AddThis Client API


The AddThis Client API is based on the principles of unobtrusive JavaScript, taking a page from modern JavaScript toolkits like jQuery that separate markup and behavior with the following goals in mind:

  • If you're not a JavaScript wizard, the most common customizations should still be easy
  • In fact, most use cases should be covered with as little JavaScript as possible
  • But even the most complicated configurations should be possible (for example, multiple buttons on a page behaving differently)

Our Client API supports global configuration as well as per-element configuration--every button on a page can behave differently in almost every regard. You might not need to ever go that far. But you could.

An Illustrative Example

What You Type
	<a class="addthis_button_compact"></a>
What You See


We support two types of configuration objects: one for configuring our UI tools, and one for specifying what you're sharing.

UI Configuration

The same object format can be used for specifying global or instance configuration. To specify global configuration, the special name addthis_config must be used.

For example:
var addthis_config =
   // ... members go here

UI Configuration Options
Name Description Type Default value
username Your AddThis username. Always global to a page. string none
services_exclude Services to exclude from all menus. For example, setting this to 'facebook,myspace' would hide Facebook and MySpace on all our menus. Always global. string (csv) of service codes none
services_compact Services to use in the compact menu. For example, setting this to 'print,email,favorites' would result in only those three services appearing. Always global. string (csv) of service codes We regularly optimize the default list based on our data.
services_expanded Services to use in the expanded menu. Useful if very few services are desired -- specifying a long list via services_exclude could be tiresome, and wouldn't catch a new service added later. For example, setting this to 'bebo,misterwong,netvibes' would result in only those three services appearing in the expanded menu. Always global. string (csv) of service codes all the services AddThis offers
services_custom Specify your own AddThis bookmarking service like so:
{name: "My Service",
url: "{{URL}}&title={{TITLE}}",
icon: ""}
. All three fields must be present for each custom service. Always global. Sample usage.

Analytics will appear in your account under the service's base domain name (no subdomains--"" in this case), and the first service specified will appear in the compact menu unless services_compact is specified. Only one service per domain is accepted. All custom services specified automatically get added to the expanded menu.

To include a custom service with services_expanded or services_compact, refer to it by the service's full domain name as in the analytics console. (In this case, "".)
array of custom service objects none
ui_click If true, the compact menu will never appear upon mousing over the regular button. Instead, it will be revealed upon clicking the button. boolean false
ui_delay Delay, in milliseconds, before compact menu appears when mousing over a regular button. Capped at 500 ms. integer 0
ui_hover_direction Normally, we show the compact menu in the direction of the user's browser that has the most space (i.e., a button at the bottom of the page will pop up, and vice versa). You can override this behavior with this setting: 1 to force the menu to appear "up", -1 to force the menu to appear "down". integer 0
ui_language For forcing the menu to use a particular language, specified via ISO code. For example, setting this to "sv" would show the menu in Swedish. Note: Regardless of the number of times it's specified, only one language is supported per page. string User's browser
ui_offset_top Number of pixels to offset the top of the compact menu from its parent element integer 0
ui_offset_left Number of pixels to offset the left of the compact menu from its parent element integer 0
ui_header_color Color of the compact and extended menus' header foregrounds. For example, "#FFF" would make the text white. hex string n/a
ui_header_background Color of the compact and extended menus' header backgrounds. For example, "#000" would make the text appear on a black background. hex string n/a
ui_cobrand Additional branding message to be rendered in the upper-right-hand corner of the menus. Should be less than 15 characters in most cases to render properly. string none
ui_use_css If false, we will not load our standard CSS file, allowing you to style everything yourself without incurring the cost of an additonal load. Always global; must be defined in a page-level global variable. boolean true
ui_use_addressbook If true, the user will be able import their contacts from popular webmail services when using AddThis's email sharing. boolean false
ui_508_compliant If true, clicking the AddThis button will open a new window to a page supporting sharing without JavaScript. boolean false
data_track_clickback Set to true to allow us to append a variable to your URLs upon sharing. We'll use this to track how many people come back to your content via links shared with AddThis. Highly recommended. Always global. boolean false
data_ga_tracker Google Analytics tracking object, or the name of a global variable that references it. If set, we'll send AddThis tracking events to Google, so you can have integrated reporting. Sample usage. object or string null

Section 508 Compliance

You can make your AddThis button Section 508 compliant by using ui_508_compliant.

