Report: US expands secret 'shadow war' in Africa

The U.S. military is using small spy aircraft disguised as private planes as it expands secret intelligence operations across Africa, The Washington Post reported late Wednesday.

The surveillance missions are part of a "growing shadow war against al-Qaida affiliates and other militant groups," the newspaper said.

Citing a former U.S. commander, the Post said about dozen air bases have been set up for the unarmed spy planes in Africa since 2007. The newspaper said they include sites in Burkina Faso, Uganda, Ethiopia and Kenya as well as in the Seychelles.

The report added:

"The surveillance is overseen by U.S. Special Operations forces but relies heavily on private military contractors and support from African troops.

The surveillance underscores how Special Operations forces, which have played an outsize role in the Obama administration’s national security strategy, are working clandestinely all over the globe, not just in war zones. The lightly equipped commando units train foreign security forces and perform aid missions, but they also include teams dedicated to tracking and killing terrorism suspects."

The Post said that the U.S. Africa Command declined to comment on "specific operational details."

However, the command confirmed that it worked "closely with our African partners ... to conduct missions or operations that support and further our mutual security goals."


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Great. Why don't we share intel with them?

  • 21 votes
#1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:20 AM EDT

It's not that hard. Go look at Djibouti on Google Earth. I counted 6 F-15s, 6 P-3s, 1 E-3 (I think), 5 C-130s, 3 C-27s, 3 CH-53s, 1 King Air (perhaps a Liberty?), and 3 Platius aircraft. It even looks like there's a P-2 Neptune on the ramp, though what they'd be doing with that old thing, I have no idea. Didn't see any drones, though there are some small hangers and a ramp connected to the main taxi-way.

  • 2 votes
#1.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:55 AM EDT

The "secret" planes fly over villages trailing a banner that says "Cash for Diamonds", call Uncle Sam for your best deal!!

This is the only reason we would be there as I don't think they have much oil found yet we want..........

  • 16 votes
#1.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:15 AM EDT

Now everyone knows about the “not so secret” shadow war. I am surprised they did not disclose the location of the airfields and the names of people involved? If this was “secretly” leaked out, I wonder who is responsible for it.

Most likely though, this is just another propaganda piece before the November election to show the public that the WH is on the roll and one step ahead of everyone?

  • 25 votes
#1.3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:18 AM EDT

Not puttin anyone down but I've heard about this a couple time on the evening news over a span of 3 yrs. This is really old junk or else it's a friendly reminder from Uncle Sam saying," that we're still here for you." This is probably caused by Romney who said he will only will talk about 5-6 topics leaving nothing else to report on.

  • 8 votes
#1.4 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:37 AM EDT

We have boots on the ground in Africa to. Have one friend there now and another rotating from Afghanistan to Africa.

  • 13 votes
#1.5 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:53 AM EDT

Like we all didn't know this was happening, right????

Where there's oil, minerals and gems there's the drumbeat for war.

  • 15 votes
#1.6 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:03 AM EDT

Well surprise, surprise the United States government doing its job. Killing terrorists (wherever they may be) before they kill us. DAMN you Obama!

  • 17 votes
#1.7 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:39 AM EDT

save the environment says "Great. Why don't we share intel with them?"

We do share the intel with them. When they say "secret war", who are they referring to? It's no secret to those who planned it. It's no secret to those on the receiving end of it. Who does that leave? Oh yeah, the U.S. citizens who have to foot the bill.

  • 14 votes
#1.8 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:49 AM EDT

If the Washington post knows about this then I'll bet we're already arming these things. As my brother in the Marines says when told he has access to drones "screw the camera how many missles can we get on this thing"

  • 4 votes
#1.9 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:58 AM EDT

"The surveillance underscores how Special Operations forces, which have played an outsize role in the Obama administration’s national security strategy, are working clandestinely all over the globe, not just in war zones."

Give. It. A. Rest.

More leaked pom-poms for Potus?

  • 7 votes
#1.10 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:07 AM EDT

@clowns, thank your brother for his service...and thanks to your family, as well.

  • 6 votes
#1.11 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:08 AM EDT

What evil lurks inside the hearts of men? The Shadow knows... ; ]

On radio and screen played by Alec the of the Baldwin himself.


  • 1 vote
#1.12 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:09 AM EDT

Great! Yet another frickin war.

  • 11 votes
#1.13 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:36 AM EDT

I'm sure we do share intel with them.

