alien bleeding libtard administration" etc. really puts off Independence like myself why would i want to vote the same as a racist bigot? I agree with a lot of things republicans do a good example is gun rights I love owning guns i am for Smart gun regulation that protects citizen not criminals etc but i cant get past the hate that many republicans have for other human beings.

    #1.21 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:25 PM EDT

    I am responding to the flow of the discussion, surfing on the wave of your intolerance for any view which is in opposition to the left-wing rose color tinted tunnel vision limited perspective of the issue at hand, which is related to the immigration situation.

    What you consider bashing, is in reality, a wake up call. The use of sarcasm is justified as, generally the left claims to have sovereign right to and occupation of the moral and intellectual high ground.

    If the left actually lived up to the responsibility that goes with an assumed moral superiority, there would be calls from their midst that it is not acceptable to stereotype conservatives, instead of a collective reveling in and dog piling upon it. However, as I have stated elsewhere, not one of you can be found examining your own thinking, perceptions, emotions or reactionary activities which are replete with examples of STEREOTYPING, BIGOTRY, INTOLERANCE, PREJUDICE, DISCRIMINATION etc etc towards those whom you collectively demonize.

    The fact that you are surprised by my spelling ability is proof that you are also infected by this mental disease you are supposedly on a crusade to eliminate from the face of the planet. Do you really believe conservatives are all "repugnant, uneducated, inbred three-toothed greedy, insensitive racist pig trailer park trash?"

    In consideration of all the smug expressions and smirks out there over my last sentence, I hereby dedicate the following resubmission of a portion of a prior post of mine:

    This is how it was in the 1930's in Germany, .....enough people bought into the demonization of the Jews that it then became possible to implement the "final solution" in a vacuum of dissent....

    Yes, the present process of cyber-socio/political cleansing is fascinating to watch. It really demonstrates for us how the unthinkable tragedy of Auschwitz, Birkenau, Treblinka and so on, could actually have happened.

    If it were not so, why is NO ONE taking the commenters who call for the eradication of the right to task.....?

    You're all too busy attacking those you HATE over other issues which are more important to you, such as the one in the article above, to step aside from the witch hunt, put your torch down and really look in the mirror.


    Do have a Pleasant Day

      #1.22 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:31 PM EDT

      @myspellcheckerisbroken ~ your comment just made me bust out laughing in my otherwise silent office. Fantfrantastic! :-)

      • 1 vote
      #1.23 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:44 PM EDT


      Being intellectually verbose, with a large arsenal of vocabulary, does not make a person wise... I think you have proved that point a few times now.

      Do have a fine afternoon.

        #1.24 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 3:23 PM EDT

        with comments like " Another illegal alien bleeding libtard administration" etc. really puts off Independence like myself why would i want to vote the same as a racist bigot?

        I really don't give a sh!t who you vote for, pal. I'm not here to kiss your ass.

        I agree with a lot of things republicans do a good example is gun rights I love owning guns i am for Smart gun regulation that protects citizen not criminals etc but i cant get past the hate that many republicans have for other human beings.

        And I can't get past people who want to turn parts of this country into another 3rd World sh!thole like the one they just came from.

        Time to enforce the law, pack their sh!t and send 'em back.

        • 1 vote
        #1.25 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:03 PM EDT

        The only thing that is being proven , and not by me, but your "side" the points I was making. these things are clearly evident to the educated, informed and thinking reader who keeps an open mind and refuses to receive information exclusively from one side of the political battlefield....

        Your reaction is typical and all too predictable, when a pseudo-liberal can't find a response they inevitably resort to name calling, that childish schoolyard manner of dealing with disagreement.

        May I ask, do YOU see the parallels between the demonization of the Jews in Germany and the present maligning of conservatives by pseudo-liberals in this country?

        If not, I recommend that you study the history and gain the insight you will need to be taken seriously in such a discussion.

        Apparently your version of "wisdom" is to ignore the lessons history has to teach us.

        You might try taking your eyes off the torch once n a while, you'll be able to see farther into the darkness and actually see that an abhorrent chapter of human history is now in the stages of replicating itself.

        Will you be able to stop yourselves just with demonizing and ostrasizing conservatives? Or will the next generation coming up behind you pick up the ball where you left off and take it further?

        What would you say to a left wing extremist who said "the only good republican is a dead republican...?"

        Here's your opportunity to prove how wise you are...

