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Marine biologist Jane Lubchenco at work. (Courtesy of Oregon State University)

Lubchenco’s Climate Service

New NOAA head Jane Lubchenco wants a National Climate Service to help Americans plan for the challenges a changing climate will bring to our water, land, cities and crops.

Also In This Week’s Radio Show (May 8, 2009):


The full show


Chasing Twisters – For the next month, more than 100 researchers will crisscross the Great Plains to gather data about how tornadoes form.


Goodbye DDT – Amid mounting research on the negative effects of DDT on human health, the United Nations plans to end global use of the toxic chemical by 2020.


A Home for Jaguars – In Brazil, a novel approach to helping big cats.


Energizing Biofuel – Living on Earth explores what President Obama’s 800 million-dollar boost for biofuels will mean for farmers, consumers, and the planet.


Note on Emerging Science – Serotonin and the secret lives of locusts.


Food Deserts – Efforts are underway in New York City to bring fresh and affordable food to under-served neighborhoods.


Eco IQ – Author Daniel Goleman takes us on a shopping trip that tests our eco smarts.

Generating Controversy:  The Changing Climate of Coal
The problems and promise of coal, and the potential of new technologies.

Obama's Cabinet
A Nobel Laureate scientist... a Colorado rancher... the daughter of immigrants... LOE looks at the president's energy and environment team.

A Watering Can, Some Seedlings, and the Greening of a Nation
The story of Nobel Prize Peace winner Wangari Maathai.

Louisiana Storm Protection: Past, Present, Future
Why the levees failed and how to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Early Signs- Reports From A Warming Planet
How climate change is affecting communities around the world.

Fusion or Illusion?
A look at the promise of fusion energy.

The Secret Life of Lead
A twenty year study looks at the effects of childhood lead exposure.





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