BBC News Science & Environment

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21 June 2012 Last updated at 09:33 ET

'Slow' progress on Earth problemsBan Ki-moon

The UN sustainable development summit in Rio de Janeiro has formally opened with a warning from UN head Ban Ki-moon that progress on the issue is too slow.

Scientists in the ArcticSir Paul on Arctic: 'Let it be'

Greenpeace is launching a campaign backed by star names to have the Arctic region declared a sanctuary by the United Nations.

Our Experts

Jonathan Amos, Science correspondent Article written by Jonathan Amos Jonathan Amos Science correspondent
Richard Black, Environment correspondent Article written by Richard Black Richard Black Environment correspondent
David Shukman Article written by David Shukman David Shukman Science editor

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Michael JohnsonPsychology of pressure

Are emotions the key to good performances?

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Seattle skyline taken with Reveal picture

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