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Our mission is to provide public health leadership to improve cardiovascular health for all, reduce the burden, and eliminate disparities associated with heart disease and stroke.

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Community Health Workers eLearningPromoting Policy and Systems Change to Expand Employment of Community Health Workers (CHWs) eLearning
This course is designed to provide state programs and other stakeholders with basic knowledge about CHWs, such as official definitions, workforce development, and other topic areas. The course also covers how states can become engaged in policy and systems change efforts to establish sustainability for the work of CHWs, including examples of states that have proven success in this arena.

AspirinRecommendations of Aspirin for Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
Aspirin can be beneficial to individuals who already have experienced a heart attack, stroke, angina or peripheral vascular disease, or have had certain procedures such as angioplasty or bypass. It can also be taken to prevent heart disease and stroke in some individuals who have not previously experienced these events.

New IOM report A National Surveillance System for Cardiovascular and Chronic Lung DiseasesNew Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report
On July 22, 2011, the Institute of Medicine released a new report entitled, A Nationwide Framework for Surveillance of Cardiovascular and Chronic Lung Diseases. The report was sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute at the National Institutes of Health and CDC’s Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention.

IOM Report CoverNew Institute of Medicine Report Finds National Action Imperative to Reduce Sodium Content of Foods
It’s not the use of table salt that’s harming American’s health (table salt accounts for about 5% of salt intake). Instead, it’s the salt loaded into packaged foods and restaurant meals.


Be one in a million hearts. Get Involved.


Common food items, such as a sandwich, contains more sodium that you might think.

Vital Signs: Where's the sodium? There's too much sodium in many common foods.


Data & Statistics

National Cardiovascular Disease Surveillance logo.

Visit our new Data Trends & Maps application.

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