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States Parties
Ratification Status

States Parties are countries which have adhered to the World Heritage Convention.They thereby agree to identify and nominate properties on their national territory to be considered for inscription on the World Heritage List. When a State Party nominates a property, it gives details of how a property is protected and provides a management plan for its upkeep. States Parties are also expected to protect the World Heritage values of the properties inscribed and are encouraged to report periodically on their condition.
States to the Convention as of 09-Jun-2016
State Party Date Type of instrument
Afghanistan Afghanistan 1979-03-2020/03/1979 R
Albania Albania 1989-07-1010/07/1989 R
Algeria Algeria 1974-06-2424/06/1974 R
Andorra Andorra 1997-01-0303/01/1997 Ac
Angola Angola 1991-11-0707/11/1991 R
Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda 1983-11-0101/11/1983 Ac
Argentina Argentina 1978-08-2323/08/1978 Ac
Armenia Armenia 1993-09-0505/09/1993 S
Australia Australia 1974-08-2222/08/1974 R
Austria Austria 1992-12-1818/12/1992 R
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan 1993-12-1616/12/1993 R
Bahamas Bahamas 2014-05-1515/05/2014 R
Bahrain Bahrain 1991-05-2828/05/1991 R
Bangladesh Bangladesh 1983-08-0303/08/1983 Ac
Barbados Barbados 2002-04-0909/04/2002 Ac
Belarus Belarus 1988-10-1212/10/1988 R
Belgium Belgium 1996-07-2424/07/1996 R
Belize Belize 1990-11-0606/11/1990 R
Benin Benin 1982-06-1414/06/1982 R
Bhutan Bhutan 2001-10-2222/10/2001 R
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 1976-10-0404/10/1976 R
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina 1993-07-1212/07/1993 S
Botswana Botswana 1998-11-2323/11/1998 Ac
Brazil Brazil 1977-09-0101/09/1977 Ac
Brunei Darussalam Brunei Darussalam 2011-08-1212/08/2011 R
Bulgaria Bulgaria 1974-03-0707/03/1974 Ac
Burkina Faso Burkina Faso 1987-04-0202/04/1987 R
Burundi Burundi 1982-05-1919/05/1982 R
Cabo Verde Cabo Verde 2 1988-04-2828/04/1988 Ac
Cambodia Cambodia 1991-11-2828/11/1991 Ac
Cameroon Cameroon 1982-12-0707/12/1982 R
Canada Canada 1976-07-2323/07/1976 Ac
Central African Republic Central African Republic 1980-12-2222/12/1980 R
Chad Chad 1999-06-2323/06/1999 R
Chile Chile 1980-02-2020/02/1980 R
China China 1985-12-1212/12/1985 R
Colombia Colombia 1983-05-2424/05/1983 Ac
Comoros Comoros 2000-09-2727/09/2000 R
Congo Congo 1987-12-1010/12/1987 R
Cook Islands Cook Islands 2009-01-1616/01/2009 R
Costa Rica Costa Rica 1977-08-2323/08/1977 R
Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire 1981-01-0909/01/1981 R
Croatia Croatia 1992-07-0606/07/1992 S
Cuba Cuba 1981-03-2424/03/1981 R
Cyprus Cyprus 1975-08-1414/08/1975 Ac
Czechia Czechia 1993-03-2626/03/1993 S
Democratic People's Republic of Korea Democratic People's Republic of Korea 1998-07-2121/07/1998 Ac
Democratic Republic of the Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 1974-09-2323/09/1974 R
Denmark Denmark 1979-07-2525/07/1979 R
Djibouti Djibouti 2007-08-3030/08/2007 R
Dominica Dominica 1995-04-0404/04/1995 R
Dominican Republic Dominican Republic 1985-02-1212/02/1985 R
Ecuador Ecuador 1975-06-1616/06/1975 Ac
Egypt Egypt 1974-02-0707/02/1974 R
El Salvador El Salvador 1991-10-0808/10/1991 Ac
Equatorial Guinea Equatorial Guinea 2010-03-1010/03/2010 R
Eritrea Eritrea 2001-10-2424/10/2001 Ac
Estonia Estonia 1995-10-2727/10/1995 R
Ethiopia Ethiopia 1977-07-0606/07/1977 R
Fiji Fiji 1990-11-2121/11/1990 R
Finland Finland 1987-03-0404/03/1987 R
France France 1975-06-2727/06/1975 Ac
Gabon Gabon 1986-12-3030/12/1986 R
Gambia Gambia 1987-07-0101/07/1987 R
Georgia Georgia 1992-11-0404/11/1992 S
Germany Germany 3 1976-08-2323/08/1976 R
Ghana Ghana 1975-07-0404/07/1975 R
Greece Greece 1981-07-1717/07/1981 R
Grenada Grenada 1998-08-1313/08/1998 Ac
Guatemala Guatemala 1979-01-1616/01/1979 R
