March 12, 2012
Posted: 2342 GMT

United Nations Under-Secretary for Humanitarian Affairs Valerie Amos joined the I-Desk today for the first time since she returned from Syria. She discussed the proposal she submitted to Syrian Authorities as well as recent violence in Homs and the possible threat to Idlib. Amos also talked about the importance of access for humanitarian efforts.

Watch the interview here:

Filed under: Uncategorized

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February 20, 2012
Posted: 2103 GMT

I spoke earlier to Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev to get the official Israeli response to criticism that Palestinian detainee Khader Adnan has been held in prison without charge for the last two months.

Adnan has been on a hunger strike since mid-December to protest the conditions of his detention and the fact that no formal charges have been brought against him in his case. He is said to be close to death as he awaits an Israeli Supreme Court hearing on Tuesday to determine whether he should be released.

This story has generated a lot of interest from people who say the Israeli government is using a controversial practice called "administrative detention" to keep inmates suspected of terrorist activities locked up indefinitely without charge, in violation of their right to a fair and speedy trial. Israel says sharing evidence in such cases would endanger public safety and its network of informants.

Take a look:

Filed under: Israel •Khader Adnan

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February 14, 2012
Posted: 2354 GMT

I spoke with CNN correspondent Mohammed Jamjoom about the one year anniversary of the Arab Spring demonstrations in Bahrain. Many government opponents in Bahrain complain the world isn't paying attention to their struggle. Take a look:

Filed under: Arab Spring •Bahrain

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February 13, 2012
Posted: 2220 GMT

We got in touch with activist Abu Emad, who is in Homs right now, for the latest on the situation in the besieged city. The Syrian military has been shelling certain parts of Homs for nine continuous days now. Some areas, such as Baba Amr, have been cut off from other neighborhoods.

Here is my conversation with Abu Emad when he called in live to the International Desk.

Filed under: Arab Spring •Syria

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February 3, 2012
Posted: 2355 GMT

I speak with Karim Sadjadpour of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace on reports Israel may be thinking of striking Iranian nuclear sites this spring. Fascinating analysis:

Filed under: Iran •Israel •Nuclear

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Posted: 1920 GMT

Good luck cutting through this melee... Our Baghdad producer Mohammed Tawfeeq snapped this picture at a recent conference of Syrian Kurds in Irbil. The camera crews were all trying to get to the President of Iraqi Kurdistan Massoud Barazani.

Filed under: Iraq •Kurdistan

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February 2, 2012
Posted: 2114 GMT

After our interview with Nabil Elaraby in New York yesterday.

Filed under: Arab League •Syria

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Posted: 2055 GMT

Filed under: Arab League •Syria

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February 1, 2012
Posted: 1345 GMT

–By CNN's Frederik Pleitgen in Baghdad

A flight from Erbil, in Iraqi Kurdistan, to Baghdad takes about 35 minutes. So we didn't think there would be any problems this morning when we got up to go to the airport. We called Iraqi Airways to make sure the flight was actually leaving at 2pm like it was supposed to. The lady at Iraqi Airways said they had decided to move the flight to 7am, so it was long gone. Someone should have called us, but nobody did.

So we asked to be put on the next flight they said was scheduled to leave at 5pm. A few calls later and we are told the flight had moved to 7pm, and it was not clear we would be on it. With the next phone call they told us we were confirmed on the flight!

We then made our way to the airport at 4:30, and when we got there the nice lady at the counter told us WE WERE NOT ON THE FLIGHT and would have to be waitlisted. She told us to move our eight cases of TV gear out of the way and wait for everyone else to check in.

So we waited, and waited until 150 people checked in. Finally the lady called us forward and scolded us for checking in so late. She demanded we pay 25 dollars to the guys who would now have to hand carry our stuff to the plane because it was so late and the plane was about to leave.

We finally made it to the gate. And of course the plane had not even arrived. In fact they had cancelled a Dubai flight earlier and merged the two flights, so that the plane would go Erbil-Baghdad-Dubai.

Hours passed. The crowd at the gate swelled. Finally, at 8:20pm (1:20h after we were supposed to take off), a plane arrived at the gate.

It was 9pm before we were able to board. When we got on the plane, the temperature was about 120 degrees Fahrenheit. I would say the plane was about 25 years old and the seat I got could not be put in the upright position.

The crew asked the passengers to turn off their cell phones and minutes later we took off to the sound of loud ringtones and blaring Arabic music.

The flight was bumpy, but we finally made it though the airline managed to lose one of our crew members' bags.

Two years ago I did a report about Iraqi Airways and spoke to the spokesman of the Iraqi government, Ali Dabagh. He said Iraqis deserve a better airline. From what we saw today, they still have a long way to go.

Filed under: Iraq

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January 31, 2012
Posted: 2350 GMT

Thanks for watching our special coverage today. In just a few hours, Floridians will have chosen their Republican nominee.

Here is a behind the scenes look at our camera position in Tampa. We'll be back tomorrow for more coverage from Florida. Hope you join us then.

Filed under: Florida Primary •U.S. Elections

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