        Thank you kindly for your warm wishes for my afternoon, it's going well, hope yours is too.

          #1.26 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:45 PM EDT

          How the hell do the cops not catch up with this guy in a cruiser? Dallas cops must suck.

          • 1 vote
          Reply#2 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:40 AM EDT

          Their description of the suspect was

          Latino, approximately 5-foot-9-inches tall, in his early 30s, who weighs about 185 pounds with a bald head and sleeves of tattoos on both arms.

          so they immediately reduced the number of suspects to, say, 35% of the population of Dallas.

          • 3 votes
          #2.1 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:26 AM EDT

          I know where he will soon be able to get an illegal alien lawyer to defend him.

          Oh, that's California. He needs a slime ball licensed to practice in Texas.

          • 1 vote
          Reply#3 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:41 AM EDT

          Abogado? I thought you said "avocado".

            #3.1 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:28 AM EDT

            He probably thought he was entitled to the car too since our gov't gives them everything anyway!!!

            • 16 votes
            Reply#4 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:41 AM EDT

            Huh? What does the government give him? I think you read a different article.

            • 7 votes
            #4.1 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:12 AM EDT

            sam - "them" duh, "thems" all illegals...dontchaknow

            • 1 vote
            #4.2 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:29 AM EDT

            Makes you feel good to catch spelling errors no? Clearly, you enjoy gathering all the evidence you can find to support you own conception of the right which is defined by a stereotype.

            I would like to give you some food for thought:

            Joseph Goebbels proved it to the world, first it is necessary to stereotype, demonize, dehumanize those you disapprove of-before you eliminate them. Now, you are participating in a replication of that process.

            So it is that on many cyber street corners, radical liberals are openly wishing the right into the cornfield, going so far as to call for liquidation of as many as 200,000,000 people over their political affiliation... while no one is taking issue with them....

            If the left REALLY was collectively against intolerance, we would find many voices from that side of the fence squelching the Nazi-like commentary emanating from their midst.

            This is how it was in the 1930's in Germany, .....enough people bought into the demonization of the Jews that it then became possible to implement the "final solution" in a vacuum of dissent....

            Yes, the present process of cyber-socio/political cleansing is fascinating to watch. It really demonstrates for us how the unthinkable tragedy of Auschwitz, Birkenau, Treblinka and so on, could actually have happened.

            If it were not so, why is NO ONE taking the commenters who call for the eradication of the right to task.....?

            You're all too busy attacking those you HATE over other issues which are more important to you, such as the one in the article above, to step aside from the witch hunt, put your torch down and really look in the mirror.


            Do have a Pleasant Day

              #4.3 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:59 PM EDT

              Need to up the damage next time, get to a gym or something.

              • 1 vote
              Reply#5 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:44 AM EDT

              So you add kidnapping onto a stolen t-shirt rap huh? Good choice douche bag. At least he didn't hurt or kill them.

              • 8 votes
              Reply#6 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:45 AM EDT

              Well, we have to give credit to the mother! What a tough little cookie! I'm also glad that her hitting him didn't make him hit back and really hurt her or them both. Lucky lucky turn out.

              • 12 votes
              #6.1 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:10 AM EDT

              kink pen, pencil, cord, or long real finger nails can all be effective weapons

              • 2 votes
              #6.2 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:29 PM EDT

              For 5 minutes he took a beating and then simply stopped and pushed you and little one out, girl you need to go to the gym more.

                Reply#7 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:47 AM EDT

                You need to get a life and stop making stupid comments.

                • 19 votes
                #7.1 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:52 AM EDT

                were you born stupid or did it take a while to develope?

                • 3 votes
                #7.2 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:43 AM EDT

                We need to do away with Starbucks. They are a danger to us all.

                • 14 votes
                Reply#8 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:49 AM EDT

                you forgot to add walmart, that's where it all began.

                • 5 votes
                #8.1 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:15 AM EDT

                Dallas police described the man as Latino, approximately 5-foot-9-inches tall, in his early 30s, who weighs about 185 pounds with a bald head and sleeves of tattoos on both arms. In Dallas, hmmmmm that narrows it down to about 200,000

                • 9 votes
                Reply#9 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:51 AM EDT

                I'll surmise now that the Kimblers will take advantage of the Texas Concealed Carry Laws and arm themselves. As Kari has learned, the police can't be there to STOP the crime, they respond AFTER the fact. Buy your firearm, get trained and practice, practice, practice. When you've completed training and practice, get some additional training and practice. Make the decision you will NOT be a victim again.