Guinea Guinea 1979-03-1818/03/1979 R
Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau 2006-01-2828/01/2006 R
Guyana Guyana 1977-06-2020/06/1977 Ac
Haiti Haiti 1980-01-1818/01/1980 R
Holy See Holy See 1982-10-0707/10/1982 A
Honduras Honduras 1979-06-0808/06/1979 R
Hungary Hungary 1985-07-1515/07/1985 Ac
Iceland Iceland 1995-12-1919/12/1995 R
India India 1977-11-1414/11/1977 R
Indonesia Indonesia 1989-07-0606/07/1989 Ac
Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iran (Islamic Republic of) 1975-02-2626/02/1975 Ac
Iraq Iraq 1974-03-0505/03/1974 Ac
Ireland Ireland 1991-09-1616/09/1991 R
Israel Israel 1999-10-0606/10/1999 Ac
Italy Italy 1978-06-2323/06/1978 R
Jamaica Jamaica 1983-06-1414/06/1983 Ac
Japan Japan 1992-06-3030/06/1992 Ac
Jordan Jordan 1975-05-0505/05/1975 R
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 1994-04-2929/04/1994 Ac
Kenya Kenya 1991-06-0505/06/1991 Ac
Kiribati Kiribati 2000-05-1212/05/2000 Ac
Kuwait Kuwait 2002-06-0606/06/2002 R
Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan 1995-07-0303/07/1995 Ac
Lao People's Democratic Republic Lao People's Democratic Republic 1987-03-2020/03/1987 R
Latvia Latvia 1995-01-1010/01/1995 Ac
Lebanon Lebanon 1983-02-0303/02/1983 R
Lesotho Lesotho 2003-11-2525/11/2003 Ac
Liberia Liberia 2002-03-2828/03/2002 Ac
Libya Libya 4 1978-10-1313/10/1978 R
Lithuania Lithuania 1992-03-3131/03/1992 Ac
Luxembourg Luxembourg 1983-09-2828/09/1983 R
Madagascar Madagascar 1983-07-1919/07/1983 R
Malawi Malawi 1982-01-0505/01/1982 R
Malaysia Malaysia 1988-12-0707/12/1988 R
Maldives Maldives 1986-05-2222/05/1986 Ac
Mali Mali 1977-04-0505/04/1977 Ac
Malta Malta 1978-11-1414/11/1978 Ac
Marshall Islands Marshall Islands 2002-04-2424/04/2002 Ac
Mauritania Mauritania 1981-03-0202/03/1981 R
Mauritius Mauritius 1995-09-1919/09/1995 R
Mexico Mexico 1984-02-2323/02/1984 Ac
Micronesia (Federated States of) Micronesia (Federated States of) 2002-07-2222/07/2002 Ac
Monaco Monaco 1978-11-0707/11/1978 R
Mongolia Mongolia 1990-02-0202/02/1990 Ac
Montenegro Montenegro 2006-06-0303/06/2006 S
Morocco Morocco 1975-10-2828/10/1975 R
Mozambique Mozambique 1982-11-2727/11/1982 R
Myanmar Myanmar 1994-04-2929/04/1994 Ac
Namibia Namibia 2000-04-0606/04/2000 Ac
Nepal Nepal 1978-06-2020/06/1978 Ac
Netherlands Netherlands 5 1992-08-2626/08/1992 Ac
New Zealand New Zealand 1984-11-2222/11/1984 R
Nicaragua Nicaragua 1979-12-1717/12/1979 Ac
Niger Niger 1974-12-2323/12/1974 Ac
Nigeria Nigeria 1974-10-2323/10/1974 R
Niue Niue 2001-01-2323/01/2001 Ac
Norway Norway 1977-05-1212/05/1977 R
Oman Oman 1981-10-0606/10/1981 Ac
Pakistan Pakistan 1976-07-2323/07/1976 R
Palau Palau 2002-06-1111/06/2002 Ac
Palestine Palestine 2011-12-0808/12/2011 R
Panama Panama 1978-03-0303/03/1978 R
Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea 1997-07-2828/07/1997 Ac
Paraguay Paraguay 1988-04-2727/04/1988 R
Peru Peru 1982-02-2424/02/1982 R
Philippines Philippines 1985-09-1919/09/1985 R
Poland Poland 1976-06-2929/06/1976 R
Portugal Portugal 1980-09-3030/09/1980 R
Qatar Qatar 1984-09-1212/09/1984 Ac
Republic of Korea Republic of Korea 1988-09-1414/09/1988 Ac
Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova 2002-09-2323/09/2002 R
Romania Romania 1990-05-1616/05/1990 Ac
Russian Federation Russian Federation 6 1988-10-1212/10/1988 R
Rwanda Rwanda 2000-12-2828/12/2000 Ac
Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts and Nevis 1986-07-1010/07/1986 Ac
Saint Lucia Saint Lucia 1991-10-1414/10/1991 R
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2003-02-0303/02/2003 R
Samoa Samoa 2001-08-2828/08/2001 Ac
San Marino San Marino 1991-10-1818/10/1991 R
Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome and Principe 2006-07-2525/07/2006 R
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 1978-08-0707/08/1978 Ac
Senegal Senegal 1976-02-1313/02/1976 R
Serbia Serbia 2001-09-1111/09/2001 S
