Higher-quality fish from improved harvesting technique

07.06.2012Food quality has long been a hobby-horse of Harry Westavik of SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture – which is why he first became a chef, then a biotechnologist, and is now a...

“This is ‘Gunnar K, and the quality of the fish taken by this boat is first-class, for this is an HSE project for both humans and fish.”

Frequently cited IT researchers

07.06.2012Who is successful in, and what is achieved by, step-by-step software development, the IT industry’s countermeasure against fiascos? A review article by two SINTEF researchers...

Lots of references: Tore Dybå (left) and Torgeir Dingsøyr check out the article that has placed them at the top of prestigious citation statistics. Photo: Svein Tønseth

Award for research on industrial management

05.06.2012Research on management at Hydro has brought social anthropologist and SINTEF researcher Emil A. Røyrvik (39) SINTEF’s Award for Excellence in Research.

Offshore problem improves fire protection

25.05.2012Fire tests on a simulated North Sea “problem platform” have left SINTEF NBL with a unique laboratory module, developed in-house, that will raise fire-protection standards at...

Instituto SINTEF do Brasil accredited by ANP

21.05.2012Instituto SINTEF do Brasil has been officially accredited by the ANP (Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíves) for receiving R&D funding through the Special...

Minister inaugurates indoor river

15.05.2012A new “lab-flume” at the CEDREN research centre will help electricity generators to sell more hydropower when prices are highest – without negative environmental effects on...

Power to the people

23.04.2012Anita Fossdal and Fride Vullum-Bruer want the i-Phone’s battery to last longer – even when we are on Svalbard, and even when we have downloaded a whole load of apps.

Sixty years in the service of society

21.03.2012Millions of mobile telephones and the world's first floating wind turbine have one thing in common; expertise from SINTEF is built into them.