<script type="text/javascript">
var addthis_config =
   ui_508_compliant: true
<a class="addthis_button"></a>

Sharing Configuration

The same object format can be used for specifying global or instance configuration. To specify global configuration, the special name addthis_share must be used.

For example:
var addthis_share =
   // ... members go here

Sharing Configuration Options
Name Description Type Default value
url URL to share (tutorial here) url window URL
title title of shared object (tutorial here) string window title
description description of shared object string none
swfurl URL of a Flash object to share, along with the link (see this section) string none
width ideal width of any provided Flash object (see this section) integer none
height ideal height of any provide Flash object (see this section) integer none
email_template name of template to use for emailed shares (tutorial here) string none
email_vars associative array mapping custom email variables to values (tutorial here) object none
templates associative array mapping services to post templates (see the Templates topic) object none


Some destinations let users post arbitrary content. By using a template, you can customize the default post.

Note: Twitter templates are currently disabled. In order to customize the text for the Tweet button you will have to us the tw:text and tw:via properties.

Sample template:

twitter: 'check out {{url}} (from @addthis)'

We'll fill in a few different tokens for you -- you can use all, some or none of them:

  • {{url}} - the URL being shared; on destinations that have a length limit (i.e., Twitter), we'll automatically shorten the URL for you
  • {{lurl}} - the URL being shared; even on destinations that have a length limit, this token (short for "long URL") will never shorten your URL
  • {{title}} - the title being shared
  • {{html}} - the arbitrary HTML shared (the "html" parameter above)

You can provide one template per destination that supports them:

var addthis_share = 
// ...
    templates: {
                   twitter: 'check out {{url}} (from @example_dot_com)',

The following services currently support these types of templates:


Specifying Embedded Content

We recommend that you tag your page with meta tags to identify any Flash content located on it (you can also provide Flash object details directly thorugh this API, via swfurl and related parameters). See this guide to sharing rich content for a full explanation of this feature, including an example. In a nutshell, destinations that support rich content (e.g., Facebook) will receive it, and we'll always degrade to simple URL sharing.

URL Parameters

To allow the simplest possible case without JavaScript at all--a user wants a button with analytics with no code whatsoever--we support passing in parameters to the AddThis JavaScript URL via its hash, otherwise known as a fragment identifier. (In the URL, "#bar" is the hash.)


Name Description
username username
domready If defined, the AddThis script will assume it's been added to the page after the DOM is ready. Useful when dynamically adding AddThis to a page after the latter has finished loading.
async if defined, only core assets will be loaded. Once you're ready to load the rest of the assets, call the function addthis.init()


Username Example:
In this example, we pass the username parameter using the URL hash fragment.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Another Example:
In this example, we pass both the username and the domready parameter using the URL hash fragment.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Rendering with JavaScript

You can render the AddThis button anywhere on your page using JavaScript. All of our JavaScript rendering methods take the form:


addthis.method(target(s), [configurationObject], [sharingObject]);


where target(s) can be

  1. a classname, specified with a dot: '.sharing-button'
  2. an id, specified with a hash: '#addthis_button_1'
  3. an actual HTML element reference
  4. an array of HTML element references


If configurationObject is unspecified, global defaults (i.e., the addthis_config object) are used. If sharingObject is unspecified, global defaults (i.e., the addthis_share object) are used. At present, we only support rendering of buttons via JavaScript, but we plan to support inline menus as well in the future.

The Button

Renders a normal AddThis button at an anchor tag. If the tag has no image in it, we load our default image. If the tag has an image in it, that image is used as for the button graphic.


addthis.button(target(s), [configurationObject], [sharingObject]);


Render a button at a tag:
<a id="atbutton"></a>

<script type="text/javascript">

Render a button at every anchor with a certain class:
<a class="sharing-button"></a>
<a class="sharing-button"></a>
<a class="sharing-button"></a>
<script type="text/javascript">

Each "sharing-button"-classed anchor would become a regular AddThis button.

