
Welcome UNT Alumni!

As UNT alum, you are welcome to continue using the services and resources of the UNT Career Center for free. This is a lifetime service to you as a graduate of UNT. You are able to access the same services as any currently enrolled student. We are here to assist you whether just starting your job search or are thinking about a career change. Your connection to UNT does not have to end just because you graduated.


Last revised on June 26, 2008.

The University of North Texas Career Center, in collaboration with NT Exes (UNT Alumni Association), announces its Alumni Career Services.

Through its alumni career services, the UNT Career Center, in collaboration with NT Exes, facilitates career-development, employment, UNT-involvement, mentoring, and recruiting opportunities for UNT alumni by designing and implementing service and communication systems available to all UNT alumni.

The UNT Career Center's services to alumni include:

Career Advising (e.g., consulting and/or coaching on topics such as professional development, work-place communication, conflict management, career transitions, career research, resume preparation, networking, interview preparation, negotiation, etc.)

  • Alumni career-advising appointments. If you would like to meet for an individual or group career-advising appointment for alumni with an industry-specific career advisor of the UNT Career Center, please call (940) 565-2105, email the Center at or sign up for one of the available times in the Eagle Network.*
  • Self-assessment instrument administration and interpretation (e.g., Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, Strong Interest Inventory®, etc.). If you are interested in completing a psychometric-measurement instrument and having your personality, career-interests, skills-confidence, conflict-modes, and/or other scores and related careers interpreted for you, please schedule a career-advising appointment by calling (940) 565-2105 or emailing the Center at This service costs between $15.00 and $35.00 per instrument, depending on the instrument you complete, for the price of the Counseling Psychologists Press report you will receive.

Alumni Networking / Student Mentoring

  • An alumni-alumni and alumni-student networking system through the Career Center's Eagle Network on-line interface.* To network with other alumni and/or become available to UNT students for career mentoring/support, please access the Eagle Network, learn about mentoring opportunities, and register. The system allows you to limit the quantity and quality of requests you receive. Please don't hesitate in contacting the Career Center at (940) 565-2105 or with any questions you may have..

Presentations or Workshops at Companies/Organizations (i.e., Outreach presentations and/or workshops provided where alumni work) in English or Spanish on either of the subjects listed below. If interested, please call (940) 565-2105 or email the Career Center at

  • Instrument administration, interpretation, and application on
    • Work Values (i.e., Work/Life Values Checklist®)
    • Skills Confidence (i.e., Skills-Confidence Section of NR SII®)
    • Career Interests (i.e., Newly Revised Strong Interest Inventory®)
    • Personality Type (i.e., Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®)
  • Diversity in the Workplace
  • Team Building and Synergy
  • Conflict Management in the Workplace
  • Promotions within the Workplace
  • Excellent Customer-Service
  • Successful Delegation
  • Other feasible topics available by request

Alumni Participation in Student Programs

Participation as presenter, panelist or mentor in UNT student programs (e.g., industry-specific networking events, career days, skill/knowledge-development workshops, company presentations, etc.). For further information on proximate opportunities or if you are interested in participating in them, please call (940) 565-2105 or email the Career Center at

Job-Search Events

Career Fairs and On-Campus Interviewing for UNT students/alumni to network for opportunities or for alumni to recruit UNT students and other alumni are made available by the Career Center each semester. Please refer to the Eagle Network calendar for further information and/or to register for these recurrent opportunities.

How to register in the Eagle Network

* To sign up for an individual appointment, group advising or an alumni career-service event, please access your Eagle Network account. If you don't yet have an account, please access the Eagle Network, register, and upload your resume. You will be prompted to contact the Career Center for your account to be activated. Once in the Eagle Network, you will be able to view and/or register for any Career Center event, service or job, including all alumni career services listed.

The dates and/or locations listed above could change. Please confirm event times and locations in the Eagle Network.

If you have alumni career-service questions, comments or special requests, please contact the Career Center at (940) 565-2105 or


The Division of Student Affairs provides opportunities for students and the campus community to cultivate academic, personal, and professional success. We enhance the student experience through a wide array of intentional programs, services and activities that support the life cycle of our students.


Optimal Resume

Do you need help getting ready to apply for jobs? We can help you with your resume, cover letter, creating an online portfolio, or get some practice interviewing for a job. Don't wait. Click the logo above to start.

Eagle Network

If you're looking for a job, on- or off-campus, the Career Center's Eagle Network will help you find one. With the Eagle Network you can sign up for interviews, register to attend career events and much more.