    #1.14 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:50 AM EDT

    Sharing some Intel with a corrupt partner is wise, but gotta keep most of it close to the vest. ost African nations cannot deal quickly with the threats inside their own borders, let alone an enemy that move through porous borders and jungle or desert landsacpes.

      #1.15 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:00 AM EDT

      That constant dripping sound you hear is the leak of classified material coming from the Obama administration. This leak endangers the lives our Special Forces Ops and their contract assistants. Apparently Obama doesn't care as much for their lives as he does for his own re-election. My guess is these fine soldiers and their families do.

      • 15 votes
      #1.16 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:12 AM EDT

      This is nothing, just like the navy moving it's fleet to asia, that was just last week and everyone has already forgotten about that.

      • 5 votes
      #1.17 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:34 AM EDT

      Just another transparent attempt by Obama's media arm (msnbc) to burnish Obama's image before the election.

      How predictable.

      These programs were all started by Bush, but somehow he was able to keep them secret. Gee, I wonder if politics is involved in these 'leaks'?

      • 8 votes
      #1.18 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:00 AM EDT


      This is probably caused by Romney who said he will only will talk about 5-6 topics leaving nothing else to report on.

      Which is 4 or 5 more than our President will talk about. His one topic can be summed up in one simple phrase "It's not my fault".

      • 10 votes
      #1.19 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:01 AM EDT

      @Mike in SA

      That constant dripping sound you hear is the leak of classified material coming from the Obama administration.

      Dripping? I'm sure a little dripping is unavoidable. This is quickly becoming a torrent. Soon we'll have NYT reporters sitting in on National security briefings.

      • 6 votes
      #1.20 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:04 AM EDT

      Better to go after the enemies right at source.

      But no soldiers on the ground and not much support to tin pot dictators.

      • 3 votes
      #1.21 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:24 AM EDT

      I think the real question is: Why is Daniel Sloane closely monitoring the airspace of Djibouti? ...Does anyone else find this odd?

      • 1 vote
      #1.22 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:28 AM EDT

      So I am wondering...does this mean the spy zebra (two men in a look a like zebra) has been retired?

      I think U.S. has interest in the ivory. Watching a Tarzan movie the other day where those pesky nazis wounded an elephant and then followed him to the great elephant graveyard. U.S. doesn't need drones, just do what nazis did........kidnap boy and make Tarzan show the site.....

      • 2 votes
      #1.23 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:31 AM EDT

      Backcountry, I understand that obama will be giving a major campaign speech today on the economy. Many think his main theme will be to blame someone else for the state of the economy. I wonder who will be televising it?

      • 2 votes
      #1.24 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:39 AM EDT


      Dripping? I'm sure a little dripping is unavoidable. This is quickly becoming a torrent. Soon we'll have NYT reporters sitting in on National security briefings.

      The reporters are already sitting in on the briefings. My question is does it say "Anonymous Source" on their ID badges, or are they using other names?

      • 5 votes
      #1.25 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:58 AM EDT

      Just another example of what's good for the goose (democrats) is NOT good for the gander (republicans).

      I am fine with the US Military hunting down bad guys and killing them around the world, but liberals are damn liars if the say they would be OK with Bush doing this...though he was. They would be screaming for an investigation and trials for "War Crimes" for invaiding a sovergn Nation.

      Just ANOTHER reason the American voter has lost all respect for the party of the A.SS.

      • 3 votes
      #1.26 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:08 AM EDT

      This isn't news. It's being going on for at least 3 years. I was in Cameroon and Nigeria 2 years ago and met a couple of our service at a resturant. While they didn't say it straight, they talked around the fact they are collecting information about any activity by terrorists contected to any other group out side the African Continent. I was very surprised by the number of Chinese I saw at both Douala and Lagos airports both when I arrived and when I left. The Chinese do have business connections in countries but they also provide intel to groups outside the countries friendly to them.

      • 1 vote
      #1.27 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:27 AM EDT

      I think the real question is: Why is Daniel Sloane closely monitoring the airspace of Djibouti? ...Does anyone else find this odd?

      No, not odd.

      All he did (as he said) was go to Google Earth and zoom in to our military base in Djibouti.

      • 1 vote
      #1.28 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:32 PM EDT

      It could be leaked for another reason.. you never know but yea at first glance it does kinda make ya mad that this info is being shared with the world by The Washington Post and whoever leaked it to them.. they would publish all the name of our agents in other countries along with photos and locations for simple ratings.. Does not seem like responsible reporting at first glance

      • 2 votes
      #1.29 - Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:09 AM EDT

      Fly the friendly skys.