                I'm very glad you managed to get away Kari. I wish it had never happened, but I'm also hoping you'll be better protected next time.

                • 7 votes
                #10 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:52 AM EDT

                In this case, firing a gun inside a vehicle with your young child beside you doesn't sound like a good plan of action. Beating him severely about the head, neck and shoulders is what I would have done.

                • 8 votes
                #10.1 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:07 AM EDT

                lawful1... firing is a last resort, but I would prefer ear damage to the potential alternatives.

                However, I will submit that if the slim ball turned and was looking down the barrel of a 9mm, that small little hole looks like you can crawl around inside when you're looking at the business end, would likely have bailed from the car in a heart beat.

                • 7 votes
                #10.2 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:18 AM EDT

                Appears to me she did just fine without a gun.

                • 8 votes
                #10.3 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:25 AM EDT

                XDM - contrary to popular conservative belief, having a gun isnt the solution to EVERYTHING.

                it turns out HE could have had a gun too, and then what?

                check mate, they all start shooting?

                i'll never understand why a christian would rather kill someone to protect themselves, or their family...or their possessions, rather than pray to GOD to survive, or pray to GOD that if it's their time, it's their time and they are ready to go to heaven.

                i suspect that if you are ok with killing someone else simply to stay on earth longer, you arent as certain there's a heaven awaiting you...

                • 2 votes
                #10.4 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:37 AM EDT


                When it's him or me, he's going down.

                Praying to god isn't going to stop a bullet at 2,300 feet per second and I do not pray that it's my time to go. I still have my wife, children and the rest of my family to love.

                I'll say an Our Father and a couple of Hail Mary's while he's taking his last breath thank you.

                • 8 votes
                #10.5 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:02 AM EDT

                I'm a religious person, but I find it a little chilling that you would respond to a threat to yourself or your family by passively praying for God to get you out because you think using force demonstrates some lack of faith. I don't believe God will use some scumbag off the street to tell me my time has come. A criminal may make his own choice to attack me, but there's no sin in fighting back, and inasfar as I kept any presence of mind during an incident like that, I'd be praying for God to help me fight successfully. This doesn't alter my view of the afterlife one bit, either.

                • 10 votes
                #10.6 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:06 AM EDT

                "i'll never understand why a christian would rather kill someone to protect themselves, or their family...or their possessions, rather than pray to GOD to survive, or pray to GOD that if it's their time, it's their time and they are ready to go to heaven"

                You may have to start passing what ever it is that you are smoking. Conceding to a sin is the same as allowing the devil to roam free, if you believe in all that mumbo jumbo.

                • 3 votes
                #10.7 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:20 AM EDT

                And she has a gun and pulls it out on him - she points it at him and tells him to pull over. He doesn't pull over and keeps driving - what does she do? Does she shoot him while he's driving, causing an accident and possibly killing her and her daughter, not to mention possible innocents?

                As for bringing God into the conversation, God didn't even protect his own son when he was being crucified (if you buy into that story), so why would God want you to fight or give you strength to fight?

                  #10.8 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:20 PM EDT

                  @thepunisher and @sleepinsadie

                  You two obviously do not understand anything about Christianity.

                  I feel this thread is turning into an Anti-religious/racism/bigot hate thread. Please stay on subject or find another thread

                    #10.9 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:50 PM EDT


                    you do not carry a gun to use as a threat (unless your a cop). It is used to end a threat. Pull and fire if you must otherwise it will end up getting taken from you and used on yourslef.

                      #10.10 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:55 PM EDT

                      sleepinsadie, how can you justify asking what God would want when you obviously don't believe in Him? Your ignorance of the meaning of "faith" couldn't be clearer!

                        #10.11 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:03 PM EDT

                        If you are going to talk about the story that you don't believe in at least read the whole thing. So, Sleep, never had to do anything you didnt want to? Never forced to do something for the greater good or greater outcome, the BIG picture if you will. God didn't save him because Jesus was to be sacrificed. That was his purpose. He was the sacrifice to end all sacrifices for all time. Also I could go into a very LONG drawn out thing on the number of places in the Bible where says he will strengthen you and so on. I won't because I don't think you would even sit through it. So in closing;

                        God showed great strength and great restraint in allowing his son to die to save all mankind for all time. If you are interested you can look it up. Its the Book of Luke, chapter 23. To see God's reaction see verses 44-46. If it's just a story you shouldnt have a problem reading it? I mean if its just fiction shouldn't hurt to read it huh?

