Texas on the Potomac

Washington news with a Texas accent
Apr 16, 2012

Gallego’s environmental credentials burnished by League of Conservation Voters endorsement

Today, the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, a non-profit that focuses on the environment, endorsed Pete Gallego to represent Texas’s 23rd congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives.

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Categories: Campaigns, Environment, Francisco Canseco, Texas legislature, Texas politics
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Senate debate recap: Cruz and Dewhurst trade barbs in lively encounter

Nearly every time he spoke, Cruz criticized Dewhurst, prompting the debate moderators to give Dewhurst a chance to respond. It all left little on-camera time for Leppert and James.

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Posted by Richard Dunham on | Permalink | Leave a comment
Categories: Craig James, David Dewhurst, Ted Cruz, Texas Senate race, Tom Leppert
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Full TxPotomac retrial coverage on special Roger Clemens blog

For the latest, most complete coverage of the Roger Clemens perjury trial, make sure to check out Chron.com’s TRIAL OF ROGER CLEMENS page. Get the latest news and insights from Texas on the Potomac’s team (Stewart Powell, Regina Garcia Cano, Elizabeth Traynor and Rick Dunham), along with award-winning Chronicle sports columnist Jerome Solomon, daily news links and guest commentary from sports and legal experts.

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Categories: Crime and punishment, Roger Clemens
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Jury selection in Roger Clemens’ trial has begun

Clemens remained silent as he entered the courthouse this morning with his six-member team of lawyers. Presiding the trial is U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton. He has started reading questions to the pool of roughly 80 potential jurors. 

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Posted by Regina Garcia Cano on | Permalink | Leave a comment
Categories: Congress/Texas Delegation, General, Roger Clemens
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When Clemens case ends, perhaps closure comes to sordid baseball era

The sport and its fans largely have put the sore subject of performance-enhancing drugs in their collective past, but the upcoming federal perjury trial of Roger Clemens remains a lingering reminder of the not-so-good old days.

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Posted by Richard Dunham on | Permalink | Leave a comment
Categories: Crime and punishment, Roger Clemens
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TexMessage: News Quiz… the NRA, the Taliban and tornadoes

Good morning, TexMessagers! Time for the procrastinators of the U.S. to start their taxes…

How closely did you follow the current events from this weekend?

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Posted by Caroline Ward on | Permalink | Leave a comment
Categories: News Quiz, Presidential campaign, TexMessage
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Apr 15, 2012

The Week Ahead: Tax-cut-and-spend politics

Income tax filing day has long been occasion for action intended to highlight the opposition’s revenue vulnerability. Senate Democrats seek a vote on imposing a 30 percent tax rate on $1 million annual incomes, hoping to demonstrate that Republicans are protectors of wealth. House Republicans plan a vote on businesses tax deductions, hoping to highlight Democratic hostility toward small business.

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Posted by Richard Dunham on | Permalink | Leave a comment
Categories: Budget/taxes/economy, The Week Ahead
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Texas soldier dies in Afghanistan

pentagon watch logo.jpg
The Department of Defense has announced the death of a specialist from Texas in Afghanistan on April 11.

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Posted by Gerd Margrete Tjeldflaat on | Permalink | Leave a comment
Categories: Military
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Gingrich looks to increase funds by renting donor list for $26,000

Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich, in an attempt to remedy his campaign debt of nearly $4.5 million, has turned to renting his donor list.

“We’re doing what we can to pay off the debt and we feel confident that we will be able, in the course of the campaign, to get much of that debt paid off,” said campaign chairman Bob Walker.

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Categories: Newt Gingrich, Presidential campaign
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Ted Cruz leads the nation in support from independent expenditure committees

Independent expenditure committees have spent more supporting Ted Cruz than any other candidate for a Senate seat. But it still might not be enough for him to be the Republican nominee.

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Posted by Emily Wilkins on | Permalink | Leave a comment
Categories: David Dewhurst, Ted Cruz, Texas Senate race, Texas legislature
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Political Cartoons of the Week: Is President Obama politicizing an already politicized Supreme Court?

Are liberals waging a war against religion, job creation, and the Easter Bunny? And at least Santorum has always been a devout Conservative whereas Romney…

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Posted by Sharanya Shankar on | Permalink | Leave a comment
Categories: Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Political cartoons of the week, Rick Santorum
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Apr 14, 2012

Rick Perry returns — one more time — to Saturday Night Live

The Texas governor riffs on his campaign lowlight: “You guys remember that weird game show we were all on. We were standing at podiums and answering questions.”

“Rick, that wasn’t a game show,” the Romney character interjects. “Those were debates.”

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Posted by Richard Dunham on | Permalink | Leave a comment
Categories: Presidential campaign, Rick Perry
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Ron Paul reveals what happens when he doesn’t exercise (and it’s not pretty)

America has witnessed what happens when 76-year-old Republican candidate Ron Paul is questioned about his health. (He challenges his rivals to a 25-mile bicycle race).

But what happens when Ron Paul can’t work fitness into his schedule?

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Categories: Presidential campaign, Ron Paul
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Pre-trial maneuvering is a prelude to a contentious retrial for Roger Clemens

Prosecutors and defense lawyers for Roger Clemens saw face-to-face in a federal court again Friday afternoon as the former pitcher’s retrial on charges of lying to Congress began in Washington. The hearing was a battle over pre-trial motions.

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Posted by Regina Garcia Cano on | Permalink | Leave a comment
Categories: Congress/Texas Delegation, Roger Clemens
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