Share many different blog posts:
<a id="blog-post-24"></a>
<script type="text/javascript">
addthis.button('#blog-post-24', {}, {url: "", title: "The 24th post"});
<!-- blog content -->
<a id="blog-post-25"></a>
<script type="text/javascript">
addthis.button('#blog-post-25', {}, {url: "", title: "The 25th post"});

Render a button at an HTML element passed by reference:
<a id="button-1"></a>
<script type="text/javascript">

Render a button at an array of HTML elements:
<a id="button-1"></a>
<a id="button-2"></a>
<a id="button-3"></a>
<a id="button-4"></a>
<script type="text/javascript">

The Toolbox

Renders an AddThis toolbox inside the given div. In normal operation, all appropriately-classed anchors are rendered automatically through link decoration, described below. But when building a toolbox dynamically using JavaScript, after the page has finished loading, you can use this function to force AddThis to update any newly decorated links. (If the div has no appropriately-classed anchors inside it, nothing happens.)


addthis.toolbox(target(s), [configurationObject], [sharingObject]);


Render a dynamically-created toolbox:
<div id="toolbox"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
var tbx = document.getElementById("toolbox"),
    svcs = {email: 'Email', print: 'Print', facebook: 'Facebook', expanded: 'More'};

for (var s in svcs) {
    tbx.innerHTML += '<a class="addthis_button_'+s+'">'+svcs[s]+'</a>';

The Counter

Renders an AddThis share counter at the specified tag.


addthis.counter(target(s), [configurationObject], [sharingObject]);


Render a share counter at a tag:
<a id="atcounter"></a>

<script type="text/javascript">

Rendering with Link Decoration

While the JavaScript rendering methods are powerful, in most cases we believe they're more powerful than what's actually necessary. Following the principles of Unobtrusive JavaScript as discussed above, you can now create and configure an AddThis button in three simple steps:

  • Add plain old anchor tags where you want your buttons to appear
  • Add the appropriate CSS classes for the kinds of buttons you want them to be
  • Add our JavaScript

Upon loading, our script will look for all our standard classes and render buttons as specified. Here's some simple examples to demonstrate:

A button:

The code used to generate it: <a class="addthis_button"></a>

An email button:
The code used to generate it: <a class="addthis_button_email"></a>

See where we're going with this? The links aren't processed until after the DOM's ready, so it won't even slow down your page. (If you don't want your layout to shift when the images are loaded, however, you should make sure to provide static images or content for all the links.)

Decoration Class Reference
Name Description Live example
addthis_button_compact Standard AddThis button; loads our regular button image if no image is present. Mousing over this button reveals the compact menu. Clicking it opens the expanded menu.  
addthis_button_email Email-only button  
addthis_button_service One-click sharing to a particular service, where service could be the service code of any service we support  
addthis_button_preferred_rank One-click sharing to a particular service, where rank is a number between 1 and 11. We use an algorithm combining the user's share history and locale to optimize the order. For example, a user who shares exclusively to Twitter would see the Twitter icon in place of addthis_button_preferred_1.  
addthis_button_facebook_like Renders Facebook's Like button. All options are supported, using inline attributes prefixed with fb:like:. For example, to update the layout: fb:like:layout="button_count".  
addthis_button_tweet Renders Twitter's official Tweet button. All options are supported, using inline attributes prefixed with tw:. For example, to update the style: tw:count="vertical". Not functional in Firefox 2.  
addthis_button_tweetmeme Renders Tweetmeme's Retweet button. All options are supported, using inline attributes prefixed with tm:. For example, to update the style: tm:style="compact".  
addthis_counter AddThis share counter
addthis_toolbox Standard AddThis Toolbox (requires child elements)
addthis_32x32_style When set, toolbox icons will be 32x32 pixels, instead of 16x16
addthis_default_style When set, toolboxes and other buttons will be rendered floating left, per our standard distribution see above
addthis_pill_combo_style Adjusts "pill"-style buttons (Facebook Like, TweetMeme and our own share counter) when used in a toolbox together to look as integrated as possible
				<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_pill_combo_style">
<a class="addthis_counter addthis_pill_style"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_tweetmeme" tm:style="compact">
</a><a class="addthis_button_facebook_like"></a></div>
addthis_button_compact Same as addthis_button, except only a small + logo is used as a default image. Share
addthis_button_expanded Same as addthis_button_compact, except mousing over the button has no effect. More Services
addthis_separator Adds a few pixels of padding around a floating separator, for use in toolboxes. Only intended for spans.

Note: Class-based configuration trumps global JavaScript configuration objects. For example:

<script type="text/javascript">
var addthis_config = {
    ui_click: true /* normally would disable mouseover behavior */

<div class="addthis_toolbox"></div>
<a class="addthis_button_compact">Share</a>

The compact menu button rendered by this code will have mouseover behavior, as the class-based configuration is considered authoritative.

Preferred Services & Personalization

One of the most important ways that AddThis increases overall sharing is personalization: replacing our default list of services with the places where a given person (including you!) has already shared. You may notice that the services you see in our menus or rows of toolbox icons look familiar; we'll replace up to 11 default services with the most recently used destinations.