      This reporter sure earns his money huh.

      So what. Almost sounds like somebody looking to make up trouble. Or somebody who knows nothing and wants to look like they know everything.

      Theres so much going on in the world right now.

      • 2 votes
      Reply#2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:37 AM EDT

      I am getting sick of these repeated leaks of classified information coming from either the White House itself or others doing their bidding that are designed to pump up Obama's image ahead of the election. These leaks needs to be stopped and those responsible for them prosecuted for treason. By leaking information like this they are placing the lives of US service members in even greater danger than they already face. It is completely unacceptable that these leaks are taking place for no other reason than to further one party's political goals. They have nothing to do with furthering any US national interests and are being done purely for political reasons.

      • 25 votes
      Reply#3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:37 AM EDT

      Nah, they placed our lives in danger by sending us into Iraq for the infamous search of WMDs. I was there, the only thing that was secured was oil interests. I'm sorry you bought into the whole terrorist ploy. Many did. I did at first. This ploy was just an excuse to move into any country our government wishes in the name of terrorism. Just helping you out.

      • 21 votes
      #3.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:14 AM EDT

      Yeah. We "searched" for WMD'S. How'd THAT work out????? Where WERE the WMD'S????

      *scratches head*

      Soooooooo......are we gonna bomb, invade and occupy the whole damn continent of Africa now?????


      • 4 votes
      #3.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:36 AM EDT


      " Soooooooo......are we gonna bomb, invade and occupy the whole damn continent of Africa now????? "

      I dunno.

      I didn't hear anything about bombing going on there. I think we are just watching the diamond, gold, and oil areas.

      I think the only place they have nuclear weapons there is IN SOUTH AFERICA.

      I never heard they had any nuclear power plants or even a rocked missle big enough to carry a nuclear weapon. So I GUESS THAT WAR won't go nuclear. These small planes aren't capable to carry any large nuclear device. This secret war might only last a day or so once declared. It should be very limited. Probably just a few thousand tribel people will die. Mankind must keep the blood letting and the sacifices of blood and life. Otherwise death for all will not be inevitable and mankind might become immortal and that is not a good thing.

      After all this is the 21st. Century.

      We live in a THERMO NUCLEAR AGE


      These tiny airplanes and people flying high in the sky is no cause for alarm.

      • 1 vote
      #3.3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:02 AM EDT

      It's not classified. "Secret" in the headline is just sensationalism; it's not well known. There may be an ulterior motive in making sure it is more known. Anytime a terrorist sees or hears a plane, it will be in the back of their mind that it might be us...

      • 1 vote
      #3.4 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:15 AM EDT

      JS, this really is nothing new. Go to the US AIRFORCE web page and it tells you everything you think that should be classified.

      Everyone that cares, knows where we are and what we are doing. What I don't like is them putting down the names of cities and bases where the actual programs are being run. But hey...we are an open society and this is what we get.

      Even those that say that Sadam had no nuke weapons program...even that info is on the web.

      NOTHING is Secret anymore. Though allot of it should be....

      • 3 votes
      #3.5 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:25 AM EDT

      what 'leaks' ? this is a desperate man using his office to campaign

      • 9 votes
      #3.6 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:31 AM EDT

      Must be election time! Lets go to war with somebody! *sigh*

      • 4 votes
      #3.7 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:37 AM EDT

      I completely agree JS in SD. This is just Obama using more special operators as neon signs to point at him for reelection. While DEVGRU is a bit more boisterous about what they do (well, the Navy is just that way), most other operators are not. You may hear about the SEAL's doing a lot of operations lately - that doesn't mean the Rangers and SFOD-D or any other group under the command of JSOC isn't conducting ops. The difference is that the others don't like attention. Obama doesn't understand that limelight gets operators killed.

      This "shadow war" (laughable title) isn't a secret. It may be restricted but that's far from the top levels of clearance. One doesn't need TSIG to gain access to it. Restricted, even classified information just means "we'd rather you not know about this but if you happen to learn about it - oh well". That's in contrast to "top secret" or information requiring TSIG clearance.