                        One more thing, what is your problem with people stating what they believe or how they feel? Seems like you are being close minded maybe even a skosh intolerant. Either way, hey, have a blessed day.

                          #10.12 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:06 PM EDT

                          I thought God helps those that HELP THEMSELVES.

                          If you believe all the horsehockey, then you believe God was with her, right then and there, giving her the strength and courage she needed.

                            #10.13 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:32 PM EDT

                            Or she could have just made sure all the doors were locked, and he wouldn't have just opened the door and hopped in.

                              #10.14 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:58 PM EDT


                              And what is there to understand? So if someone commits a sin, you just let it go? If that was the case, then why did all your christian brethrens hunt witches and killed a bunch of people during the inquisition for commiting sins? I think I've got a good enough understanding of christianity.

                                #10.15 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 3:01 PM EDT

                                The interesting aspect of this particular situation is that, you are now repeating the whole witch hunt experience...

                                Indeed, now, instead of "sinners" the Neo-witch hunters, such as yourself, have identified any individuals who show any evidence of conservative thought as their targets.

                                You screen name is telling and your words, full of righteous indignation show us you are one who wishes to have the biggest torch and lead your mob of "us" into the darkness to confront your evil "them".

                                Of course, participating in this cyber-cleansing process requires that one's mind and thoughts be permeated and shaped by stereotypes and intolerance,..... the very same maladies which you believe you are on a crusade to stamp out.

                                Do you REALLY believe that all Christians and conservatives fit the image that has been stamped into your brain by those who are serving you your cool-aide?

                                How do you reconcile your own intolerance, bigotry and hate with the true core values of the liberal cause?

                                How would you respond to the left wing extremist who said "the only good Republican is a dead Republican...?"

                                  #10.16 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:07 PM EDT

                                  I gotta wonder who leaves the car unlocked when your husband is inside a Starbucks. When my husband goes into a Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts I lock the car from the inside and have the windows closed unless it's hot and I have the car on with the AC cranked up.

                                  • 6 votes
                                  Reply#11 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:56 AM EDT

                                  Not sure there are too many like you, hhs94, that would lock the doors while sitting in the car for a few minutes, unless you live in/near some pretty bad neighborhoods.

                                  • 11 votes
                                  #11.1 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:01 AM EDT

                                  I think it is a better society when we can leave our doors unlocked and the criminals are the ones with the locked doors. Sorry you live in such a crappy city HHS. Maybe you should move.

                                  Blame the victim... its the liberal way.

                                  • 9 votes
                                  #11.2 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:08 AM EDT

                                  Maybe you should go to a different Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts.

                                  • 2 votes
                                  #11.3 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:14 AM EDT

                                  proudamericanveteran: blame the victim is the idiot's way. No need for any political bull@!$%#

                                  • 10 votes
                                  #11.4 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:14 AM EDT

                                  hhs, I absolutely agree with you. I always lock the doors even outside the gas station and my bf takes the keys out of the ignition. There are too many crazies around today and you never know when they are going to do something. Better to be safe than sorry. This is the world we are living in today.

                                  • 5 votes
                                  #11.5 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:17 AM EDT

                                  that's it, blame the victim...... does that make you feel safer? unbelievable

                                  • 2 votes
                                  #11.6 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:19 AM EDT

                                  I'm not blaming the victim. I am so happy she and her baby are ok. I'm just saying for myself, I take precautions.

                                  • 2 votes
                                  #11.7 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:35 AM EDT

                                  I do the same thing and I live in an exceptionally low crime area. I am not placing blame on anybody but the scumbag who did this, but just for a PSA: Yes, it is safest to lock your doors if you're sitting in a car without a driver and the keys are in the ignition. This is definitely not the first time this has happened and will not be the last. Yrs ago, a pro-athlete's wife and baby were sitting in their car (in an Atlanta suburb) with the engine running while a relative ran into a print shop. She was carjacked and taken on a long wild ride before the carjacker was finally forced to stop when police surrounded the car. These things do happen. I used to live in a small "safe" midwestern town in the middle of nowhere. A grandfather had his grandson strapped in a carseat in the driveway when he realized he forgot something. Ran into the house with the engine running in the driveway and 2 teenagers jumped in the car and took off, not realizing that an infant was in the car. This sort of thing happens more often than you would think.

