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    Giant Feathered Dinosaur Found

    Dino Discovery Hints that T. rex May Have Been Downy Soft

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Science and Space Features

Blog: Breaking Orbit

  • Zodiacal light

    Zodiacal Light Rising

    Once mistook for campfires and volcanoes, the faint cone of light caused by interplanetary dust will be visible for the next two weeks.

  • supermoon picture

    Sizing Up the Supermoon

    Just how much bigger than average was Saturday's supermoon? Princeton professor Robert Vanderbei uses lunar pictures to crunch the numbers.

  • Picture of Mercury in color

    Mercury MESSENGER 101

    As NASA's first Mercury orbiter approaches the tiny planet, get the facts behind the mission and find out what scientists hope to learn.


Angry Birds Space

  • angry-birds-promo.jpg

    Blast Off!

    Take off with the National Geographic Angry Birds Space book as they fly through space on an intergalactic rescue mission.

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National Geographic Magazine

  • Photo: Possible skull of Mary Magdalene

    Apostles Photo Gallery

    They were unlikely leaders. As the Bible tells it, most knew more about mending nets than winning converts when Jesus said he would make them "fishers of men." Yet 2,000 years later, all over the world, the Apostles are still drawing people in.

  • Photo: Possible Leonardo da Vinci artwork

    La Bella Principessa

    A chalk-and-ink portrait may be a $100 million Leonardo.

  • Photo: Meakambut Hunter in Papua New Guinea

    Last of the Cave People

    A nomadic people in Papua New Guinea were rumored to be living in remote caves in the forest. When we found them, they sent a surprising message to the modern world.

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