      As far as the WMD's in Iraq - I too am a vet JD. Yes, among other reasons we invaded, oil supplies were a large factor. WMD's and Bin Laden (who saw Saddam as an infidel just like us and WOULD NOT have dealt with him) were the excuses to invade. The thing is: we sold the "WMD's" to Iraq after the Gulf War. There's a senate record of them stating the Iraq was not a terrorist state and they were cleared for weapons trades. The sale amount was listed along with the specific weapons that were sold. Sarin and anthrax were among them. Of course it would look bad on the evening news if we found the weapons with "Property of the US Government" plastered on the side. Did we get rid of them? Well, ask some soldiers that were part of OIF1 and you'll begin to hear stories. Doubtful anyone directly involved will say much though.

      • 5 votes
      #3.8 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:25 AM EDT

      I agree with jd.

      By dancing along with Saudis, oil companies and lobbyists with Iraqi wars, Saudis, oil companies and lobbyists became richer and we poorer.

      The same set of people are doing similar acts on Iran and manipulating oil prices higher and higher.

      Instead of WMD business like Iraq or oil being critical, let there be some changes in dramas on Iran.

      With economic mess all around, is it the time to have sanctions on Iranian oil?

        #3.9 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:32 AM EDT

        John...view the u tube video where Bush was mocking the world when lie exposed about using old intel they knew was false to start the war for war profiteering Haliburton and no bid contracts.

        Bush is at podium, walks around looking under table as if he can't find something, walks back to podium and grins into the camera very arrogantly and says, No WMDs there!.........Funny huh, laughing at you and my relatives and friends that went there. Laughing at the dead and dying U.S. troops, basically saying, yeah so what? What are you going to do about it.

        His Air Force staffer, (woman now retired) said he told her when first being elected he wanted to go to war because war presidents are remembered.

        He just laughed in the face of the whole world . Read either one of Colin Powells book for eye opener.

        • 1 vote
        #3.10 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:46 AM EDT

        Not necessarily. It might be on purpose they leak out this stuff for the deterrent value on enemies or potential enemies to join the "rebel" cause. It might save lives on both sides earlier in the game. They might have stats on that, which would be interesting to explore. It is not necessarily for Potus image.

        I prefer the surprise effect equation as in if you plot destruction somehow you get dead by karma, which we all know is a .....

          #3.11 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:56 PM EDT

          Did it ever occur to you that this information is no longer a secret amongst world leaders and terrorist organisations so they decided to you know about it as well.

            #3.12 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:27 PM EDT

            Another leak from the leaking boat. A drone crashed at the Seychelles some months ago that was reported right after the Predator crash-landed in Iran. Seriously why is US/Nat.Sec. endangering now all small private aircraft as potential spy planes. Whether Spec.ops are operating in Africa at behest of African g'ments- pinpointing them and the bases is equal to betraying them and betraying US of A. Time to make sure- that US adm. is held accountable for these leaks. Now the Sequel 'African Warrior' is playing in US newspapers- what's the name of Sequel III?

            • 11 votes
            Reply#4 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:37 AM EDT

            It's not the leaks that bother me. It's the assumption that the USA SHOULD be militarily involved in every country in the world. The constitutional requirement for a declaration of war before undertaking military action has been made completely obsolete, and the main complaint here is that these illegal actions are being reported in the media instead of being kept totally secret from the American people.

            Doesn't anyone realize that by getting involved in local issues and killing "suspected terrorists" all over the world, the US continues to make itself a target for retaliation?

            • 2 votes
            #4.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:17 AM EDT

            Intelligence gathering, training operations, police actions, etc. - these haven't been considered "war" for a very long time. Presidents from both parties tend to avoid official wars if they can help it, because Congress tends to muck the debate up with politics unless somehow we've been directly attacked. And we can't really declare war on non-government entities like Al Quaida or Lords Army. As long as we feel we need to control events outside our borders, Presidents will continue to use the military in these unofficial actions. This activity is by no means a real war

            "Leaks" also have a very long tradition. Both sides use them to both prop up their own image and to try to embarras their opponenets. Don't see what the surprise is about really. I would rather confidential info stay confidential as well, but I don't expect that will ever be the case in a civilian govt. run by politicians.

            • 1 vote
            #4.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:30 PM EDT

            Good point Mimi about the small plane owners. The paranoia generated might be refocused on small plane owner, medical planes, etc...

            • 1 vote
            #4.3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:58 PM EDT

            So let me understand something? We have publicly expanded a secret war? HTF is that even possible lol, i want some of the @!$%# uncle sams been smokin lately lmao, this kind of news makes me laugh so freakin hard, i suppose nobody over in africa reads MSNBC!

            • 1 vote
            Reply#5 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:48 AM EDT

            Probably not but they talk to their families in the US who hear about it through the "grape" Vine.