Here is what a personalized toolbox looks like:




Here is the code used to generate it:

<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style">
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_1" style="cursor:pointer"></a><a class="addthis_button_preferred_2" style="cursor:pointer"></a><a class="addthis_button_preferred_3" style="cursor:pointer"></a></div>


Don't want personalization?

If you prefer to over-ride personalization in your toolbox in order to show specific services, you can do so by specifying the buttons you want to show by name:



<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style">
<a class="addthis_button_facebook" style="cursor:pointer"></a><a class="addthis_button_twitter" style="cursor:pointer"></a><a class="addthis_button_email" style="cursor:pointer"></a></div>

We encourage you, however, to take advantage of automatic menu and toolbox personalization. You'll see an increase in overall sharing, particularly from your site's international visitors, who use many of our other hundreds of sharing services!



Attribute-based Configuration

So you've probably noticed that the JavaScript-based configuration and the decoration-based rendering only work together for global configurations. If you want different configurations for each button, you can't pass a JavaScript configuration object in to the default renderer. You can, however, specify parameters as custom attributes on the anchors themselves. All the parameters described above are available, with the prefix addthis:. Let's look at some examples:

To specify a custom URL and title:

<a class="addthis_button" addthis:url="" addthis:title="An excellent website"></a>


To specify a hover delay:

<a class="addthis_button" addthis:ui_hover_delay="200"></a>


Note: Configuration parameters described as "global" above are still global when using attribute-based configuration (e.g., services_compact can only be specified once meaningfully on a page). Any non-global parameters specified in a global configuration object will, however, be overridden by attribute-based configuration items.

Configuration Inheritance

Configuration is inherited by the elements nested within toolbox divs. This way, you could easily customize an entire toolbox without having to add configuration attributes to every single button. For example:

<div class="addthis_toolbox" addthis:url="" addthis:title="Hooray!">
<a class="addthis_button_compact">Share</a>
<a class="addthis_button_email"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_facebook"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_buzz"></a>

Each of the buttons in this toolbox would share the URL specified at the toolbox level.

There are two exceptions.

1. Configuration isn't inherited by children of arbitrary elements.

In this example, neither button would share "". The parent div must be an addthis_toolbox.


<div addthis:url="">
<a class="addthis_button_email"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_print"></a>

2. Configuration isn't inherited by regular addthis_buttons.

Because addthis_button is intended to stand alone, it does not inherit from a toolbox parent.

<div class="addthis_toolbox" addthis:url="">
<a class="addthis_button"></a>


If you're using XHTML, the custom attributes will not pass validation. To make your XHTML technically valid, you'll need to add a custom namspace declaration to your opening <html> tag. (Note that the W3C validator does not take custom namespaces into account.)


<html xmlns="">




But I really need my documents to validate!
Theoretically, you could just add the custom attributes as inline extensions to your DTD. For example:
"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
  <!ATTLIST a addthis:url CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST a addthis:title CDATA #IMPLIED>
This passes validation--but most browsers render the trailing ]> in the page itself. There's two options, at this point: you can code your page to only show the custom DTD to the W3C validator, or you could download the actual XHTML DTD (from ), add the custom attributes, and host it yourself. Unfortunately, the W3C validator will not validate non-standard DTDs.


(See this this List Apart article for more discussion of these techniques.)

Events (beta)

When building customized AddThis experiences, or when integrating AddThis with your own web analytics software (like Omniture or Webtrends), it can be useful to know exactly what's happening in the UI. We dispatch key events asynchronously for your consumption. N.B. Events are dispatched globally; we do not currently support distinguishing between multiple menus on a page.

Registering an Event Listener

AddThis events behave much like standard DOM events. To be notified when an event occurs, you must indicate which event you'd like to listen to and provide a callback function for the event itself. Upon the even being fired, the provided function will be called with the event object as its single argument. Any relevant event metadata will be attached to the event object.


addthis.addEventListener(type, listener);


type is a string representing the event type to listen for.
listener is a reference to the function handling this event.





// Alert a message when the AddThis API is ready
function addthisReady(evt) {
    alert('AddThis API is fully loaded.');

// Listen for the ready event
addthis.addEventListener('addthis.ready', addthisReady);


Event Objects

All AddThis event objects have a type and metadata associated with them.