                                  • 2 votes
                                  #11.8 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:00 AM EDT

                                  anyone who read that statement as "blame the victim" struggles at reading comprehension.

                                  she simply wondered who would do that...cleary someone not as scared of humanity as Lisa or HHS.

                                  perhaps, given her experience, this woman will now be doing what Lisa and HHS do.

                                  it's called learning from experience...and sometimes, if we are smart, we learn from others experiences.

                                  Randi - what makes me feel safer is learning from other peoples experiences, and employing that in my own activities. Making snide remarks that are not even close to accurate, as you did...does that make you feel smarter? or just smugger?

                                  • 4 votes
                                  #11.9 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:22 AM EDT

                                  I always lock my doors from the inside too. You don't have to live in a terrible neighbor hood to have a random act of violance happen to you. And why not take more steps to be safe, especially when you have an infant in the car?

                                  Good for you Mom!!! And good looking out for yourself & family!

                                  • 5 votes
                                  #11.10 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:39 AM EDT

                                  Paranoia is defined as an unreasonable fear -- the distorted realities of too much law and order or news shows can be dangerous to the human mind and society at large. After all don't governments employ the same system: create an enemy/terrorist, create an atmosphere of shamelessly over-hyped fear from isolated incidents to make them appear like they are common occurrences, and then, under the pretense of security they curb our civil liberties.

                                    #11.11 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:06 PM EDT

                                    Does that mean we do not pay for the education, incarceration ,welfare, and medical care of the millions of undocumented immigrants who are living here?

                                    Does that mean that those who are "just here working" and trying to survive are not taking jobs our own citizens desperately need?

                                    Does that mean that the wages for labor and trades is not affected by the flood of uneducated or unskilled people? It's ironic how the left vehemently defends the interests of labor and unions in other arenas, but in the case of immigration, be it legal or not contribute to the reduction in opportunities for American citizens?

                                    There are millions of American plumbers, electricians, construction workers, mechanics, painters, landscapers, janitors etc etc out of work or earning less because the undocumented competition for those jobs is generally willing to work for much less.

                                    Again, the right asks that immigrants be required to pass through the same process as most of our ancestors did. There is absolutely nothing unfair about that.

                                    This is what you call concern over the quality of our life and our future, not paranoia.

                                    Just because the far right may be afflicted with paranoia is no way justifies your stereotyping and demonizing anyone who disagrees with you or ignoring the situation because the racial aspect makes you uncomfortable.

                                    • 1 vote
                                    #11.12 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:17 PM EDT

                                    She did a good job getting out of the car with her child, both being safe and alive.

                                    A lot of people do not like carrying firearms, and most people would probably be in shock if they actually had to shoot someone.

                                    She did the best thing considering all other outcomes.

                                    • 4 votes
                                    Reply#12 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:01 AM EDT

                                    Why dont they give him money like all other illegals, food, housing, healthcare, education ( which he really needs ) Obama offered him a work visa. but he would rather steal. He has no chance of being deported now.

                                    • 2 votes
                                    Reply#13 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:01 AM EDT

                                    Where in the article does it say he was illegal?

                                    • 8 votes
                                    #13.1 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:15 AM EDT

                                    You must be living on some alternate universe like in the comic books. Reality really isn't your thing, or maybe reading just isn't your thing.

                                    • 1 vote
                                    #13.2 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:25 AM EDT

                                    MrReality - and you're the sort of person voting for ROMNEY.

                                    America is DOOMED.

                                    • 1 vote
                                    #13.3 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:27 AM EDT

                                    I know I'll be voting for Romney. No doubt about that now.

                                      #13.4 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:20 PM EDT

                                      WELL DONE MOM about protecting your CHILD !

                                      They will catch up with this CREATURE, and if not..........HE WILL GET a PAY BACK at SOME POINT in HIS LIFE !

                                      • 5 votes
                                      Reply#14 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:01 AM EDT

                                      You go mom... You did a great job defending yourself and your baby. Props to you...

                                      • 5 votes
                                      Reply#15 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:05 AM EDT

                                      car last seen at border crossing .

                                      • 2 votes
                                      Reply#16 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:05 AM EDT

                                      Add to that too. Well Done Mom............ I'll bet this guy became more afraid of you than he did the police. All this over a T-Shirt? This guy must be one bad desperado. Probably getting his kid a birthday gift.