              #5.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:01 PM EDT

              I dont think the white house would leak any thing if they thought it would make it harder to perform the operations they are doing. I dont really think its wrong to look at this info as a boost to Obama. His administration IS doing these things, it IS fighting terrorism dont know what they cant show it. As opposed to Bush who created the terrorist hotbed of iraq by invading based on outright lies of weapons of mass destruction that they clearly knew did not exist. Well and really he started the war using all out lies that the people who hit the towers on 911 were terrorists supported by iraq, something that is absolutely not true and the bulk of those terrorists were from Saudi Arabia, our ally no less, and hey we arent at war with them i wonder why? Oh right because Bush and his rich pals own stock in oil companies that rely heavily on Saudi Arabias oil exports. Obama inherited 2 wars that were started and put on credit. He has been expected to fix in one term, what Bush screwed up in 2 terms. Wars we cant pay for, and making sure that big buisnesses and wealthy folks the nation over could do what ever they want leading to economic collapse and some how Obama is supposed to fix all that immediately to be considered an effective president. He didnt screw this country up, and any thing that has been done to try and fix the problem has been met with bickering between both democrats and republicans so bad that it makes them all look like 5 year olds. Nothing gets done because special interest groups with enough money have the ability to interfere with our democracy. Your vote doesnt count, your views dont count the bulk of the nation doesnt count the only thing that counts any more is what the top 1 percent of the nation want, the only views that count are those of the people who can afford to pay our politicians millions of dollars every year to get their way. And as long as that is allowed to go on this economy will never be repaired it will only get worse, all our jobs will go away, and the rest of the world will continue to rightfully hate us as the people who go over to their home land and bomb the hell out of it so we can steal their resources.

              • 5 votes
              Reply#6 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:04 AM EDT


              yup and the 1% put Obama in office!

              • 1 vote
              #6.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:04 AM EDT

              wowza, you're right everything is Bush's fault. The fact that Obama is continuing half of Bush's ideas is Bush's fault. The leaks coming out of the White House is Bush's fault. How about this we hired Obama to fix the problems not make excuses. Yeah Bush's overspending caused the problem, but then how is Obama's over spending suppose to fix it, sounds to me like he's continuing the Bush policies. Time to man up Obama and stop with the excuses

              • 4 votes
              #6.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:34 AM EDT


              If Obama couldn't have fixed the wars and bring our troops home, he shouldn't have promised that he would the 1st year of his term. Instead of bringing them home what he do? Sent in more troops, and extended how long our men and women will be there.

              And now could we get over Bush did this Bush did that, its Bush's fault. Its been 3 years this whining is getting old. I'm not for either party, get tired of the BS on both sides, but good lord anytime Obama does something that isn't right, you people throw Bush into the arguement in hopes of taking the focus turns from Obama. This current belief of blaming everyone else instead of taking responsibility is sooo sad! How can we expect our children to learn responsibility if this blame game is played by everyone including our president.

              • 2 votes
              #6.3 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:03 PM EDT


              Stick it in the recycle bin,

              or how 'bout a video instead.

              Another Big Lie, fed by one news agency to every other news agency to fill webpage spaces.

                Reply#7 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:06 AM EDT

                The media has become such a lame industry compared to what it once was. This story is worthless

                • 2 votes
                #7.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:13 AM EDT

                why is Obama or Binden leaking this information out if it is a secret mission->??????/ if it cost lives from this leak they should be hanged---

                • 6 votes
                Reply#8 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:09 AM EDT


                " why os Obama or Biden leaking this information out

                if it a secret mission>?????"

                WHY? If I had relatives there I would want people to know I'm looking out for them. Figure it out. ROOTS !

                • 1 vote
                #8.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:10 AM EDT

                And you had no problem when Cheneys crowd outed a CIA agent who had intell that proved their WMD and yellow cake claims were false .

                You missed your calling as a politician , if you willing to believe anything form the fascists and commies in Washington they have spot for you as a sheeple

                • 4 votes
                #8.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:20 AM EDT

                When Bush Cheney out the cia agaent and ALL their contacts, Bush sr. called the person who did this a traitor!...His own son the traitor....because the man did his job, finding no yellow cake material and reporting it to his superiors as ordered to do so. TRAITOR.

                • 1 vote
                #8.3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:50 AM EDT

                Leaks are done by both sides. Sometimes to pad their own resume, but oftentimes to embarrass a foe. Sometimes to mislead the enemy even. So can't be sure who is leaking what. It's been a long tradition in the USA, predating the civil war.

