NCAR Directorate

About the Directorate

Working closely with NSF, UCAR, NCAR's Advisory Council, Staff and the university community, the NCAR Directorate sets the strategy that directs this vital scientific organization, whose research, facilities, and technology advance the understanding of our earth system, and promote both economic and human well-being. A message from the NCAR Director.


Organizations within the NCAR Director's Office

NCAR Operations Team: responsible for NCAR- level operations, policy/procedures, scientific and research engineering appointments and web development.

Director and Deputy Director Support Teams: responsible for direct administrative support and scheduling. 

The Advanced Study Program (ASP) promotes NCAR by encouraging the development of young scientists in the field of atmospheric science.

The Budget & Planning Office is responsible for implementing the NCAR annual budget.

The Integrated Science Program (ISP) promotes the scientific frontiers that are dependent on an integrated approach, across NCAR laboratories and across disciplines.

The NCAR Library is a world-class research library specializing in atmospheric and earth system resources.

The External Relations office supports research efforts by facilitating existing partnerships, and helping to identify and build new relationships.