Let's look at the skeleton of the event handler from the example above:


function eventHandler(evt) { 
    // evt is the event object


The event object will always have a type property indicating which event was dispatched (so you can use the same handler for multiple events).


function eventHandler(evt) { 
    alert(evt.type); // In the example above, this would alert "addthis.ready"


Additionally, the event object may provide an data property with additional information about the event. For example, the "" event stores which service the user just shared to:


// Alert a message when the user shares somewhere
function shareEventHandler(evt) { 
    if (evt.type == '') { 
        alert(typeof(; // is an object hash containing all event data
        alert(; // is specific to the "" event

// Listen for the share event
addthis.addEventListener('', shareEventHandler);


Event Types

Code Description Data
addthis.ready Dispatched when the API has fully loaded. none Dispatched when a menu pane (the compact menu, the expanded menu, or the email form) is opened.
  • pane : one of "compact", "expanded" or "email" Dispatched when a menu pane is closed.
  • pane : one of "compact", "expanded" or "email" Dispatched when the user shares.
  • service : one of our supported services

Event Examples

Putting it all together:

<a class="addthis_button"></a>

<script type="text/javascript">
// Alert a message when the user shares somewhere
function eventHandler(evt) { 
    switch (evt.type) {
        case "":
            console.log('menu opened; surface=' +;
        case "":
            console.log('menu closed; surface=' +;
        case "":
            console.log('user shared to ' +;
            console.log('received an unexpected event', evt);
    if (evt.type == '') { 
        alert(typeof(; // is an object hash containing all event data
        alert(; // is specific to the "" event

// Listen to various events
addthis.addEventListener('', eventHandler);
addthis.addEventListener('', eventHandler);
addthis.addEventListener('', eventHandler);

User Data (beta)

We expose some of our non-personally-identifying user data for external use, primarily to enable you to create personalized AddThis menus both with link decoration and JavaScript. Since this requires moving data out of our domain and into yours, these API functions are asynchronous.

Like our JavaScript JavaScript rendering methods, the user API methods take the form:




where callback has a single argument for the returned value. For example,

function callback(data) {


Preferred Services

Returns an Array of service IDs in rank order (e.g., ['facebook','myspace','google']) that we've optimized for the viewer. It takes into account the user's own preferences (see below if you just want historical data), language (e.g., Orkut appears high on the list for Portuguese speakers), and overall platform statistics, in that order. As of now, we return up to 11 services if applicable. If we don't have enough data for the user's region, the platform-wide default will be used.

Any services the user has actually shared to will be listed first, in order of use, up to half the length of the total array.

Warning: If services_compact is defined, it overrides our optimized array and is returned instead.




<script type="text/javascript">
// Call the API, passing a callback function; will create a div 
// listing the best services for the viewer
// Remember! The API is asynchronous!
    var el = document.createElement('div');
    if (services.length) {
        var h = document.createElement('h2');
        h.innerHTML = 'Best Sharing Services';
        var list = document.createElement('ol');
        // Loop over personalization entries
        for (var i=0; i < services.length; i++) {
            var service = services[i],
                item = document.createElement('li');
            item.innerHTML = service;

Service Share History

Returns an Array of service IDs (e.g., ['facebook','myspace','google']), ordered by user preference. The array is empty ([]) in all failure cases: browser unsupported for personalization, user has no share history, communication timeout, or other communication failure.




<script type="text/javascript">
// Call the API, passing a callback function; will create a div 
// listing the user's share history on an included page
// Remember! The API is asynchronous!
    var el = document.createElement('div');
    // Oh no! No personalization?
    if (ssh.length === 0) {
        var h = document.createElement('h2');
        h.innerHTML = 'No sharing history!';
    // Phew
    } else {
        var h = document.createElement('h2');
        h.innerHTML = 'Top Sharing Services';
        var list = document.createElement('ol');
        // Loop over personalization entries
        for (var i=0; i < ssh.length; i++) {
            var service = ssh[i],
                item = document.createElement('li');
            item.innerHTML = service;


Service Display Name

Returns a string representing the given service's full name -- when making your own user interface, being able to translate a service code (e.g., 'facebook') into its proper display name (e.g., 'Facebook') can be essential. HTML entity characters may be returned; for example, given the Spanish site 'meneame', we return 'Men&eacute;ame'.

<script type="text/javascript">
alert(addthis.util.getServiceName('myspace')); // alerts "MySpace"

If you're interested in learning more about unobtrusive JavaScript, here's a few relevant articles:

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