                • 1 vote
                #8.4 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:03 PM EDT

                seemssoobvious and starsailing

                And yall we some of the people that did throw fits when Cheney outed the CIA agent. Yet now that Obama is doing it yall are just fine with it..I have been reading this sort of hypocritical crap for months from both sides and mainly from you liberals ya'll blame the republicans for something but when the Democrats do almost the same thing it is strangely quiet or ya'll throw in "The Republicans did this or did that"

                • 2 votes
                #8.5 - Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:09 PM EDT

                The "leak" is Obama. He is trying to portray himself as a military leader. BTW: Besides compromising lives for his own political gain note that the program started in 2007 under Busch.

                • 6 votes
                Reply#9 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:10 AM EDT


                " He is trying to portray himself as a military leader "

                OUR PRESIDENT Obama IS the COMMANDER and CHIEF of The UNITED STATES MILITARY. I don't know WHAT your ( portray ) is all about.

                " leak " is Obama " such a hater statement.

                " Besides compromising lives for HIS own political gain "what a fooish statement.

                YOU are the better person. NOT ! If you have no credit to give President Obama so be it. To many people everytime we get another President go for the thoat and show their ugly colors. To me this demonstrates just how low many people are.

                It demonstrates how much disrespect and hatred lays within so many. How BIG of them to cause deliberate arguements and the willingnest to even fight over nonsense things.

                I suppose everyone of that comes into these comment areas has his or her own agenda. No one speaks for me. I try not to speak for anyone other than myself.

                BUT, like it or not one we make comment we all become somehow what so many dislike about the other. AND. We ARE POLITICANS. We become our own worst enemy. An enemy that cannot be defeated. An enemy that cannot win. We each terrorize ourself and each other and deliberately.

                WE I guess will always be at odds because of politics and different religous ideas.

                BUT. I need to ask. What is the purpose ? What is the GOAL should WE ( whoever WE are ) continue this coarse ?

                Is it because doing what we do makes us feel so important and it gives us the attention we crave for ? Is it just the way we are ? Do we find releif because it's a form of venting ? Well before I fall off the my chair and go into the deep end I will stop now.

                I think. MY OPINION. Since WE ( the people of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA )could be better if we showed more respect to the office and person who just happens to be THE President whoever that is at anygiven time.

                • 1 vote
                #9.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:52 AM EDT





                Pro-everything that will get a vote

                soon to be loser

                respect is earned and so are nobel prizes....usually

                • 9 votes
                #9.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:35 AM EDT

                Fran - Obama is no military leader. Yes, he's the CIF but that alone does not warrant respect as an EXPERIENCED military tactician. He's trying to make it look like he can lead an army effectively when he cannot. Yes, Obama IS the leak if he's the one spewing all this information. We know he did when it came to killing Osama. He released more information in a shorter period of time than any other president has with any other stealth operation. He should only have said "Bin Laden is dead as a direct result of an operation conducted by a Tier 1 group" that's it. Obama loves putting operators in the limelight in order to put himself in the spotlight.

                I'm sorry you don't see that.

                • 3 votes
                #9.3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:41 AM EDT

                respect is earned and so are nobel prizes....usually

                Thanks now I have to clean coffee off my monitor....You nailed it. PRICELESS.

                • 2 votes
                #9.4 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:44 AM EDT

                That's right one more success that Bush waited to achieve untill he was out of office. He was such a brilliant president to do that. It is funny how you righties either say how horrible that Obama is doing this or you say that it is really Bush's doing, sounding like you approve of it if you can convince yourself that it was all Bush really.

                • 4 votes
                #9.5 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:17 AM EDT

                Another BUSH idea


                Yes, Pres. Obama CAN BLAME Bush for this one

                BUT the leaking of SECRETs --- ALL OBAMA

                • 9 votes
                Reply#10 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:14 AM EDT

                Says who? Plenty of high-ranking congressmen and senators have access to that info as well. I'm just saying, who's playing whom?

                • 2 votes
                #10.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:06 PM EDT
                Michel TomDeleted

                Hey everybody! Look over there! Yeah, Africa. The hotbed of terrorism and Al Qaeda.

                Ok Mr. President, you can carry on with your 'secret' assassination program. Who's the next U.S. Citizen on the kill list? Hold on, wait sir, someone's watching.

                Hey everybody, look over there!

