Current Images Of The Sun: These images represent data from Mauna Loa Solar Observatory instruments.

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White Light Corona image
White Light Corona
(700-950 nm)
Hydrogen Alpha Disk image
Hydrogen Alpha Disk
(656.3 nm)
Helium I Line image
Helium I Line
(1083 nm)
Calcium II K Line image
Calcium II K Line
(393 nm)
NEWS–CoMP Offers New Insight into CME Processes
See High Resolution CoMP-CME Movie.

CoMP offers new insight into CME Processes

By studying the full profile of coronal emission lines CoMP is beginning to explore the complexity of the coronal plasma at the onset of coronal mass ejections (CMEs).

CoMP also offers a unique view of the magnetic Alfven waves that are continuously roaring through the Sun's atmosphere reaching speeds often greater than 500km/s.

Frame One: Comparing the intensity of the corona near 1.3MK with the SDO/AIA (193Å channel) and CoMP. Other than the eruption (4 O'Clock) at the end of the sequence the corona seems like a rather static place.

Frame Two: Comparing the intensity of the corona near 1.3MK with SDO/AIA and the plasma motions detected by CoMP. CoMP reveals the unseen energy of the corona by detecting plasma motions and magnetic waves.

Frame Three: Comparing the intensity of the corona near 1.3MK with SDO/AIA and the unresolved plasma motions detected by CoMP. The wake of the CME is readily observed on the small-scale dynamics of the corona.