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    Posted March 27, 2012 by
    Washington, District of Columbia
    This iReport is part of an assignment:
    Is Obama's health care law constitutional?

    More from armandog8

    Supreme Court argues health care mandate


    CNN PRODUCER NOTE     armandog8 shot these photos today of protesters both for and against the Affordable Care Act, dubbed "Obamacare," rallying on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court as the Justices continue to debate the constitutionality of the law. 'About 150 people showed up in total, and it seemed like there were more pro-Obamacare protesters than Tea Party people,' he said. 'It really surprised me how respectful both camps were of each other, no one was nasty or called each other names, it was surprisingly positive.'
    - jmsaba, CNN iReport producer

    The Supreme Court justices reviewed for the 2nd day the Health care reform act.

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