Seychelles Seychelles 1980-04-0909/04/1980 Ac
Sierra Leone Sierra Leone 2005-01-0707/01/2005 R
Singapore Singapore 2012-06-1919/06/2012 R
Slovakia Slovakia 1993-03-3131/03/1993 S
Slovenia Slovenia 1992-11-0505/11/1992 S
Solomon Islands Solomon Islands 1992-06-1010/06/1992 A
South Africa South Africa 1997-07-1010/07/1997 R
South Sudan South Sudan 2016-03-0909/03/2016 R
Spain Spain 1982-05-0404/05/1982 Ac
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 1980-06-0606/06/1980 Ac
Sudan Sudan 1974-06-0606/06/1974 R
Suriname Suriname 1997-10-2323/10/1997 Ac
Swaziland Swaziland 2005-11-3030/11/2005 R
Sweden Sweden 1985-01-2222/01/1985 R
Switzerland Switzerland 1975-09-1717/09/1975 R
Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic 1975-08-1313/08/1975 Ac
Tajikistan Tajikistan 1992-08-2828/08/1992 S
Thailand Thailand 1987-09-1717/09/1987 Ac
the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1997-04-3030/04/1997 S
Togo Togo 1998-04-1515/04/1998 Ac
Tonga Tonga 2004-04-3030/04/2004 Ac
Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago 2005-02-1616/02/2005 R
Tunisia Tunisia 1975-03-1010/03/1975 R
Turkey Turkey 1983-03-1616/03/1983 R
Turkmenistan Turkmenistan 1994-09-3030/09/1994 S
Uganda Uganda 1987-11-2020/11/1987 Ac
Ukraine Ukraine 1988-10-1212/10/1988 R
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates 2001-05-1111/05/2001 A
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1984-05-2929/05/1984 R
United Republic of Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania 1977-08-0202/08/1977 R
United States of America United States of America 1973-12-0707/12/1973 R
Uruguay Uruguay 1989-03-0909/03/1989 Ac
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan 1993-01-1313/01/1993 S
Vanuatu Vanuatu 2002-06-1313/06/2002 R
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1990-10-3030/10/1990 Ac
Viet Nam Viet Nam 1987-10-1919/10/1987 Ac
Yemen Yemen 7 1980-10-0707/10/1980 R
Zambia Zambia 1984-06-0404/06/1984 R
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 1982-08-1616/08/1982 R

Date of deposit of ratification (R), acceptance (Ac), accession (A) or of the notification of succession (S)1


The symbol ** designates those States for whom, in accordance with Article 33, the Convention has not yet entered into force.

  1. This Convention entered into force on 17 December 1975. It subsequently entered into force for each State three months after the date of deposit of that State's instrument, except in cases of declarations of succession (indicated by the letter (S)), where the entry into force occurred on the date on which the State assumed responsibility for conducting its international relations.
  2. 25 Octobre 2013, change of country name
  3. Through the accession of the German Democratic Republic to the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany, with effect from 3 October 1990, the two German States have united to form one Sovereign State. The Contracting Parties to the Unification Treaty "have agreed that the treaties and agreements to which the Federal Republic of Germany is a contracting party ... remain in force and that their respective rights and obligations ... be applied" to the whole territory of Germany. The German Democratic Republic acceeded to this Convention on 12 December 1988.
  4. On 16 September 2011, the National Transitional Council requested, via the Protocol and Liaison Service, that the form "Libya", previously not in use at the UN, replace both the earlier official and short forms (respectively, the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (the)).
  5. With an extension to Curaçao.
  6. The instrument of ratification was deposited by the U.S.S.R., on 12 October 1988.
  7. The unification of the Yemen Arab Republic and the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen into a single Sovereign State, the Republic of Yemen, was proclaimed on 22 May 1990.