Rep. Tom Reed: Tax cut should be offset

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Tom Reed is pictured. | AP Photo

'I do believe this tax cut, this small business tax deduction should be paid for,' Reed said. | AP Photo

Will House Republicans run into problems on their 20 percent business tax cut?

If Rep. Tom Reed (R-N.Y.) is any indication, the answer is yes.

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Reed, a member of the Ways and Means Committee, said on a conference call Monday morning that the loss in revenue as a result of the tax cut should be offset.

“I do believe this tax cut, this small business tax deduction should be paid for and moving forward, we’ll be dealing with the overall comprehensive tax reform as a different situation, because we’re dealing with the overall comprehensive nature of tax rates and the other issues that are coming to a head at the end of the year,” Reed said on a weekly conference call. “But this targeted tax reform I would be supportive of a [pay for].”

Several Republican leadership aides say they have no plans to offset the tax cut, which a centerpiece of their agenda during these next two weeks in session. Majority Leader Eric Cantor has said that offsets to tax cuts should come from cuts to spending.

Paying for tax cuts is a new bit of Republican orthodoxy, and something that started earlier this year when the GOP tried to force Democrats to offset the payroll tax holiday. They eventually relented.

Tim Kolpien, Reed’s communication director, later emailed to say that “while Tom certainly prefers that the bill be paid for (as he does with all legislation), he has been and will continue to be supportive of the Small Business Tax Cut Act.”

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