                                      • 1 vote
                                      Reply#17 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:06 AM EDT

                                      Sounds like a gang member. Probably an illegal.

                                      Hey Barry - do you have any executive imigration orders to cover this situation? Surely, there must be something up your sleeve to help this poor man.

                                      • 1 vote
                                      Reply#18 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:06 AM EDT

                                      Not until he registers as a Democrat. Thats the whole point.

                                      • 3 votes
                                      #18.1 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:09 AM EDT

                                      Yes he does. The one he just passed, since this guys now doesn't have a clean record he will be deported if illegal..

                                      • 2 votes
                                      #18.2 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:19 AM EDT

                                      Make mine a double half caff with a marked down Mav's t-shirt to go

                                        Reply#19 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:09 AM EDT

                                        Throw in a Cowboy and Thunder, too

                                          #19.1 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:15 AM EDT

                                          I absolutely love these comments. Because he stole and was Hispanic he must obviously be an illegal? Do other robbers get fun stereotypes? Whitey stole the shirt, must be from the trailer park. Maybe he's just another idiot in the population who is now going to wish he never stole a probably $7 shirt.

                                          • 3 votes
                                          Reply#20 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:16 AM EDT

                                          You sir, are making too much sense. Stop it, the masses are getting migraines.

                                          • 2 votes
                                          #20.1 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:27 AM EDT

                                          Where have you been monkeynucleosis? The whites have been called everything you can think of, and being punished for it too. Nobody worries about whether they're offending anybody who was legally born in America. We're supposed to feel ashamed to be born here. Well, sorry bout their luck. I was born here and I pay taxes and my parents paid taxes and my grandparents and great grandparents and all of their ancestors paid taxes. These people come across the border and assume that we owe them. Fact: We don't owe them anything. Truth is, they'd rather come here and steal and not pay taxes. That way they can take the money home and invest it and most likely triple their investment, while we pay for their medical expenses, education, food, housing etc... Where is the fairness in that? If they love Mexico so much, why not stay there and make things better in their own country?

                                            #20.2 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:29 PM EDT

                                            Is there not supposed to be a 500' Reality Buffer surrounding each Starbucks?

                                            This incident proves that my venti white chocolate mocha is not safe anywhere there are people of any color.

                                            That's the last stir-stick! I'm Nantucket bound.

                                            • 1 vote
                                            Reply#21 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:17 AM EDT

                                            Why the mask. Lime disease or Kennedyitis?

                                              #21.1 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:20 AM EDT

                                              His Klan hood must be in the cleaners.

                                              • 2 votes
                                              #21.2 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:27 AM EDT


                                              To hide his ID or J. Camptosis . one or the other...

                                                #21.3 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:59 AM EDT

                                                Love the she should have had a gun comment from all the gun lovers...sure shoot a gun within feet of your child while he is at the wheel of your speeding car, scary to think who owns guns these days...that makes perfect sense. There is no stronger person than a Mother protecting her baby good job Mom!

                                                • 3 votes
                                                Reply#22 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:18 AM EDT

                                                Seeing that it's Dallas, couldn't she have buffeted the guy with her BIG HAIR

                                                  #22.1 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:25 AM EDT

                                                  Way to go! I chuckle at the idea the guy was more afraid of the mom than the cops...

                                                  • 1 vote
                                                  Reply#23 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:20 AM EDT

                                                  Sounds like hubby set her up...

                                                    Reply#24 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:21 AM EDT

                                                    Nice take

                                                      #24.1 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:26 AM EDT

                                                      I lock the door and carry........ You may think you want in but you aren't getting back out alive! The decision now becomes how bad a criminal are you? Do you take the chance on messing with the little, old lady stopped at the light or not?

                                                      • 4 votes
                                                      Reply#25 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:24 AM EDT

                                                      ALWAYS lock your doors, whether you carry or not.

                                                      My husband goes inside, even for a few minutes, I lock the doors and unlock them when he returns. Why invite trouble? With carjacking being such a prevalent crime, I've yet to understand why people don't take such a simple precaution. Now, if the man is brandishing a weapon and forcing you to open the locked door, then you have a new dilemma, but why make it easy in the first place?

                                                        #25.1 - Wed Jun 20, 2012 3:08 PM EDT
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