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Message from the Director Geoffrey Wawro:

Wawro Welcome to the Military History Center at the University of North Texas. Our goal is to build one of the premier military history programs in the world. We are hiring great military historians, who teach and write well. We will use this center to pull together our own faculty and our advisory fellows -- heavyweights like Niall Ferguson, Holger Herwig, and Jeremy Black -- and to attract speakers and conferences like our hugely successful Alfred Hurley Military History Seminar, which has been an annual event in North Texas for twenty-five years. Speakers have included Michael Howard, Martin Blumenson, Dennis Showalter, David Glantz, Carlo D'Este, Allan Millett, and Gerhard Weinberg. At the UNT Military History Center we are introducing a PhD. in military history. Here we study, analyze and discuss the history and future of warfare in every era and culture. Join us in North Texas, or right here on the web.

Michael Leggiere Dr. Michael V. Leggiere, one of the leading historians in the world of the Napoleonic Wars, joined UNT and the Military History Center in 2008. Mike comes to us from LSU-Shreveport, where he taught Military, French, and German History for ten years. He received his PhD in history from the Florida State University after studying at the Institute on Napoleon and the French Revolution. Mike has published two acclaimed books, Napoleon and Berlin: The Franco-Prussian War in North Germany, 1813 (2002) and The Fall of Napoleon: the Allied Invasion of France, 1813-14 (2007). He is presently writing volume two of the Fall of Napoleon for Cambridge University Press, and is also writing a biography of Prussian Field Marshal Gebhard von Blücher and, for Yale University Press, a new history of the Battle of Waterloo. Mike is an active member of the Society for Military History and serves on the Board of Directors of the Consortium on the Revolutionary Era. At the Military History Center he will serve as Deputy Director. Mike enjoys teaching the French Revolution, Napoleon, the Age of Nationalism, and the military history of 18th century Europe.

Robert M. Citino The Military History Center is pleased to welcome Robert M. Citino (Ph.D., Indiana University, 1984) to the Department of History. Rob is the one of the country's most distinguished military historians. He is the author of eight books, most recently The German Way of War (2005) and Death of the Wehrmacht (2007), both of which were main selections of the History Book Club and the Military Book Club. His book Blitzkrieg to Desert Storm (2004) was the winner of both the American Historical Association's Paul M. Birdsall Prize for best book of the year in military and strategic history and the Society for Military History's Distinguished Book Award. In October 2007, his article "Military Histories Old and New: A Reintroduction" appeared in the American Historical Review, the first military history article to appear in the profession's journal of record in decades. He served as Book Review Editor for World War II magazine from 2004 to 2006, is currently the author of the magazine's blog "Front and Center", and has made numerous appearances on The History Channel. In 2007, he was named the "#1 Professor in the U.S." by , the online student rating service. During the 2008-2009 academic year, he served as the Charles Boal Ewing Visiting Professor of Military History at the US Military Academy in West Point, NY.

Send comments to Dr. Geoffrey Wawro, Director, at
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