The Ocean

  • An iceberg in a fjord.

    More Titanic Icebergs Today?

    Find Out How the Seas Have Changed After a Hundred Years

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More About the Ocean

  1. Seafood Decision Guide

    Seafood Decision Guide

    Are you eating the right seafood? This interactive guide will help you determine the impact of your seafood choices on your health and the health of the ocean.

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    Design a Patch for Ballard's Crew!

    One drawing will be chosen to be made into a patch worn by the Exploration Vessel Nautilus crew as they cruise the world’s oceans. Mail your entry by May 7.

  3. pitcairn-tahiti-promo.jpg

    Pitcairn Expedition

    Nat Geo Explorer-in-Residence Enric Sala leads an expedition to document one of the most untouched undersea environments left on Earth.

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    The Global Partnership for Oceans

    Learn how this alliance is committed to addressing the threats to the health, productivity, and resilience of the world’s oceans.

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    The Mariana Trench

    While thousands of climbers have successfully scaled Mount Everest, the highest point on Earth, very few people have descended to the planet’s deepest point, the Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench.

Marine Recreation Workshop Toolkit

Around the globe people are engaging in inspiring activities to learn about the sea, from whale watching to scuba diving. National Geographic Education Programs supports the marine recreation community through a shared goal of raising public awareness about ocean conservation and inspiring people to help protect the vital natural resources that the ocean provides.

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Titanic 100th Anniversary

Ocean Topics

Your Ocean

  1. Photo: Clown anemonefish

    For Kids

    Learn about the ocean with activities, photos, and games.

  2. Photo: A school of fish and a shark swim in a coral reef.

    Ocean Education

    Bring engaging and important ocean learning to your classroom.

  3. Image: Mercator Projection of globe

    Activities for Students

    Explore the dramatic landscapes of the ocean floor using National Geographic maps.

Explore the Ocean

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    Ocean Life

    Order ocean books, DVDs, maps, and more from the National Geographic online store.

  2. Photo: Leopard seals on a glacier

    Ocean Special Issue

    Explore the world's oceans, from their prehistoric beginnings to modern-day efforts to preserve their natural wonder.

  3. citizens-of-the-sea-book-promo.jpg

    Citizens of the Sea

    Dive into astonishing diversity of ocean life from marine scientist Nancy Knowlton and the Census of Marine Life.