                • 6 votes
                Reply#12 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:24 AM EDT

                Regarding the so-called "leaks", try considering that our so-called government has been compromised by our ENEMIES not just from Within, but also Without.

                • 2 votes
                Reply#13 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:30 AM EDT
                Comment author avatarWayne Simanovskyvia Facebook

                This country keeps meddling in other countries business. Mark my words, one of there days @!$%# will hit the fan and "SPLAT" the US will be in big trouble. Worst of all nobody will even consider helping.

                • 5 votes
                Reply#14 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:30 AM EDT

                ever notice no other country finds it necessary to go to war, like Canada or Mexico?

                • 4 votes
                #14.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:33 AM EDT

                Ralph, I guess you forget very quickly. Canada has boots in Afghanistan. They have since the beginning. A Canadian sniper holds the record for the longest shot currently. Where was this shot taken??????????????? Afghanistan.

                Mexico is just Mexico. They have plenty to worry about already.

                • 1 vote
                #14.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:46 AM EDT

                Well, Canada has sent troops to just about every conflict since WW2. Mexico aligned themselves with Germany in WW2. Use a good example, like Switzerland or Sweden. They keep their noses out of every ones business.

                • 1 vote
                #14.3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:56 AM EDT

                What else could it possible be that we would need spy planes other than to monitor the counties that are letting the radical Muslims use their countries for training and hiding out.

                If it is for any reason other than that, again that is a civil issue and we should not be getting our noses into another counties business.

                  Reply#15 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:30 AM EDT

                  Then explain their use at home, here, in the US. Do we have states allowing terrorists camps? Are the US people now considered dangerous and in need of surveillance? Just a thought.

                  • 2 votes
                  #15.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:59 AM EDT

                  Not really a secret. We are already in over 130 countries around the world. Can you even name that many? And all for our national security interest, I guess. Prior administrations started this, but our nobel peace prize winning President sure has done his part as well.

                  • 3 votes
                  Reply#16 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:33 AM EDT

                  Again, the news media is trying to destroy the USA. Why should such a new be exposed? How do you guys know that Obama is leaking the news? There is a policy to follow at the white house and even the president of the USA can not go over this policy. I believe that some or one of the staffs may probably have such conversation with a friend or friends while hanging out, then the story goes beyond its limit. Or a white house worker overheard the talk and spread it to the news media for a cash reward. Because it's a free country, free speech can go over its limit. But what about the security of the people of the country? Our belly is totaly open to the enemy just for fame and money.

                  • 1 vote
                  Reply#17 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:35 AM EDT

                  Nooooo....Obama is trying to DESTROY us.......What other administration has been soooo bad,so reckless, so blatant,so arrogant,so untruthful? What other administration has sat while the economy keeps falling and falling and falling and did NOTHING...while our credit rating was downgraded..and also added 5$ TRILLION dollars to the debt in his first 2 years then stand there and denies he did that. I think Mr Obama is a compulsive LIAR along with a narcissist...Oh through all this he endorsed same sex marriage...that is because he likes blanking us in the arse!

                  • 6 votes
                  #17.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:59 AM EDT

                  make your post simpler and just say youre a republican.

                  • 2 votes
                  #17.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:39 AM EDT

                  Yes, because if you disagree with Obama, your going to paint us into the Republican corner, or disregard our opinion because you think we are racists.

                  • 3 votes
                  #17.3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:01 AM EDT

                  We should be targetting the scumbags at the Washington Post.

                  • 2 votes
                  Reply#18 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:36 AM EDT

                  Nooo the ones in Washington.

                  • 2 votes
                  #18.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:00 AM EDT

                  Someone needs to stop the United States of America. This has nothing to do with national security. It is about conquering the globe.

                  • 7 votes
                  Reply#19 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:43 AM EDT

                  thrill- why don't you go do that?

                  • 1 vote
                  #19.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:45 AM EDT

                  Another war brought to another country by our fascist war machine. I think it is called the Department of Defense.

                  • 2 votes
                  #19.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:01 AM EDT

                  Our fascist war machine makes sure that you are not forced to stand formation at 0500 in the rain to await your turn in the shower.

                  Just say, "thank you" and call it a day.

                  • 3 votes
                  #19.3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:32 AM EDT

                  LOL..Have you stood in that line? I have...And that gives me the right to question what the Government that I helped defend does. That gives me the right to call BS when I see it. And I'm calling BS.

