Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Instagram finally comes to Android. If you’re a new user, you can find us by searching for the username “Mashable”. Happy Instagramming! 

Instagram for Android (Taken with instagram)

we’re cnnireport. welcome android users!


Instagram finally comes to Android. If you’re a new user, you can find us by searching for the username “Mashable”. Happy Instagramming! 


Instagram for Android (Taken with instagram)

we’re cnnireport. welcome android users!

Animals in fashion - CNN iReport
show us what you got, tumblr.
hint: we’re not looking for fur or leopard print.

Animals in fashion - CNN iReport

show us what you got, tumblr.

hint: we’re not looking for fur or leopard print.

Saturday, March 10, 2012
Whoa! It’s Team Instagram at the #cnngrill at #sxsw. Blame the blurry photo on the giddy thrill of meeting them. :)  (Taken with Instagram at CNN Grill @ SXSW (Max’s Wine Dive))

Whoa! It’s Team Instagram at the #cnngrill at #sxsw. Blame the blurry photo on the giddy thrill of meeting them. :) (Taken with Instagram at CNN Grill @ SXSW (Max’s Wine Dive))

We’re at SXSW! @katiehawk smiles for the camera while she works on the iReport booth. Come say hi at the #cnngrill! (Taken with Instagram at CNN Grill @ SXSW (Max’s Wine Dive))

We’re at SXSW! @katiehawk smiles for the camera while she works on the iReport booth. Come say hi at the #cnngrill! (Taken with Instagram at CNN Grill @ SXSW (Max’s Wine Dive))

Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Brainstorming with Situation Room producer @ericweisbrod. What political topics are you interested in? (Taken with Instagram at CNN.com Newsroom)

Brainstorming with Situation Room producer @ericweisbrod. What political topics are you interested in? (Taken with Instagram at CNN.com Newsroom)

Friday, February 10, 2012
How does Pinterest make money? Here’s another interesting aspect of Pinterest’s game. Unlike other social networks, which waited years to monetize through advertising, Pinterest has taken a different route. They’re monetizing already by taking a cut on sales that pins on their site help generate. They partnered with a firm called SkimLinks, which automatically scans through every link posted on the site to see if it goes to a retail site with an affiliate program. If it finds that kind of link, it secretly adds an affiliate code that ensures Pinterest will make some cash from sales that derive from that link. It’s a clever game, particularly given the site’s users’ retail focus, but Pinterest probably should have disclosed the practice more openly. Know Your Internet: What Is Pinterest and Why Should I Care? - The Atlantic (via rachelanna)
Canals Freeze in Amsterdam, The Netherlands - CNN iReport
Resembling a painting by one of the Dutch masters, this was the  scene in Amsterdam on February 8, 2012 as children and adults took to  the ice on the frozen Kloveniersburgwal canal.  -iReporter Cecily Layzell

I’ve always wanted to skate on canals! This is so neat.

Canals Freeze in Amsterdam, The Netherlands - CNN iReport

Resembling a painting by one of the Dutch masters, this was the scene in Amsterdam on February 8, 2012 as children and adults took to the ice on the frozen Kloveniersburgwal canal.  -iReporter Cecily Layzell

I’ve always wanted to skate on canals! This is so neat.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Extragram - cnnireport
did you know that you can view all your instagram photos on the web (and bigger) using extragram?

Extragram - cnnireport

did you know that you can view all your instagram photos on the web (and bigger) using extragram?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012
This project is right up iReport’s alley. It’s so simple and sweet, and beautifully executed!

This project is right up iReport’s alley. It’s so simple and sweet, and beautifully executed!

Friday, February 3, 2012
Not just for the birds: The best of iReport this week - CNN iReport Blog
our “best of” post this week is full of kinda awesome photos, y’all.

Not just for the birds: The best of iReport this week - CNN iReport Blog

our “best of” post this week is full of kinda awesome photos, y’all.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012 Tuesday, January 31, 2012
When I was eight years old, I hung a sign on my bedroom door that read “DUKAKIS 4 PREZ.” I didn’t know a damn thing about Governor Dukakis, but I knew my dad didn’t like him, and my liberal Catholic grandfather did. That was good enough for me.

Why Do You Vote Democrat? Or Republican? Or… | xoJane

ripe for an iReport project.

Monday, January 30, 2012
A handwritten letter is surely the way to our heart. Thanks, iReporter LiamRowan! (Taken with instagram)

A handwritten letter is surely the way to our heart. Thanks, iReporter LiamRowan! (Taken with instagram)

Friday, January 27, 2012
Gorgeous image of the northern lights on our site today! By photog Stephan Hoglund in Minnesota.  (Taken with instagram)

Gorgeous image of the northern lights on our site today! By photog Stephan Hoglund in Minnesota. (Taken with instagram)