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Creating a Weather-Ready Nation: When
Seconds Count,
are Prepared

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TsunamiReady™ Helps Communities at Risk

National Tsunami Awareness Week: March 25-31, 2012

Schools, playgrounds, hospitals, factories and homes are often built in areas vulnerable to tsunamis. The TsunamiReady Program, developed by the National Weather Service, is designed to help cities, towns, counties, universities and other large sites in coastal areas reduce the potential for disastrous tsunami-related consequences.

Since June 20, 2001, TsunamiReady has helped community leaders and emergency managers strengthen their local operations. TsunamiReady communities are better prepared to save lives through better planning, education and awareness. Communities have fewer fatalities and property damage if they plan before a tsunami arrives. No community is tsunami proof, but TsunamiReady can help minimize loss to your community. Find out what's involved in becoming TsunamiReady. Tsunami Hazard Zone

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Office of Climate, Water, & Weather Services
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Last Updated: April 4, 2012