                  • 3 votes
                  #19.4 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:04 AM EDT

                  Our only business in Africa should be taking out the bad guys in Somalia that are continually hijacking trade ships and we should just do it, not keep playing around. Any monitoring we need on suspected terrorist training camps can come from satellite imagery which has ample resolution and coverage to identify any real threat. Of course, it may be hard to tell terrorist camps from the normal encampments of the warlords.

                  • 3 votes
                  Reply#20 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:50 AM EDT

                  There's been a lot of talk recently about national security leaks from high sources. Some believe it's political in nature and an effort to bolster Obama's chances at reelection. I'm not usually a conspiracist, and I usually think there's what someone believes is a compelling reason to release information to the press. But in this case I'm thinking, Why is this public information?

                  And for those who don't believe we have sufficient reason to be in Africa: Al Qaeda is reason enough. Obama has been reported to want to have a greater focus on Africa for humanitarian or other reasons, so I have no doubt there's more going on than we know.

                  BUT I'm truly pissed off that, a) somebody leaked all this, and b) MSNBC, felt compelled to print it under the guise of "the public's need to know." That is BS. It's really all about the media's need to tell it first for ratings purposes.

                  • 5 votes
                  Reply#21 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:52 AM EDT


                  " That is BS. "

                  Wecome to the TWILIGHT ZONE.

                  • 2 votes
                  #21.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:56 AM EDT

                  Another "Leak" by Obama!

                  • 3 votes
                  Reply#22 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:53 AM EDT

                  You can't blame Obama because you woke up feeling grouchy, get over it. He is the president.

                  • 2 votes
                  #22.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:43 AM EDT


                  " because you woke up feeling grouchy "

                  LOL ! ; P

                  Were they born a grouch ? or just a grouch ? sooooo funny. You are being to nice.

                    #22.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:01 AM EDT


                    " Another "leak" by Obama "

                    YOU my girl better stop hanging out in his bathroom. Can't a man even take a piss without you SHOUTING it out.

                    Hey evryone Obama's leaking again. This is me. It's beanne. I'm a girl. I'm in his bathroom I know what's going on. Duh !

                    • 2 votes
                    #22.3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:07 AM EDT

                    If she is grouchy, your just as bad, if anyone dares say anything negative about Obammy, you have to chime in to defend him. Do you hold his pimp cane and hat for him when he limps out to give speeches? :)

                    • 1 vote
                    #22.4 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:09 AM EDT

                    Fran, these leaks may not come from Obama directly, but they are coming from someone in the White House.

                    • 1 vote
                    #22.5 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:10 PM EDT

                    Looks like all those 'leaks' are designed to show us what a vigilant job this administration is doing and how reelecting Obama is in our best interest.

                    I'm waiting for the leak that Obama single-handedly made his economy partner and high Dollar fundraiser GE create 20 jobs!

                    • 4 votes
                    Reply#23 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:54 AM EDT


                    " Obama single-handedly made his economy partner and high Dollar fundraiser GE create 20 jobs !"

                    I'm impressed. Good for Obama. That's 20 jobs more than you are making here.

                    Hey Anne. You sound like a pretty nice girl. Are you HOT ?

                    I could make a job for you I have connections. Wanna be the next Obama GIRL ?

                    I hear there is an opening. ; P That would make 21 jobs. Call me. ;P

                    • 3 votes
                    #23.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:14 AM EDT

                    Anne, Jeffrey Immelt is a Republican

                      #23.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:13 PM EDT

                      Any Country who hates or has Oil,Minerals is al-Qaida to the USA..

                      • 1 vote
                      Reply#24 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:59 AM EDT

                      Well now, this isn't at all terrifying....

                        Reply#25 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:04 AM EDT
                        Comment author avatarMichael Aufenkampvia Facebook

                        if they're reporting this, it isn't a secret.

                        Just in case, I'm calling Africa and ratting us out :)

                        (Does anybody know their number?)

                        • 1 vote
                        Reply#26 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:05 AM EDT

                        Michael Aufenkamp

                        " if they're reporting this, it isn't a secret "

                        Oh it's still a secret. See the only reason WE told YOU is because YOU THE MAN. WE wanted to keep you in the LOOP. Sine YOU Be in the LOOP now you gotz to keep a low profile bro. WE just ain't tellin those Africans.

                        Have we got a suprise for them.

                        If they ask what we are doing. Tell them we are looking for Zebras. Tell them we are counting how many stripes a Zebra has. That's all they need to know.

                        O.K. bro.

                        • 1 vote
                        #26.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:22 AM EDT
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