1. Photo: Tom Scott
Our CNN Tech colleague John Sutter spotted this excellent Google Glasses parody vid.  The creator’s website, TomScott.com, led to even more goodies, like these journalism warning label stickers. 

    Photo: Tom Scott

    Our CNN Tech colleague John Sutter spotted this excellent Google Glasses parody vid.  The creator’s website, TomScott.com, led to even more goodies, like these journalism warning label stickers

  2. 4.4.2012

    Reblogged from


Kudos to our friends at the New York Times for building this highly-entertaining and addictive game. Try it out by blowing up some of their articles here.


    Kudos to our friends at the New York Times for building this highly-entertaining and addictive game. Try it out by blowing up some of their articles here.

  3. Image: CNNMoney
Bravo is headed to Silicon Valley for a pair of reality series: One from Randi Zuckerberg and one tracking “Ben Huh and his eclectic staff” at ICanHasCheezburger.com.
Queue up your “Real Entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley” jokes … 

    Image: CNNMoney

    Bravo is headed to Silicon Valley for a pair of reality series: One from Randi Zuckerberg and one tracking “Ben Huh and his eclectic staff” at ICanHasCheezburger.com.

    Queue up your “Real Entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley” jokes … 

  4. Bizarre love tribute site from Léo Apotheker’s “biographer”

    After getting deposed by two major tech companies — first SAP, then Hewlett-Packard — less than a year into his CEO tenure, Léo Apotheker has disappeared from the tech industry’s radar (aided, perhaps, by that one-way plane ticket HP offered to buy him back to France). 

    Which may be for the best, if the “biography” SAP evangelist Caroline Olsen says she’s writing ever comes to light. She’s launched a website to promote the project, and it’s … well, let’s just say it’s reminiscent of the one that former Oracle president Charles Phillips’ mistress launched as a tribute to her “soulmate.” The one advertised on a billboard in Times Square

    LeoApotheker-MyLife.com is a half-French, half-English hodgepodge of notes, quotes, photos, drawings and occasional rants by Olsen directed at the man whom she alternately describes as a business genius “capable of transforming clouds into stars” and a man “sitting on the ruins of his life” who has “never been his true self.”

    So is this book going to be a behind-the-scenes-look at Apotheker’s decades at SAP, his abrupt end there, and his 11-month reign at an HP in turmoil?

    From the site: “In reality, (almost) no one is interested in Leo Apotheker the businessman. The women surrounding him, however, are on the headlines.”

    Ok then. Considering how Mark Hurd’s HP tenure ended, it’s probably best for HP that Apotheker is now nowhere near the headlines these days.  -Stacy

  5.  As Augusta National Golf Club prepares to host the competition next week, it faces a quandary: The club hasn’t admitted a woman as a member since its founding eight decades ago, yet it has historically invited the chief executive officer of IBM, one of three Masters sponsors. Since the company named Rometty to the post this year, Augusta will have to break tradition either way. 

    — Bloomberg News, on Augusta’s little dilemma.  

  6.  HP has secretly contracted with Intel to keep churning out Itaniums so that HP can maintain the appearance that a dead microprocessor is still alive. The whole thing is a remake of Weekend at Bernie’s. 

    — Oracle, staying classy as ever in a contractual wrangle with HP

  7. Text to 911 is coming

    The FCC is in the midst of a Text-to-911 exhibition fair this week. I fully expect us to see this in the next few years:


  8.  If you tweet and no one sees it…is it a tweet? 

    — An accidental treatise on the metaphysical dilemma of Twitter, by “Nan,” the mother of a CNNMoney Tech Tumblr friend. -Julianne

  9. screenshotsofdespair:

via Graphic Euphoria
  10. washingtonpoststyle:

Happy midnight screenings, dorks of the world.


    Happy midnight screenings, dorks of the world.